Compiled 1996 by Stephenie Flora, Sherrill Hochspeier and Jean Custer
Updates are made on a continuous basis by Michael Staten

       For needed corrections, email Michael Staten at michael@leemissioncemetery.com      

Burial Listing for surnames beginning with - B -

1) A single rose beside a burial listing indicates an unmarked grave.  If you find that your family member is unmarked and you wish to place a marker, please contact the Lee Mission Cemetery Board to discuss your options and to notify them of your intent.

2) A box with an "R" in it preceding a burial listing indicates a reserved plot

3) The number to the right of the death date is the burial plot number and can be used in the plot search option  to find out who is buried in adjoining plots.  An N/A in the plot location indicates that although the individual is known to have been buried in the cemetery, the exact location is not known at this time.   All additions and corrections are appreciated and can be sent to stephenie@leemissioncemetery.com.

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BADEAU, Michael Ray
  b. 21 Dec 1952
  d.  21 Dec 1952      C-43-04-15
  Interment Record #1801
"Michael Ray Badeau, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Badeau of Salem, at a local hospital Dec. 21.  Private services will be held Tuesday, Dec. 23, the Rev. W.H. Lyman officiating.  Interment at Lee Mission Cemetery, under direction of Howell-Edwards Company." OS Dec 23, 1952 16:5
Stillborn; s/o Harry A. & Doris Viola (Aleshire) Badeau

BAGGETT, John Watson
  b. 14 Jul 1845
  d. 03 Apr 1921    D-03-03-02
  "Baggett--At the home, North Howell, April 3, John Watson Baggett at the age of 77 years.
  He is survived by his wife and three children, Ingelow of Seattle, Fennimore and Mrs. Audrey Crowder of Salem.  He was a member of Salem lodge No. 4, A.F. & A.M. and a Civil War veteran, Company E, 11th regiment of Ohio volunteers.  Funeral services will be from the Terwilliger home today at 2 p.m., Rev. J.W. Warrell officiating and burial will be in Lee Mission cemetery with Masonic lodge in charge." OS Apr 5, 1921 5:4  See also: OS Dec 1, 1912 8:4--"ARE UNITED AFTER YEARS"
1920 Central Howell, Marion Co, OR, merchant-store, enumerated with wife and son; 1910 Coldwater Twp, Grant Co, Ok enumerated with wife and 3 children, farmer-truck farm; father b. VA, mother b. PA

  d. 31 Aug 1981      RA-28-12
  "Ruth A. Bailes, 81, of 283 Calico Drive NW, died Monday at home.
  Born in Widowfield, Wyo., she came to Salem in 1973 from Hemet, Calif.  She was a graduate of Northwestern Christian College, Eugene, and was an ordained minister and retired school teacher.  She had worked with the Foster Grandparent Program at Fairview Hospital.  She was a member of the West Salem Christian Church and was active in the church bowling league.  She was a member of the Council on Aging.
  Survivors include her daughter, Betty Lofstedt, Salem; sister, Dorothy Shaw, San Jose, Calif.; brother, Bill Jessup, San Jose; three grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.
  Services will be at 10 a.m. Thursday at Virgil T. Golden mortuary with interment in Lee Mission Cemetery." SJ Sep 2, 1981 2B:5

BAILEY, Infant
  d. 06 Oct 1902      OLD 106-08
 Per Record of Interment #312

  b. 11 May 1795
  d. 21 Apr 1894    OLD 178-04
"NEARLY A CENTURY--John B. Bailey the Oldest Man in Salem--Something of His Career--Will Be A Hundred Years Old in Two Years More--An old man with whitened beard and dimmed eyes seated in a rocking chair and bending forward with his head upon his cane to catch the warmth of the flickering blaze in an ancient looking fireplace formed a picture that greeted a Statesman reporter  yesterday when he was ushered into the home of W.H. Cross in North Salem to see the oldest man in the county, and perhaps the oldest in the state--Grandpa John B. Bailey, who is rapidly approaching the ninety-eighth anniversary of his birthday.
  He was born on the eleventh day of May, 1795, near Granville, N.C., twelve years after the close of the revolution and while Washington was serving his second term as president of the United States.  He continued to live there sometime, and on the 11th of May 1824--in the year of John Quincy Adam's election to the presidency, Lafayette's memorable visit to America, and before Henry Clay and Daniel Webster reached the height of their fame--he married Miss Sarah Trullinger, near Greensboro, Gilford county.  She was born in the same year as her husband and died at the age of 80 in Marshfield, Oregon.
  Ungrateful Children--There he raised a family of nine children, one of whom died at the age of 20 years.  Nancy Catherine and Elizabeth are also dead.  His surviving children are: John and George age 63 and 61 years respectively, who are thought to be residents of southern Oregon; Henry, aged 70, of Red Oak, Iowa; Mrs. Sarah Bruner, of Kansas, aged 55; and Mrs. Matilda J. Cross, of this city, aged 51 years.  The old man's children, with the exception of the latter, have become lost in the affairs of the world and do not even know where he is or care whether he is alive or dead.
  About 1832 he moved with his family from North Carolina to Orange county, Indiana, and later to Fountaine county, which was about the time the source of the Mississippi river was discovered and the first horse cars were run on the streets of New York city.
  In the year 1842 Grandpa Bailey, becoming dissatisfied with the Hoosier state and longing for life in the wilds of Missouri, emigrated there and became one of the pioneers of Dallas county where he remained three years.  His next move was to Monroe county, Iowa, where he lived with his family about twenty years.
  Restlessness again overcame him and he started across the plains with an ox team for this state, arriving here in '64, when he was 69 years old.  Roseburg was his first location and from there he went to Oregon City--the anti-chamber of the state.  After two years spent there Grandpa Bailey betook himself and wife to Lancaster, in the vicinity of Harrisburg.  They were too old to live alone by that time and soon left there to go to Marshfield, Coos county, to live with their son.  After a residence of ten years there, during which Grandma Bailey died, the old man came to Salem in 1875 to make his home with his daughter, Matilda.
  A Pleasant Home--He has lived there ever since, surrounded by loving ones who make his life as pleasant as possible.  He spends most of his waking hours in front of the fireplace in the sitting room wandering in a world of fancies.  He has a fondness for visitors and can enjoy a joke with as much zest as anyone.  He likes to talk of his great age and nothing pleases him better than to be told he looks quite young for one of his age, which is true.
  His bedtime is from 7 to 9 p.m. and he usually sleeps until 12 or 2 in the afternoon.  Breakfast is taken to him and he eats in bed and takes a nap afterward.  He is a hearty eater and takes his other meals at the table with the family.  He always shaves himself and can use a razor better than most men.  The family afford him a great deal of enjoyment by reading to him.  He never becomes cross or troublesome like many old people.
  The Bird Escaped--Two years ago he shouldered his gun and started hunting.  He had not gone far before he saw a grouse sitting on a tree, and, raising the weapon to his shoulder, he prepared to take deliberate aim and shoot off the head of the bird.   He shut his left eye as he had done many a time before with the intention of glancing out along the glistening barrel.  Something was wrong.  He tried again, and with no more success, and it was then for the first time that he learned that the sight of his right eye was gone.  The other eye is failing now and he can hardly distinguish anyone.
  He is a great lover of angling and until recently would walk long distances to throw his line in a trout pool.  For one of his age he walks very sprightly even now.
  A year ago last February he suffered temporary aberration for a period of three days, and when he regained his mind he was taken sick and came near dying.
  Grandpa is a singer--Last New Year's day he visited his nephew, Martin Bailey, at Marion, where he met many of the early settlers of the state.  He was quite jovial and during the evening sang several songs in a very lively strain.
  When asked how many grandchildren he had, the nonogenarion replied, "Why, why, I really can't think of them all," and laughing heartily, he turned to his daughter and said, "Tillie, you'll have to help me."  His grandchildren number nearly ninety, and he has ever so many great grandchildren and great great grandchildren.  Levi Bailey, of South Salem, is a nephew of the old gentleman, and Mrs. Gus Kaiser, of this city, is a granddaughter.
  Reminiscential--With some difficulty Grandpa Bailey was induced to talk of some of his earlier military recollections.  He intended to enter the Black Hawk war, but the Indian chief was captured before he enlisted.  In 1861 when the civil war broke out he was 66, and, being too old to enter the service, he joined the "Graybeards" or home guards.  When a boy he was on many of the old revolutionary battlefields and remembers seeing cannon balls and other evidence of the conflict scattered about.
  The old man dwelt lovingly on his reminiscences of the wonderful pigeon roots of Missouri, which was eight miles long and six miles wide.  The pigeons were so numerous that the timber was broken to pieces by their great weight.  They were always flying to and fro and the force of their wings was so great it would blow a man's hat off.
  May 11th has been a great day for him throughout his ninety-eight years of life, he says.  He was born on that date, first saw his wife on May 11th and on that day of the month was afterward married to her.  He was never engaged in a law suit and has been a member of the Christian church for many years.  Politically he was a Whig in his younger days but later became a Republican and has voted that ticket ever since--except once, and that was last November, when no conveyance was at hand to take him to the polls--casting eighteen presidential ballots during that time.
  Proud of His Strength--Grandpa Bailey takes a great pride in the great physical powers possessed at a younger age and enjoys telling what he did when "slights of art and feats of strength went round".   "I came from a healthy family," said he.  "My father died at the age of 93 and my mother was nigh onto a hundred and both my grandfathers were very old.  When I lived in Clackamas county I was 72.  One morning I went out and split 100 rails before dinner.  When I was 80 I could more'n most men.  I weight about 185 when I was in good health and I was right in the prime of life between 60 and 70.  When I was in Clackamas I dug sixty bushels of potatoes a day."
  The old gentleman talks very slowly and with a great many pauses he continued, brightening as he proceeded.  "I was a great wrestler, too.  I used to like to get holt of a champion.  Once when I was passing through Greensboro I saw eight or nine hundred men standing in a ring.  I goes up and says, "Hello, what's up?"  Her's a man wants to bet $5 he can lay any man on his back, said some fellow.  I saw the champion.  He was all trigged out ready for the scuffle.  I says, "If you'll put a mark on the ground I'll lay his back on it".  We, sir, I hadn't more'n got holt of him before I flopped him right flat of his back."  And the old man laughed heartily at the recollection of the exploit.
  As the reporter rose to go the old gentleman took him by the hand and half threateningly remarked: "If I had my bearing and my eyesight I believe I could get around among the girls and cut some of you young fellows out," and when the man of pencils left Grandpa was gleefully enjoying his own joke."
OS Apr 2, 1893 p3 w/2 sketches
  "NEARLY NINETY-NINE---Full of Years and Honors, Salem's Oldest Citizen Dies.--The Venerable John B. Bailey Passes Peacefully Away at the Home of His Daughter---At high noon yesterday, when all nature was smiling blandly for the sons of men, in the peaceful quiet of his Highland home, Salem's (perhaps even Oregon's) oldest citizen yielded up his tenure of mortal life.  Venerable John B. Bailey is dead.....     The surviving children are:  John, age 64 and George, 62, who are thought to be residing in Southern Oregon; Henry aged 71, of Red Oak, Iowa; Mrs. Sarah Bruner, of Kansas, aged 56, amd Mrs. M.J. Cross, of Salem, aged 52; and four other children being long since gone.
  The funeral will take place from the residence, in Highland, today at 10 o'clock p.m. and sepulture at the Lee Mission cemetery." OS Apr 22, 1894 5:1 w/sketch photo 
1860 Guliford, Monroe Co, IA enumerated with wife and daughter, sons living next door, farmer; 1880 Sumner, Coos Co, OR

BAIN, Daniel F.
  b.                1816
  d.   10 Apr 1853    DS-13
 Pioneer of 1852 Daniel F. Bain;  Donation Land Claim #3266 Marion Co; b. 1816 Orange Co, NC, arrived OR Sep 1852, settled claim 14 Dec 1852, m'd Phrene D. F. 09 Jul 1846 Ray Co, MO, Daniel F. Bain died 10 Apr 1853 leaving 3 children, he left his claim c01 Mar 1853 under advice of Dr. A.M. Belt and went to house of Virgil K. Pringle for medical assistance-remaining there until death; Record of Interment #199; entry of Bane on DS plot map next to Phernia Strong.  David Bain was the first husband of Phernia Bain Strong; 1850 ED 75, Ray Co, MO D.F. Bain is enumerated with wife, Pherna Bain and son, Nathaniel M. Bain, occupation was listed as saddler

BAIR, George Nathaniel Jr. "Chubby"
  b.               1949
  d. 31 Mar 1950    A-27-02-05
  "George Nathaniel Bair, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. George Bair, 148 E. Miller st., at a Portland hospital, March 31.  Survived also by a sister, Nancy Bair, Monmouth; and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bair of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. L.W. Kirkland of Verden, Okla.  Services will be held Monday, April 3, at 10:30 a.m. at the Howell-Edwards chapel with the Rev. Walter Frederick and the Rev. William Averiett officiating.  Concluding services in Lee Mission cemetery."  OS Apr 2, 1950 17:3

BAKER, Bessie Ann
  b. 29 Jan 1882
  d. 30 Nov 1975      A-39-01-08
  "Late resident of 4235 Center St. NE, Salem, Sun. Dec. 30th in a local nursing home.  Survived by: brother, Heman Doney, Salem; niece, Mrs. Alice Copplin, Gaston, Ore.  Announcements later by the Barrick Chapel, 205 Church SE." OS Dec 2, 1975 II:22:4
1930 Salem, Marion Co, OR Census; Bessie Baker, age 47 b. CA enumerated with husband, Paul Baker, 38 b. IA, husband's occupation listed as chauffeur with stage co; m'd c1914; husband died in 1948

BAKER, Bobbie Jo
  b. 21 Jul 1960 Salem, Oregon
  d. 21 Jul 1960 Salem, Oregon    C-43-06-02
 Interment Ledger #2007 lived 13 minutes
"In this city, July 21st, infant daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Baker, 290 Elma Ave. NE, Salem.  Sister of Kathy & Mike Baker, both of Salem; granddaughter of Mrs. Ethel Burnaugh, Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Baker, Salem.  Graveside services will be held, Monday, July 25th at 3:00 p.m. at Lee Mission Cemetery.  Services will be under the direction of the W.T. Rigdon Co." OS Jul 23, 1960 5:1

BAKER, Charles N.
  b. 28 Mar 1878 Cincinnati, OH
  d. 31 Jan 1906      D-15-03-06
died of pneumonia at OSIA per Record of Interment #506

BAKER, Elizabeth M.
  b. 11 Apr 1919
  d. 08 Nov 2011         
"SALEM -Elizabeth "Betty" M. Baker passed away on Thursday, November 8 at the age of 92. Betty was born April 11, 1919 in Abbottsford, British Columbia, Canada to Dwight and Addie Rucker. She was a member of People's Church. Betty was preceded in death by her son Nat Baker and her husband Mark Baker. She is survived by her sister Violet Schaffer of Bellingham, WA; daughter Susan Bibelheimer of Salem, OR; son David Baker of John Day, OR; 6 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Willamette Valley Hospice.
  A graveside service will be held at Jason Lee Mission Cemetery on Thurs., Nov. 10 at 3 pm. Arrangements by Howell-Edwards-Doerksen Funeral Home
  on marker w/Mark L. Baker' [Statesman Journal, November 10, 2011]

  b. 09 Dec 1857
  d. 30 Jul 1926    D-25-02-03
  His wife
  "Mrs. Ida S. Baker, 68, of route 6, died at a local hospital July 30.  Funeral services from the Rigdon mortuary Tuesday afternoon, August 3, at 1:30 o'clock, with concluding services at the Lee Mission cemetery.  She is survived by three sons, Paul, Walter and William, all of Salem."
OS Aug 3, 1926 5:3 
w/o William H. Baker; d/o John Rawalt per D/C #517

BAKER, Infant
  b. 05 Mar 1923
  d. 05 Mar 1923      OLD 232-06
stillborn; Record of Interment #903

BAKER, James M. Sr.
  b. 06 Jun 1898
  d. 17 Jul 1992    RA-02-02
  "James M. Baker Sr., 94, of Salem died Friday.  He was born in Englewood, Kan., and had lived in Salem for the past 60 years.
  He was a retired Salem School District custodian.  He enjoyed farming and carpentry.   Survivors include his daughter, Frances Butte of Salem; son, James Jr. of Fairbanks, Alaska; three grand-children; and eight great grand-children.  In keeping with his wishes, no services will be held.  Private interment will be in Lee Mission Cemetery.  Arrangements are by Virgil T. Golden mortuary." SJ Jul 18, 1992 2B:3

BAKER, John Wayne
  d. 14 Feb 1953      D-08-03-07
  "J. Wayne Baker, late resident of 3443 Portland Rd., in a local hospital Feb. 14.  Survived by brother Noel O. Baker, Portland, Everett F. Baker, Camas, Wash.; sisters, Mrs. S.C. Bradeson, and Mrs. H.A. Thomas, both of Los Angeles, Calif.
  Services in Clough-Barrick chapel Tuesday, Feb. 17, at 1:30 p.m. with the Rev. Louis White officiating and interment at Lee Mission Cemetery." CJ Feb 16, 1953 17:8

BAKER, Jon Capt
  b. 28 Sep 1816
  d. 28 Dec 1908      OLD 185-06
  "JOHN BAKER, AGED RESIDENT, IS DEAD---Resident of the State Since 1841 (sic)-Was Well Known in this State---John Baker who has been a resident of this state since 1841(sic) and who has resided on the present family homestead since 1847 died yesterday morning at 6:30 o'clock.  Mr. Baker was one of the best known citizens in this locality and his death comes as a shock to his many friends.
  Mr. Baker had a family of ten, four of whom are still living.  Orin Baker who lives on the old homestead and has been taking care of his father for several years, Orville Baker who lives in Boise, Idaho; Harley Baker of Portland.
  Mr. Baker was 92 years and 3 months old.  His funeral will take place at 2 p.m., today at the old homestead and the remains will be placed at rest in the Lee Mission Cemetery."  DOS Dec 29, 1908 6:4
descendants show spelling as Jon Baker; was first cousin to Robert E. Lee, b. Wheeling, VA; family owned a large tobacco plantation; moved to IL where he met and married Nancy Haley in January 1839; moved to MO and emigrated to OR in 1847; elected Capt. of wagon train and was referred to as Capt. the rest of his life; settled in Oregon City for several years where he managed Sidney Moss' hotel; 1849 moved to Salem where Jon started the first brickyard; staunch Democrat; father of ten children per descendant Gehla Knight; widower; died of old age per D/C #154

BAKER, Laura A.
  b. 09 May 1898
  d. 08 Dec 1984    RA-02-07
  "Laura A. Baker, 86, of Salem, died Saturday.
  Born in Marietta, Okla., she was a resident of Salem for the past 55 years.
  Survivors include her husband, James M. Baker, Salem; son, Jim, Fairbanks, Alaska; daughter, Frances Butte, Salem; and brothers W.D. Page, Ardmore, Okla., and Ambert Page, Marietta, Okla.
  Services will be at the Virgil T. Golden chapel Wednesday at 1:30 p.m., with private interment in Lee Mission Cemetery." SJ Dec 10, 1984 2B:5

BAKER, Mark L.
  b.        1917
  d.        1999       RA-30-07
  on marker w/Elizabeth M. Baker

BAKER, Nancy Haley 
  b. 11 Apr 1823
  d. 18 Jan 1881      OLD 185-05
  wife of John
  57y9m7d; wife of John Baker per Record of Interment #32

BAKER, Nina Omega
  b.        1865
  d. 01 Apr 1874      OLD 185-08
  9y3m18d; d/o John Baker per Record of Interment #31
BAKER, Orin C.
  d. 28 Aug 1912      D-08-03-08
  "Baker--At his home on the Garden road at 10:30 a.m., August 28, 1912, Orin C. Baker, aged 64 years.
  The deceased was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, who were early Oregon pioneers having come to this state in 1847.  Orin Baker is survived by a wife and six children, J.W. Baker, Mrs. W.H. Dalrymple, both of Salem; Noel O. Baker, of Portland; Mrs. S.G. Braderen, Troutlake, Wash.; Miss Orilla Baker, and Ernest Baker of Salem.  One sister, Mrs. Orilla Roney, of Eugene, and two brothers, J.O. Baker, Bliss, Idaho, and H.O. Baker, of Portland, also survive.
  The funeral will be held from the late residence at 2 p.m. Friday.  Rev. P.S. Knight will conduct the services and interment will be in Lee Mission cemetery." OS Aug 29, 1912 5:5

BAKER, Paul Hoffman
  b. 27 Sep 1893
  d. 15 May 1948      A-39-01-07
  "Paul Baker, Busman, Dies; Funeral Today--Funeral services for Paul Hoffman Baker, 56, veteran trolley car and bus operator who died from a heart attack Saturday at his home, Salem route 3, will be held from Clough-Barrick chapel at 3 p.m. today with interment in Lee Mission cemetery.
  Elder Robert Skinner will officiate.  Pallbearers, all Salem bus drivers, will be Henry Eld, Arthur Eld, George Walker, Homer Harrison, P.R. Robertson and Frank Meier.
  Baker was found dead at the wheel of his farm tractor Saturday afternoon.  He had apparently been in good health prior to his death and had recently passed his periodical physical checkup as an employee of Oregon Motor Stages.
  Baker was a motorman on the electric street car system from 1916 to 1923, when the trolleys were replaced by gas buses.  He then became a bus driver and remained in that capacity until his death.  He drove on the Salem-Dallas run almost continuously and had an outstanding safety record, company officials said.
  Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Bessie Baker of Salem, and two brothers, Walter and William Baker, both of Salem."  OS May 18, 1948 6:4

  b. 31 May 1904
  d. 06 Jun 1909      N/A
  d/o Charles & Emma (Moore) Baker; died of some interference with circulation per Polk Co D/C #2789

  b. 10 Nov 1838
  d. 21 Nov 1908      D-25-02-04
  The life which leads to heaven consists in acting sincerely and justly in every occupation of life.   H.H. 535 Swedenborg
  "Found Dead in Bed--W.H. Baker was found dead in his bed at his home seven miles east of Salem yesterday morning.  The cause of death was probably heart disease.  Mr. Baker was 80 years of age.  The body was brought to Rigdon's funeral parlors in Salem, and services over the remains will be held at the United Brethren church in Englewood at one o'clock tomorrow afternoon, Rev. F.H. Neff, offici-ating.  Interment will be in Lee Mission cemetery." DOS Nov 22, 1908 5:6  s/o Phillip & (Porter) Baker; b. IA; m'd; farmer; died suddenly during the night probably of organic heart disease per D/C #8400

BAKER, Walter R.
  b.       1883
  d. 25 Dec 1962    D-25-02-02
Died in Jackson Co. per Death Index

BAKER, William Arthur
  b.               1887
  d. 08 Apr 1969    D-25-02-01
  "William Arthur Baker, 81, died Tuesday in a Salem nursing home where he had lived many years.
  He was born in Iowa and was a farmer in Salem most of his life.
  There are no survivors.  Services pending at Howell-Edwards mortuary" OS Apr 9, 1969 22:1

  b. 11 Apr 1993 Salem, Oregon
  d. 11 Apr 1993 Salem, Oregon   C-43-07-06
  In God's Care
  "Graveside services for Wilson Baker-Krofft, infant son of Nancy and Curtis Baker-Krofft of Salem, who died Sunday, will begin at 4 p.m. Friday in Jason Lee Pioneer Cemetery." SJ Apr 15, 1993 3C:3

  d. 21 Jul 1915      N/A
  "Baldwick-At the home of her daughter in West Salem, Wednesday, July 21, 1915, Mrs. Kate Baldwick, aged 80 years.
  She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Thomas Gilham and a brother, John Cartwright, of St. Johns, Or.  The funeral will be held this morning at 10 a.m. from the parlors of Webb & Clough.  Burial will be in Lee Mission cemetery." OS Jul 24, 1915 5:5

BALDWIN, Linus Henry
  b. 16 Oct 1852
  d. 07 Dec 1925      OLD 211-01
  "In this city Dec. 7, Linus H. Baldwin, age 73 years.  The husband of Mrs. Lorinda Baldwin, father of Mrs. Grover C. Potter of Salem, Richard N. Baldwin of Myrtle Creek, Ben L. Baldwin of Nampa, Idaho, Jess N. Baldwin of Roseburg and Ralph J. Baldwin of Portersville, Cal.  Funeral services will be held Wednesday, Dec. 9, at 2:30 p.m. from the Rigdon mortuary.  Interment will be in Lee Mission cemetery." OS Dec 9, 1925 7:7 s/o Miles & Julia N. Baldwin

BALDWIN, Lorinda
  d. 18 Dec 1929      OLD 225-03
  "Died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. L. Potter, 220 D street Wednesday morning, Mrs. L.H. Baldwin, age 73.  Widow of the late L.H. Baldwin; survived by her daughter, Mrs. Potter and the following sons: Richard M. of Glendale; Ben L., of Nampa, Idaho; Jess M., Route 6, Salem and Ralph J., Pendleton.  Funeral services in the Rigdon mortuary Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock.  Interment Lee Mission cemetery." OS Dec 20, 1929 5:3

  b. 08 Oct 1908
  d. 25 Jun 1989      RA-01-07
  "Jesse M. Ballard, 79, of Salem, died Sunday in Salem.
  He was born in Caddo Mills, Texas, and came to Salem in 1951.  He was a retired machinist for the Oregon State Highway Department and a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses Church.
  He married Gladys Rae White in 1939 in Amarillo, Texas.
  Survivors include his wife; daughters, Edwina Rae Burford and Juanita Fae Petrie, both of Salem, and Sandra Gae Jeffries of Vancouver, Wash.; and sister, Ima Ruth Broderick of Salem.
  Graveside services will begin at 3 p.m. Tuesday in the Lee Mission Cemetery.  Arrangements are by Rigdon-Ransom mortuary, Salem.  Contributions may be made to the church or a charity of choice." SJ Jun 26, 1989 2B:5

  d. 25 Jan 2019         RA-01-08

BALMER, Seymour
  d. 02 Mar 1892      OLD 099-01
  Lot owned by Lev & M. Balmer

BANCER, Kawika Emmanuel
 d. 25 Jun 2020    C-43-08-02
Burial 30 Jun 2020

BANKS, William
 d. 11 Dec 1923    C-46-04-00

 b.             1899
  d. 25 Aug 1953 Salem, Oregon     C-46-03-04
  Interment Record #1816
"Robert Bannister, in this city Aug. 25, at the age of 54 years.  Late resident of 111 Chemeketa St.  Survived by brother, Sam Bannister, Granite Falls, Wash; sister, Mrs. Mildred Carpenter, Snohomish, Wash.  Services Friday, Aug. 28, at 10:30 a.m. in W.T. Rigdon Chapel."
OS Aug 28, 1953 4:1:7

BARBER, Chloe Ann
  b. 30 Mar 1861
  d. 15 Feb 1932 Salem, Oregon   C-21-02-03
  on marker w/Joseph Barber
  Interment Record #1272
"At the residence 1064 South High St., February 15, Chloe Ann Barber, aged 70 years.  Wife of Joseph Barber of Salem; mother of Mrs. M.C. Leadley of Mallard, Iowa., Lester H. of Aloha, Oregon, Lee of Turner, Eugene of Salem; sister of Mrs. J.N. Drury, Lake City, Iowa, Mable Woodard of Des Moines, Iowa, Mrs. Harry Cunningham of Millica, Minn., Harry Lord of Eldora, Iowa and Porter Lord also of Des Moines.  Mrs. Barber was a native of Wisconsin.  Friends are invited to attend the funeral services to be held today, Wednesday, Feb. 17th, at 2 p.m. from the Terwilliger Funeral Home, 770 Chemeketa St.  Rev. Hugh B. Fouke, Jr., officiating, followed by ritualistic services of the Women's Relief corps.  Interment Lee Mission cemetery." OS Feb 17, 1932 5:2 d/o David & Adeline (Walters) Hill per D/C #141

BARBER, Joseph
  b. 08 Mar 1859
  d. 13 Nov 1937  Salem, Oregon  C-21-02-04
  on marker w/Chloe A. Barber
 Interment Record #1400
 "Joseph Barber, 78, November 13 at the residence on Salem route two.  Survived by widow, Alice Barber, and the following children: Lee of Turner, Lester of Coquille, Eugene of Klamath Falls, Mrs. M.C. Medlody of Maldard, Iowa; six grandchildren and four great grandchildren also survive.  Funeral services from the Terwilliger Funeral home Tuesday, November 16, at 2 p.m., Rev. L.A. Wood officiating.  Interment at Lee Mission cemetery." OS Nov 14, 1937 5:1
D/C #998 Joseph Barber, b. NY; s/o Joseph & Hannah (Pettingill) Barber; h/o AliceBarber


  b.              1894
  d. 16 Dec 1961    A-34-03-02
  "At a Salem hospital, Saturday, Dec. 16, at the age of 67.  Late resident of 1060 19th St. NE. Survivors include the widower, John Barker, Salem; daughters, Mrs. Paul Brandon, and Mrs. Donald Blaisdell, both Salem; son, Bruce Barker, Coos Bay; two sisters, Mrs. Ethel Jackson, Albion, N.Y., Mrs. Harriet Carmichael, London, England; three brothers, Arthur Jary and Fred Jary, both Albion, N.Y.; and Sidney Jary, Albany, Ore.; 10 grandchildren.  Services will be 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 19, in the Virgil T. Golden chapel.  Burial in Lee Mission Cemetery." OS Dec 18, 1961 13:8

BARKER, Baby Girl
  b. 10 Jun 1964
  d. 11 Jun 1964      A-35-04-01
  dau of Roy & Sarah Barker
  "Scotts Mills--Graveside funeral services will be Monday at 10 a.m. in Jason Lee Memorial Cemetery, Salem, for the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Barker, Scotts Mills.
  The child died in a Silverton hospital Thursday, less than 12 hours after birth.  Family address is Scotts Mills Rt. 1, Box 98-A.  Unger Funeral Home, Silverton, is in charge." OS Jun 13, 1964 7:2

BARKER, Beatrice
  b.              1885
  d. 05 Apr 1952    A-32-04-02
  on marker w/William E & Gladys M. Barker
  "BARKER-April 5, Beatrice of 3962 NE 18.  Sister of Mrs. Bertha Boxer, Portland, Mrs. Lillian Johnson, Albion, N. Y., Mrs. Margaret Whiley, Mrs. Elsie Haldane, Mrs. Dorothy Curson and Harry Jenkinson of Kings Lynn, Norfolk, England; foster daughter Mrs. Russell C. Fullman, Portland.  Member of  Sunnyside Methodist Church SE 35th and Yamhill.  Interment Jason Lee cemetery, Salem, 1 pm. Davy Sunnyside Funeral Home direc-tors." Oreg Apr 8, 1952 III:4:5

BARKER, Cary Clement
  b. 13 Dec 1861
  d. 02 Jan 1919    A-35-03-08
  "C.C. Barker, son of William Barker, who lives at Thirteenth and Ferry streets, Salem, died at Oregon City Friday.  The body will be interred in Lee Mission cemetery here today, arriving on the 11:10 Southern Pacific train, the funeral party to go direct to the cemetery. Funeral services were held at Oregon City yesterday.  Mr. Barker has a brother, Bert Barker, who is a lawyer in New York city.  He leaves a son." OS Jan 5, 1919 3:3  b. Philomath, OR; s/o Wm. &     (Brown) Barker; widowed; per Clackamas Co. D/C #2

BARKER, Charles
  b. 22 Nov 1872
  d. 12 Jan 1939    A-32-03-04
  on marker w/Margaret Barker
  "Charles Barker, 66, at a local hospital January 12.  Survived by widow, Mrs. Margaret Barker of Salem; daughter, Mrs. Edith Knuth of Salem; sons, Charles William Barker of Port-land, Herbert E., Sydney A. and Albert E. Barker, all of Salem; brothers, William Barker of Portland, Ernest, John and Fred Barker, all of Salem; sisters, Mrs. E.J. Raymond of Salem.  Services will be held from the Clough-Barrick chapel Saturday, January 14, at 2 p.m., with Rev. Lynn Wood officiating.  Interment Jason Lee cemetery." OS Jan 13, 1939 9:1  s/o John & Mary Anne (Claxton) Barker per D/C #29
BARKER, Clara M.
  b. 03 Mar 1899
  d. 15 Jun 1986    RA-02-01
  Beloved wife of Harry H. Barker
  "Clara M. Barker, 87, of Salem, died Sunday.
  She was born in Red Cloud, Neb., and came to Salem from Santa Maria, Calif., in 1979.  She was a member of the free Methodist Church.
  Survivors include daughter, Lillian Tresidder, and sons Edwin L. and Daryl E., all of Salem.
  Graveside services will be 11 a.m. Tuesday in Lee Mission Cemetery.
  Contributions may be made to Salem Free Methodist Church.
  Arrangements are under the direction of Virgil T. Golden mortuary." SJ Jun 16, 1986 2B:1
  See: CLAXTON, Edith

BARKER, Edward A.
  b. 18 Dec 1892
  d. 01 Oct 1984      RA-56-07
  "Keizer--Edward A. Barker, 90, of 1889 Brandon St. NE, died Monday.
  He was born in Bath, Ill., and moved to Salem from South Dakota in 1950.  He owned and operated new and used furniture stores, retiring in 1972.  Surviving are his wife, Vera J.; daughter, Helen Aldridge, Keizer; and sons, Delbert E., Bay City, and Robert O., in Nevada.
  Graveside services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday in Lee Mission Cemetery, under direction of Barrick mortuary.  Contributions may be made to the Shriner's Hospital for Crippled Children, Portland." SJ Oct 3, 1984 2B:2

BARKER, Ernest Samuel
  b.              1883
  d. 10 Jan 1964    D-09-04-02
  on marker w/Esther L. Barker
  "Ernest Samuel Barker, 80, of 4125 Silverton Road NE, died Friday in a Salem nursing home after a long illness.
  Born in Kingsley, England, he lived in Salem for more than 50 years.  He was a retired building contractor and taught manual arts at the old Grant Junior High School from 1920 to 1925 and at Parrish Junior High School from 1925 to 1936.
  He was a member of the Middle Grove School board for several years and a member of Jason Lee Methodist Church, where he taught Sunday School.  He was a 60-year member of the Maccabee Lodge.
  Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Esther Barker; daughter, Mrs. Mary Chapin, both of Salem; sons, LeRoy E., Silverton; and Lynn A. Barker, Terrebonne, Ore.; sister, Mrs. Mary Raymond and brother, Fred T. Barker, both of Salem; and 10 grandchildren.
  Funeral services will be Monday at 10:30 a.m. in Barrick Funeral Chapel, Rev. Myron Hall officiating.  Interment will be in Lee Mission Cemetery." OS Jan 12, 1964 15:2

BARKER, Esther L.
  d. 17 Mar 1932      D-09-04-01
  on marker w/Ernest S. Barker

BARKER, Gladys M.
  b.              1915
  d. 31 Jan 1938    A-32-04-01
  on marker w/Beatrice & William E. Barker
  "Barker-Jan. 31, Gladys Barker, late of 4904 S.E. Madison, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Barker.  Friends are invited to attend funeral services Thursday, 1:30 p.m., at the Sunnyside M.E. church, S.E. 35th and Yamhill st.  Interment at the Jason Lee cemetery, Salem, Or., at 4 p.m. Edward Holman & Son, The House of Holman, Hawthorne blvd. at S.E. 27th, in charge." Oreg Feb 2, 1938 11:5

BARKER, Herbert Ernest
  b. 23 Feb 1905
  d. 25 Jul 1989      A-31-01-08
  "Herbert E. Barker, 84, of Salem, died Tuesday.
  He was born in Albion, N.Y., and came to Salem in 1912.  He was active in the YMCA for 66 years and was a board member for many years.  He was on the board of directors of the American Red Cross from 1972 to 1978 and was president of the campaign and chairman of the board of directors for United Way.  He enjoyed playing Santa Claus at the Elsinore Theater.  He was involved in the labor movement in Salem for 48 years.  He was secretary for the Marion and Polk County Central Labor Council for 25 years.  He was a former member of the Kiwanis Club.
  Survivors include his sons, Douglas of Salem and Randell of Anchorage Alaska; stepdaughters, Clayella Scofield and Lowene Bronson, both of Salem; and sister, Edith Ismert of Brookings.
  Memorial services will begin at 2 p.m. Friday in the Calvary Temple Assembly of God, Salem.  Private interment will be in the Lee Mission Cemetery.  Visiting hours will be from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday at Virgil T. Golden mortuary, Salem.
  Contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society or the YMCA." SJ Jul 26, 1989 2B:3 w/photo

BARKER, Jack Gordon
  b.              1916
  d. 15 Dec 1922    A-34-03-04
  "Barker--At the residence, 1250 north 19th street, Dec. 15, Jack Gordon Barker, 6 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Barker.  Rigdon & Son directors.  Burial this afternoon 2:30 Lee Mission cemetery." OS Dec 16, 1922 5:4

  b.              1844
  d. 10 Dec 1916    A-35-04-04
  "Barker--At his home, Thirteenth and Nebraska streets, Sunday evening, Dec-ember 10, 1916, John M. Barker, in his 72d year.
  Besides his wife, he is survived by one daughter, Mrs. E.J. Raymond, of this city, and four sons: Ernest S. Barker, Fred E. Barker and John W. Barker, all of Salem; and a son living in Washington.
  Funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the United Brethren church on Seventeenth street and will be conducted by the Rev. Phelps.  Burial will be in Lee Mission cemetery." CJ Dec 11, 1916 7:5

BARKER, John William Jr.
  b.             1892
  d. 01 Sep 1975    A-34-03-01
  "John Barker, 1960 19th St. NE, died Monday at a Salem hospital at age 83.  A native of King's Lynn, Northfolk, England, he moved to Salem in 1911.  He was a retired florist for the State of Oregon, and a member First United Methodist Church.
  He is survived by daughters Mrs. Marjorie Blaisdell, and Mrs. Dorothy Brandon, both of Salem; son Bruce Barker; sister Violete Purbrick, Salem; 11 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren.
  Services will be Thursday at 2 p.m. at Virgil T. Golden mortuary, with interment to follow in the Jason Lee Cemetery." OS Sep 2, 1975 III:7:1

BARKER, John William Sr.
  b. 02 Mar 1866
  d. 02 Feb 1940    A-32-04-03
  on marker w/Sarah Barker
  "At the residence, 1960 North 19th street, Friday, February 2, John William Barker, aged 73 years.  Father of John W. Barker and Mrs. Harold Purbrick of Salem and brother of William Barker of Portland, Ernest and Fred Barker and Mrs. Mary Raymond of Salem; grandfather of Bruce and Marjorie Barker, Mrs. Dorothy Brandon and Robert Purbrick of Salem.  Funeral services will be held in the chapel of the W.T. Rigdon company Monday, February 5 at 1:30 p.m. Rev. S. Raynor Smith officiating.  Concluding services Lee Mission cemetery." OS Feb 3, 1940 5:1  s/o John Mark & Mary Ann (Claxton) Barker; h/o Sarah Barker per D/C #119

BARKER, Leroy E.
 b. 10 Sep 1923
 d. 29 Jan 1995       A-35-04-01
World War II

BARKER, Mabel Mae
  b. 29 Apr 1889
  d. 21 May 1951    A-31-01-04
  on marker w/Grace Gaggero
  "A widow who had done much work in Oregon and Washington with the Salvation Army and also an ex-officer of the Army, Mabel May Barker, 62, died in a local hospital Monday.  She resided with a daughter at 2516 N.E. 61st Avenue. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 1 p.m. at Colonial mortuary, with burial at Jason Lee cemetery, Salem.  Mrs. Barker was born April 29, 1889, at Westmeath, Ontario, Canada, educated there, and came to Oregon 42 years ago.  She joined the Salvation Army when 13 years old, and became an officer in 1906 after attending the training college in New York city.
  In 1909, she married James C. Barker in New York and moved with him to Salem in 1909, where both were active in Army work until his health failed in 1926.  They had done much work together in the state and also at the Oregon State penitentiary.  Mrs. Barker also, as a soprano, sang on "The Salvation Army Morning Meditation" radio program for many years.
  Survivors include daughters, Mrs. Wesley P. Hall, Portland; Mrs. Ruth Cheney and Grace Barker, Dahlgren, Va.; sons, James C., Portland; Ernest A., Washington, D. C., and William, a sergeant with the marines and 12 grandchildren." Oreg May 25, 1951 17:6

BARKER, Margaret
  b.       1874
  d. 23 Sep 1949    A-32-03-03
  on marker w/Charles Barker
  "Mrs. Margaret Barker, late resident of 1368 Nebraska St. at a local hospital September 23.  Survived by sons, W.E. Barker, Charles Barker and Sidney Barker, all of Salem.  Announcement of services later by Clough-Barrick company." OS Sep 24, 1949 8:8

BARKER, Mary Ann
  b.              1846
  d. 13 Feb 1930      A-35-04-03
  "Mrs. Mary Ann Barker, 83, died at the residence of her son at 291 East 39th street, Portland.  Survived by the following children; John, Charles, Ernest, Fred and Mrs. E.J. Raymond, all of Salem; William, Jim and Mrs. Edith Claxton of Portland.  Funeral services Saturday at 2 o'clock at the Jason Lee church, Rev. Magin, D.D. of Portland and Rev. Harry E. Gardner officiating.  Clough-Taylor in charge of arrangements.  Interment Lee Mission cemetery." OS Feb 14, 1930 9:4

 b.                1861
 d.  24 Mar 1919

BARKER, Mary Ett
  b.                 1871
  d. 21 Jun 1964    A-27-02-01
  on marker w/Ulysis M. Barker
  "Mrs. Mary Ett Barker, 93, of 775 17th St. NE, died at her home Tuesday night.
  Born in Minnesota, she was a resident of Salem for many years, and was a member of the Salem First Church of the Nazarene.
  Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Lucille Barton, Mrs. Aletha Fiedler, and Mrs. Anna Rice, all of Salem; a son, John Barker, Eugene; two brothers, James Arnold, Salem, and Frank Arnold, Dallas; two sisters, Mrs. Susie Zentz, Dallas, and Mrs. Charlotte Ferris, Salem; and four grandchildren and 13 great-grand-children.
  Funeral services will be Friday at 1:30 p.m. at Howell-Edwards Funeral Home, Rev. A.G. Jeffries officiating.  Burial will be in Lee Mission Cemetery."  OS Oct 8, 1964 5:1

BARKER, Randell Herbert
  b. 08 Sep 1927
  d. 18 Oct 1993      RA-48-10
  "Anchorage, Alaska-Randell H. Barker, 66, formerly of Salem, died in Anchorage.
  He was born in Salem and graduated from Klamath Falls High School.  He attended the University of Oregon.  He moved to Alaska in 1978 and worked for Spenard Builders Supply, retiring in 1991.
  He was a member of the Amazing Grace Lutheran Church and enjoyed automobiles and motorcycles.
  Survivors include his wife, Marie; sons, Scott and Timothy, both of California; brother, Douglas of Siletz; sister, Rosemarie Donaldson of Lomita, Calif.; stepfather, William Raymond of Lomita; and two grandchildren.
  Private interment will be Tuesday in Lee Mission Cemetery in Salem.  Local arrangements are by Barrick mortuary, Salem.
  Contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society, 406 W. Fireweed, No. 204, Anchorage, Alaska 99503, or Hospice of Anchorage, 3605 Arctic Blvd., No. 555, Anchorage, Alaska, 99503." SJ Oct 25, 1993 3C:6

  b. 29 Jul 1899
  d. 09 Jul 1908      D-14-03-02
  single; d/o Fred & Annie (Garner) Barker of Astoria, OR; born Oregon; single; clerk; died at asylum per D/C #7369

BARKER, Sarah M.
  b.              1871
  d. 16 Jun 1931    A-32-04-04
  on marker w/John W. Barker
  "At the residence, 1140 N. 17th street, June 16, Sarah Barker.  Sur-vived by widower, John W.; son John W. Jr.; daughter, Mrs. Violet May Pur-brick, all of Salem; brothers, Jack, Robert and William Gibson, all of England.  Announcement of the funeral later by W.T. Rigdon and Son." OS Jun 17, 1931 5:5

BARKER, Sara Elaine
d. 2013               

BARKER, Sarah W.
  d. 03 May 1918      OLD 138-04
  age 81y
  "Barker--At her late home, 1209 Ferry street, Friday, May 3, 1918, Mrs. Sarah W. Barker, at an advanced age.
  She was the wife of William C. Barker.  The funeral will be held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Rigdon undertaking parlors.  Rev. R.N. Avison will read the services and burial will be in Lee Mission cemetery." OS May 4, 1918 4:3

BARKER, Ulysis Marion
  b.              1863
  d. 04 Nov 1946    A-27-02-02
  on marker w/Mary Ett Barker
  "Ulysses Marion Barker, at the family residence, 666 N. 15th st., November 4, at the age of 83 years.  Surviving are the widow, Mary E. Barker, Salem, three daughters, Mrs. Lucile Borton, Miss Aletha Barker, and Mrs. Anna Rice, all of Salem, one son, John Barker, Eugene, five grandchildren, one great grandchild, and several nieces and nephews.  Services at Howell-Edward chapel Thursday, November 7, at 1:30 p.m. with the Rev. R.W. Coulter officiating.  Concluding services at Lee Mission cemetery." OS Nov 4, 1946 5:1

BARKER, Vera Jeffrey
  b. 13 Sep 1897
  d. 11 Feb 1989      RA-56-08
  "Vera Jeffrey Barker, 91, of Keizer, died Saturday.
  She was born in northeast Nebraska and farmed in Nebraska and the Dakotas before moving to Salem in the early 1950s.  She married Edward A. Barker on Aug. 9, 1920, in Yankton, S.D.  She was a homemaker and loved sewing and making afgans for her family.  She was a member of Jason Lee United Methodist Church and the American Legion Capitol Post No. 9.  Her husband died Oct. 1, 1984.
  Survivors include her daughter, Helen Aldridge of Keizer; and sons, Delbert of Monmouth and Robert of Las Vegas, Nev.
  Visiting hours will be from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday at Keizer mortuary.  Graveside services will begin at 3 p.m. Wednesday at Mission Lee Ceme-tery, Salem.  Contributions may be made to the Doernbecher Children's Hospital, Portland." SJ Feb 13, 1989 2B:5 w/photo

BARKER, William Clement
  b. 06 Apr 1840
  d. 11 Dec 1923    OLD 138-03
  "Barker--At the home of his niece at 1209 Ferry street, Dec. 11, 1923, William C. Barker, 83 years of age, the father of Bert Brown Barker of New York City, grandfather of Clint B. Barker of Garibaldi, and Uncle of Mrs. Sadie Jepsen of Salem.  Funeral services will be held Thursday, December 13, at 1:30 p.m. from the Rigdon mortuary.  Interment will be in Lee Mission cemetery." OS Dec 12, 1923 5:3 s/o Clement Barker

BARKER, William E.
  b.       1875
  d. 17 Nov 1950    A-32-01-08
  "W.E. Barker, Former Salem Resident, Dies--William E. Barker, 75, former Salem resident, died Friday in Port-land where he had lived for about 20 years.
  Born in England, Barker came to the United States in 1903 and lived in New York for about 14 years before moving west to Oregon.  While in Salem he worked for the old Spaulding lumber company and was a member of Chemeketa lodge 1, IOOF.
  Survivors include his widow, Beatrice, Portland; a sister, Mrs. Mary Raymond, Salem; and two brothers, Ernest and Fred Barker, both of Salem.
  Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday from Sunnyside Methodist church in Portland with burial at 1 p.m. at Jason Lee cemetery in Salem." OS Nov 20, 1950 3:1

BARNARD, Ann Ambrosia (Smith)
  b. 02 Aug 1837 Alleghany Co, NY
  d. 23 Nov 1907      D-27-02-03
m'd Reuben Truman  Barnard 20 Oct 1852
  "Bernard--At the family home, two miles west of Salem, Ore., Saturday, November 23, 1907, Mrs. Anna A. Bernard, aged 70 years.
  The husband of the deceased died in March.  The funeral occurred from the home on Sunday, and interment was made in Lee Mission cemetery." DOS Nov 26, 1907 5:5

  d.    Aug 1952      C-43-04-09
Interment Record #1785 Baby Boy Barnard buried 14 Aug 1952

  b. 20 Mar 1874 Rush Lake, IA
  d. 24 Mar 1898     D-26-04-05
son of Reuben Truman Barnard and his wife Ann (Smith) Barnard.; died of typhoid fever
Record of Interment #254 1/2 list no information except name

BARNARD, ReubenTtruman
  b. 16 May 1825  Alleghany Co, NY
  d. 18 Mar 1907  Marion Co, OR     D-27-02-04
m'd Ann Ambrosia Smith 20 Oct 1852
"Barnard--At the family home, three miles northwest of Salem, Monday morning, March 18, 1907, R.T. Barnard, aged 81 years.  The funeral announcement will appear later." [WCJ Mar 21, 1907 8:5-6]
m'd; b. PA; farmer; father b. in France; mother's (sic-actually his wife)maiden name Ann Smith; d. of hemorrhage of the brain per D/C #3148
[Note: daughter-in-law buried in Lee Mission Cemetery under surname Bernard]

BARNES, Infant
  d. 26 Apr 1959        N/A
  per Record of Interment #1963

 d. 20 Mar 1908    

BARRERA, Maria Guadalupe
 b. 2 Feb 1961
 d. 2 Apr 2018

BARRETT, Infant Boy
 b. Jul 1952
 d. Jul 1952      C-43-04-05

   b. 30 Jun 1861
  d. 22 Mar 1912    OLD 096-02
  on marker w/W. Scott Barrick
  "Barrick-At the family home, 635 South Capitol street, at 1:30 p.m., March 22, 1912, Mrs. Alma A. Barrick aged 51 years.
  Her death was quite unexpected, although she had been ailing for some time.  She leaves a husband, three sons and two daughters.  The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon from the Rigdon undertaking chapel, at 2 o'clock and interment will be in Lee Mission cemetery." CJ Mar 23, 1912 10:5 d/o J.M. & (Hitchcock) Standish per D/C #728

BARRICK, Winfield Scott
   b.               1849
  d. 03 Aug 1931    OLD 096-01
  on marker w/Alma A. Barrick
  "At Tillamook, August 3, W.S. Barrick, aged 87.  Survived by two daughters, Mrs. E.J. Claussen of Tillamook and Mrs. I.M. Hays of Port-land; three sons, L.A. Barrick and C.W. Barrick both of Tillamook and L.E. Barrick of Salem.  Funeral services Thursday, August 6, at 2 p.m. from the Clough-Barrick chapel, Dr. H. Charles Dunsmore officiating. Inter-ment Lee Mission cemetery." OS Aug 5, 1931 5:1

BARTEL, Elizabeth
  b. 06 Oct 1865
  d. 18 Feb 1953    A-31-02-04
  "Mrs. Bartel Succumbs to Long Illness--Elizabeth Bartel, late resident of Salem Route 5, died late Wednesday in a local nursing home at the age of 88 years following a long illness of several years.
  She was born in Poland in 1865, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Nickel.  She came to the United States with her parents at the age of 17 years and married Peter Bartel in Marion County, Kans., in 1883.  He preceded her in death in 1932.
  She lived in several mid-western states before moving to Salem 21 years ago.  She was a member of the Kingwood Bible Church in Salem.
  Survivors include four daughters; Mrs. Augusta Fadenrecht, Corn, Okla.; Mrs. J.W. Valech and Mrs. J.H. Fast, both of Salem, and Mrs. Alma Carnes, Bentonville, Ark.; three sons, Arthur Bartel, Salem; Harry Bartel, Portland, and William Bartel, Dinuba, Calif.; 25 grandchildren and 26 great-grandchildren.
  Announcement of services will be made later by the Howell-Edwards Company." OS Feb 20, 1953 2:2

  b. 12 Jan 1862
  d. 30 Nov 1933      C-20-03-03
  "In this city, Thursday, November 30, Helena Bartell, aged 65 years.  Survived by son, Paul Bartell of Portland; niece, Mrs. Ellen Sarcliff of Bakersfield, Cal.  Services from Salem Mortuary, 545 North Capitol street, Tuesday, December 5 at 1 p.m., Rev. J.M. Franz officiating.  Interment in Lee Mission cemetery." OS Dec 5, 1933 5:5

  b. 13 May 1833 PA
  d. 12 Feb 1924    D-18-01-07
  G.A.R.   Father
  on marker w/Telitha Bartell
  "Bartel--At his late home in Portland, Or., February 12, 1924, John Bartel, age 90 years.  Survived by three daughters, Mrs. Jessie Jones, Mrs. J.L. Cook, Mrs. J.R. Buckmaster of Portland; two sons, A.E. of Port-land and T.F. of Chehalis, Wash.  He was a member of Sedgewick Post No. 10 and that organization and WRC are invited to attend the funeral from the Terwilliger Home Wednesday at 1:30 o'clock.  Committal services at Lee Mission cemetery." OS Feb 13, 1924 5:3

BARTELL, Telitha Elizabeth
  b. 15 Jun 1844
  d. 27 Dec 1919    D-18-01-08
  on marker w/John Bartell
  "Mrs. Bartell Dies at Seventeenth Street Home--Mrs. Telitha Elizabeth Bartell died at her home 1297 North Seventh street, yesterday afternoon.  She was 75 years old.  Mrs. Bartell was a member of the Women's Relief corps.  She leaves a husband, John Bartell, and three daughters, Mrs. Rachel Buckmaster, Mrs. Ida Cook and Mrs. Jessie Jones all of Portland, and two sons, A.E. Bartell and F.S. Bartell of this city.  The remains are at the Terwilliger home.  The funeral announcement will be made later." OS Dec 28, 1919 1:4

BARTH, Albert
  b.       1887
  d. 11 Dec 1963    RA-35-07
  m'd 24 Oct 1911
  on marker w/Helen Barth
  "Services are pending at Howell-Edwards Funeral Home for Albert Barth, 76, of 951 Gaines NE, who died at his home Wednesday following an extended illness.
  A resident of Salem since 1920, he was born at Lesterville, S.D.  Before his retirement he was employed at Western Paper Co., Salem.  He was a member of the former Bethany Evangelical United Brethren Church.
  Surviving are the widow Helen, Salem; son Victor W., Sacramento, Calif.; daughter, Mrs. Eleanor Haddock, LaGrande; sister, Mrs. Lydia Rathbun, Lodi, Calif.; five grand-children and four great grandchild-ren." OS Dec 12, 1963 29:8

BARTH, Helen
  b.           1890
  d. 19 Apr 1985    RA-35-08
  on marker w/Albert Barth
  "Helen Barth, 94, of 820 Cottage St. NE, died Thursday.
  Born in Menno, S.D., she lived in Mott, S.D., before moving to Salem in 1920. She was a homemaker and a member of the Holy Cross Lutheran Church.
  Survivors include a son, Victor Barth, Sacramento, Calif.; daughter, Eleanor Haddock, Carson City, Nev.; and sisters, Martha Dahl, Minneapolis, Minn., and Ottilie Muntz, Glendale, Calif.
  Services will be at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at Howell-Edwards-Doerksen mortuary.  Private interment will be in Lee Mission Cemetery.
  Contributions may be made to the church or the charity of the donor's choice." SJ Apr 21, 1985 2B:5

BARTH, Infant Son
  d. 22 Nov 1892      N/A
  "Barth-At the family home on Mill Street, in University addition, Tues-day, November 22, 1892, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Barth.
  The funeral will be held today and the remains will be interred in the Lee Mission cemetery."  DOS Nov 24, 1892 4:3

  b.             1873
  d. 17 Jul 1964    A-36-01-03
  on marker w/Fred O. Bartholomew
  "Funeral services will be 1:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Barrick chapel for Mrs. Carrie E. Bartholomew, 91, a late resident of 960 17th St. NE, who died Friday at her home. Rev. B.J. Holland will officiate, with burial in the Lee Mission Cemetery.
  Survivors include a daughter, Gladys I. Bartholomew; and a son, Lyle, both Salem." OS Jul 19, 1964 6:2

  b.       1862
  d. 16 Jan 1928    A-36-01-04
  on marker w/Carrie E. Bartholomew
  "F.O. Bartholomew, Contractor, Dead--Fred O. Bartholomew, Salem contractor and decorator for the past 20 years, died late yesterday in his home at 1164 North 17th street, after an illness of 16 months.  Bartholomew was responsible for the decorating, painting of the interiors, etc., of more present day homes in Salem, than any other man.
  Besides his wife, Mrs. Carrie E. Bartholomew, he is survived by one son, Lyle, Salem architect and builder, and two daughters, Gladys of Salem, and Mrs. Lurline Gillette of Chowchilla, Calif.
  Bartholomew was born in Medford, Minnesota, 66 years ago.  At the age of 46 he and his family left the middle west for California.  After several months' residence they came to Salem, which has been their home since that time.
  Bartholomew's prowess as an athlete at his alma mater, Carlton college at Northfield, Minnesota, still lives on.  After his graduation he was employed in one of the Minneapolis banks, later going into the contracting business.  Before coming west he had built up an enviable reputation as a contractor in Minnesota.  His father, Orlando Bartholomew, was one of Minnesota's earliest pioneers.  The Bartholomews were originally New York state pioneers.
  Funeral services will be held at Rigdon's chapel at 1:30 o'clock Thursday, with Rev. J. D. McCormick of Kimball school of theology, offici-ating.  Interment will take place in Lee Mission cemetery." CJ Jan 17, 1928 7:5

  b. 10 Feb 1899
  d. 12 Sep 1994      A-36-01-01
  "Gladys Irene Bartholomew, 95, of Salem died here Monday.
  She was born in Owatonna, Minn., and moved to California with her family in 1906 and then to Salem in 1907.  She graduated from Salem High School in 1918 and Willamette University in 1922.  She taught home economics at Salem Elementary School while she was a senior in high school.
  She belonged to the Salem First Presbyterian Church and taugh Sunday school in the church also while she was a senior in high school and as she attended Willamette University.
  She was a hostess in the USO in Salem during World War II, a dental assistant and a member of the National and Oregon Dental Assistant associations.  She retired in 1972.
  Survivors include her cousins, Lloyd and Norma Gardner and Margot Gardner, all of Salem.
  Services will begin at 11 a.m. Thursday in Barrick mortuary. Interment will be in Lee Mission Cemetery, Salem.
  Contributions may be made to the church." SJ Sep 16, 1994 15A:1

  b. 18 Feb 1923
  d. 20 Apr 2011         RA-33-12
  m'd Wilbur F. Bartlett Sep 22, 1943
  on marker w/Wilbur F. Bartlett
"February 18, 1923 - April 20, 2011--
    SALEM - Elaine L. Bartlett, 88, died Wednesday in Mt. Angel, Oregon. She was born and raised on a farm in Florence, South Dakota. She moved to Oregon in 1942, along with her twin sister, to work in the shipyards during World War II. Elaine married Wilbur Forrest Bartlett on September 22, 1943 in Vancouver, Washington. Later she worked as a Charge Psychiatric Aide on the medical/surgical ward of the Oregon State Hospital and retired after 19 years of service. She was a member of Holy Cross Lutheran Church and enjoyed traveling, quilting and gardening.
    Elaine is preceded in death by her husband, Wilbur, and daughter, Mary D. Ericson. Survivors include daughter, Carol A. Thomas; son and daughter-in-law, Jim and Linda Bartlett; six grandchildren; twelve great grandchildren and one great-great grandchild.
    Private family burial service will be held Thursday, April 28, 10:00 a.m. at Jason Lee Cemetery and Memorial service will begin at 11:00 a.m. at Holy Cross Lutheran Church. Visitation will be at Virgil T. Golden Funeral Service today, April 26, 3:00 -7:00 p.m. and Wednesday, April 27, 4:00 -8:00 p.m. Contributions may be made to the E. Bartlett Memorial Fund in care of Holy Cross Lutheran Church. Arrangements by Virgil T. Golden Funeral Service.." [Statesman Journal April 26, 2011]

BARTLETT, Infant Boy
  b. 11 Apr 1924
  d. 11 Apr 1924      OLD 100-08
Stillborn male; nearest relative K.S. Bartlet of RFD #3, Box 53A; Rigdon FH; per Record of Interment #969

d. Reserved  

d. Reserved  

  b. 12 Apr 1925
  d. 12 Apr 1925      OLD 102-05
  stillborn; burial Apr 12, 1925 by Rigdon FH per Record of Interment #1025
  b. 11 Jun 1856 Bethel, Ind.
  d. 14 Mar 1900      D-30-02-05
   Died in this parrish
  To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die
  "A Sad Death--Mrs. Nora Bartlett, of Englewood, died very suddenly late Wednesday afternoon from what has been pronounced by the physicians to have been lung fever.  Mrs. Bartlett has for many years been an invalid but she required no especial medical attention or nursing until about 5 o'clock Wed-nesday afternoon, when her sister concluded that the services of an experienced nurse were necessary and she went in search of such a person.  Upon returning to the home after a very brief absence she was startled to find her sister had died. The deceased was aged 44 years and a husband and a young son survive.  Mr. Bartlett had recently gone east to locate, expect-ing to be followed by his family who were ready to leave in a very few days. Funeral arrangements have not yet been completed but in all proba-bility will be held on Sunday, by which time it is expected Mr. Bartlett will have returned to Salem."  OS Mar 16, 1900 8:1

BARTLETT, Wilbur Forrest
  b. 22 Mar 1914
  d. 07 Mar 1993      RA-33-11
  WT2 US Navy World War II
  A Pearl Harbor Survivor
  on marker w/Elaine L. Bartlett
  "Wilbur F. Bartlett, 78, of Salem died Sunday in Vancouver, Wash.  He was born in Johnson Grove, Tenn., and moved to Salem in 1948.  He married Elaine L. Knutson on Sept. 22, 1943.  He served in the Army before World War II and in the Navy during World War II.  He served on the destroyer USS Farragut and was a survivor of Pearl Harbor.
  He was a manager for the Oregon State Penitentiary Farm Annex and a member of Holy Cross Lutheran Church.  He enjoyed fishing and gardening.
  Survivors include his wife; daugh-ters, Carol A. Thomas of Mill City and Mary D. Ericson of Vancouver, Wash.; son, James F. of Salem; brothers, Woodrow Bartlett of Buena Park, Calif., and John Campbell of Salem; sister, Mary Teeters of Portland; six grandchildren; and three great-grand-children.
  Services will begin at 1 p.m. Wed-nesday in the church.  Visiting will be from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. today and 9 to 11 a.m. Wednesday in Howell-Edwards-Doerksen mortuary.  Interment will be in Lee Mission Cemetery.
  Contributions may be made to the W. Bartlett Memorial Fund in care of the church." SJ Mar 9, 1993 3C:4 w/photo

BARTON, Addie Mary
  b. 08 Oct 1862
  d. 20 Apr 1959    A-25-03-03
  on marker w/Alva R. Barton
  "Mrs. Barton Succumbs; Services Set--Mrs. Addie Mary Barton, 96, long-time Salem resident, died Monday at her home at 2285 Breyman St. NE.
  She was born Oct. 8, 1862, near Bloomfield, Ind.  She married the late A.R. Barton Dec. 24, 1884, at Coy-ville, Kans., and came west in 1900.  They operated farms near Hillsboro and later on Grand Island near Dayton prior to coming to Salem.
  She was a life-time Methodist Church member.
  Survivors include children, Mrs. Flossie Dee Waring, Salem, Frank W. Barton, Portland, Mrs. Joe J. Gauer, Miami, Fla., and Raymond Barton, Salem, and numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
  Funeral services will be Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. in W.T. Rigdon chapel.  Interment will be in Lee Mission Cemetery."  OS Apr 21, 1959 3:1

BARTON, Alva Rohrer
  b. 10 Sep 1854
  d. 29 Oct 1930    A-25-03-04
  on marker w/Addie M. Barton
  "Alva R. Barton died at the family home, 2580 East Nob Hill street, October 29, aged 76 years; husband of Addie M., father of Mrs. L.D. Waring of Rickreall, Mrs. J.J. Grover of Illinois, Frank W. of Portland and Alva Raymond Barton of Salem.  Funeral services today at 2 p.m. from the Salem Mortuary, Rev. S. Darlow Johnson officiating.  Interment Lee Mission cemetery, auspices Masons." OS Oct 31, 1930 5:2 s/o William B. & Kate E. (Rohrer) Barton

BARTON, Elsie Lucinda
  d. 06 Feb 1944      C-48-03-08
  "Mrs. Elsie Lucinda Barton, late of 1445 B street, Salem, February 5, at the age of 86 years.  Survived by one son, Frank B. Barton, Portland; one daughter, Hazel Barton of Salem; 12 grandchildren, 35 great grandchildren, and two great great grandchildren.  Services will be held Tuesday, February 8 at 1:30 p.m. from the Clough-Barrick chapel.  Interment in Jason Lee cemetery, Rev. J.C. Harrison will officiate."  OS Feb 8, 1944 5:1-2

  b. 13 Sep 1948
 d.  10 Jun 2003       RA-16-01
"SALEM - Kent, a native Oregonian, was born in Myrtle Creek, Oregon on September 13, 1948.
   After graduating from Falls City High School, he enlisted in the US Army where he served as a medic for 2 tours of duty in the Vietnam War. Kent attended various colleges after being discharged to study art. He served the State of Oregon as a Mental Health Therapist at the Oregon State Hospital for 17 years. Kent received a liver transplant March 13, 1997 and retired in February of 2003 working at home on art projects. He was a devoted husband, father and grandfather.
   Kent is survived by his wife, Kathy Campbell-Barton of Salem; son, Phelan Curry and granddaughter, Sylvia Curry of Bend; mother, Dorothy Barton and brother, John Barton of Dallas; sister, Jo Ann Mason of Priest River, Idaho; and brother, Glen Barton , Jr. of Everett, Wash.
   A graveside service will be held Friday, June 20, 2003 at 10:00 a.m. at Lee Mission Cemetery with a reception following at 11:00 a.m. at Morningside United Methodist Church in Salem. Memorial contributions may be made to Oregon Peace Works, 104 Commercial St., Salem, OR 97301. Arrangements are by Virgil T. Golden Funeral Service in Salem." SJ Online

BARTON, Louisa Joyce [Walton]
  b.       1891
  d. 02 Feb 1948    C-19-04-05
  Interment Record #1609
"In this city February 2, Mrs. Louisa Joyce Barton, late resident of Salem route 4, box 121.  Wife of R.D. Barton of Salem; mother of Ruth Phillips of Eugene and Richard Paul Barton of Portland; sister of Mrs. Lulu Walton Quick of Salem, Mrs. Lorena Sturgeon of Corvallis, Dr. R.W. Walton of Mount Claire, N.J., Harold Walton of Monroe, N.Y., Paul Walton of Syracuse, N.Y., Fremont W. Walton of Exeter, Calif.; and grandmother of Paul Taylor Barton and Elaine Marie Barton, both of Portland.  Member of Soroptomist club, American Legion auxiliary, Salem Truth Center and YWCA.  Services will be held Thursday, February 5, at 1:30 p.m. at the W.T. Rigdon chapel, the Rev. George H. Swift officiating.  Interment in Lee Mission cemetery." OS Feb 4, 1948 9:5

  b.       1849
  d. 15 Jan 1917    A-39-03-03
  on marker w/Samuel P. Barton
  "Barton--At 1345 North Broadway street Monday, Jan. 15, 1917, at 4:30 o'clock in the afternoon, Mrs. Mary E. Barton, at the age of 66 years.
  Mrs. Barton came to Oregon five years ago from Missouri.  She lived near Chemawa but came to Salem recently for medical treatment.  Besides her husband, S.P. Barton, she leaves four sisters.  They are Mrs. J.F. Schmeer of Portland; Mrs. Liza Gibson, Portland; Mrs. Emma Buff, Silverton and Mrs. E.B. Ryder of Salem.
  The funeral will be held tomorrow at 2 o'clock from the chapel of Webb & Clough.  Rev. Mr. Ingalls will conduct the services and burial will be in the Lee Mission cemetery." OS Jan 16, 1917 5:4  d/o Willis M. & Mary (Ladd) Barton per D/C #33

BARTON, Richard D.
  b.       1892
  d. 07 Nov 1953    C-19-04-06
  Interment Record #1829
"R.D. Barton, Vocalist, Dies in Portland--Richard D. Barton, 61, well-known Salem vocalist, died unexpectedly in Portland Saturday shortly after he had finished singing for a wedding.    He was rushed to a Portland hospital but was pronounced dead on arrival.
  Barton, for many years a line crew employee with the Portland General Electric, was a member of the American Legion drum and bugle corps which was awarded the national championship several years ago.
  He was a featured vocalist in the St. Paul's Episcopal Church choir and had lived in Salem nearly 40 years.      Survivors include Mrs. Barton of Salem, son Richard P. Barton, Port-land; daughter, Mrs. Ruth L. Phillips, Eugene; a sister, Mrs. Lucile Wible, Portland; and four grandchildren.
  A veteran of World War I, he was a member of the American Legion.
  Funeral services will be announced later by the W.T. Rigdon Co." OS Nov 8, 1953 1:6

BARTON, Samuel P.
  b.       1845
  d. 11 Oct 1925    A-39-03-04
  on marker w/Mary E. Barton
  "Barton--Samuel P. Barton died Oct. 11 at a local hospital at the age of 75 years.  Funeral services will be held Monday at 4 p.m. from the Webb funeral parlors, Rev. Thomas Acheson officiating.  Interment in Lee Mission cemetery." CJ Oct 12, 1925 5:4

BARTRUFF, Bertha Yung
  b.   Jan 1911
  d. 07 Dec 1951    A-41-01-05
  "Mrs. Bertha Bartruff, late resident of 795 S. 21st st., Salem, at a Portland hospital December 7.  Survived by husband, John Omer Bartruff, Salem; daughter, Miss Celesta LaVaughn Bartruff, Salem; sons, Ronald Omer Bartruff, U.S. Army, Germany, and Ralph Henry Bartruff, Salem; brothers, Guy F. Yung and George E. Yung, both Medford, Roy O., Paul C. and Donald A. Yung, all Salem, and Lowell L. Yung, U.S. Army, California.  Services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, December 12, at Virgil T. Golden chapel with the Rev. Dudley Strain officiating.  Interment will be at Lee Mission cemetery."  OS Dec 10, 1951 10:4

BARTRUFF, Rosa Katherine
  b. 31 Dec 1888
  d. 04 Jan 1974    RA-55-10
  Army Nurse WWI  "Rose Katherine Bartruff, 85, 1625 Center St. NE, died Friday at her home."Rose Katherine Bartruff, 85, 1625 Center St. NE, died Friday at her home.
  She is survived by three sisters, Margaret Bunch and Lois Wikoff, both Salem, and Ruth Walter, Portland.
  Services will be 1 p.m. Monday at Rigdon-Ransom mortuary.  Burial will be in Lee Mission Cemetery." OS Jan 5, 1974 15:1

BASHOR, Infant Boy
  d. 18 Oct 1952      C-43-04-12
Interment Record #1794
"Baby boy Bashor, in this city Oct. 19.  Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Nobel Bashor of Salem, Route 5.  Graveside services will be held Tuesday, Oct. 21 in Lee Mission Cemetery under direction of W.T. Rigdon Co." OS Oct 21, 1952 7:4

BASSETT, Donald Wayne
  d. 13 Jul 2023    D-25-03-03
Buried 7/21/2023
  b. 01 Oct 1901
  d. 14 Nov 1987    D-25-03-03
  "Brooks--Funeral services for Vera O. Bassett, 86, who died Saturday, will begin at 1 p.m. Wednesday at Howell-Edwards-Doerksen mortuary, Salem.
  She was born in Salem and lived in the area her entire life.
  She worked for the J.C. Penney Co. before becoming a dental assistant.  She was a past president of the Oregon Dental Assistants Association.
  She was a member of the Labish Center, Evangelical Church of North America, and was a 4-H volunteer for more than 30 years.
  Survivors include son, Donald W. Bassett, Brooks.
  Private interment will be at Lee Mission Cemetery, Salem.
  Contributions may be made to the Oregon Heart Association."  OS Nov 17, 1987 2B:3

  b.       1858
  d. 05 Mar 1944    C-48-03-06
  Record of Interment #1499
"John Bastiansen, late resident of 190 Fisher road, at 1815 North 5th street, Sunday, March 5, at the age of 85 years.  Services will be held Thursday, March 9, at 2 p.m. from the Edward-Terwilliger chapel with Rev. Edward A. Kielsmier officiating.  Interment in Lee Mission cemetery." OS Mar 8, 1944 5:1

BATSON, Deloris Stella
  b. 09 Nov 1928
  d. 16 Nov 1928    A-44-01-06
  "Dolores Stella Batson, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Batson, 555 North 24th street, died Friday morning.  Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock and were in charge of the Clough-Huston company, with Dr. Fred Taylor of the First M.E. church officiating.  Inter-ment was made in the Lee Mission cemetery.  Two sisters also survive." OS Nov 17, 1928 3:3  died at Bungalow Maternity Home; d/o Ellis & Bessie (White) Batson per D/C #774

  b. 09 Jul 1935
  d. 09 Jul 1935      D-02-02-03
  Stillborn per Record of Interment #1353
BATTALION, Christ Robert
  b. 18 Mar 1893
  d. 12 Feb 1969    A-26-02-06
  on marker w/Frieda E. Battalion
  "Chris R. Battalion, 76, 1490 4th St. NE, a resident of Salem since 1910, died Wednesday in a Portland hospital after a long illness.
  Before retirement he was a ware-houseman at California Packing Corp.  He was born in Minnesota.
  Surviving are widow Frieda, Salem; son Chris with the Air Force in Nevada; and sisters Miss Rose Battalion and Mrs. Minnie Busch, both of Salem.
  Services will be 1:30 p.m. at Christ Lutheran Church.  Barrick mortuary is in charge." OS Feb 13, 1969 34:1 s/o Michael H. & Wilhelmina (Schlessner) Battalion

BATTALION, Frieda Else
  b. 13 Dec 1901
  d. 19 Jun 1976    A-26-02-05
  on marker w/Christ R. Battalion
  "Late resident of 1430 4th St. NE., Salem, Sat., June 19, at home.  Survi-vors include brother, Karl Busch; granddaughter, Maria Christina Battalion, Las Vegas, Nev.; niece, Leona Noffsinger, Salem; nephew, Alvin C. Battalion, Salem.  Those that wish may send contributions to the Organ Fund at Christ Lutheran Church.  Ser-vices will be held Thurs., June 24, at 10:30 a.m. in the Christ Lutheran Church under direction of the Barrick Chapel, 205 Church SE, Richard J. Tuff officiating.  Interment, Lee Mission Cemetery." OS Jun 23, 1976 8D:1 d/o Ferdinand & Anna (Newmann) Busch

  b. 05 Apr 1907
  d. 08 Dec 1967    RA-36-05
  on marker w/Michael H. Battalion
  "Mrs. Lela Battalion, 60, 1995 Church St. NE, died Friday of cancer at a Salem hospital.
  Mrs. Battalion was a native of Texas but had lived in Salem since 1921.  She is survived by the widower, Michael, and sister Mrs. Ruby Butler, Salem.
  Arrangements are pending at Barrick mortuary." OS Dec 9, 1967 II:11:8  d/o Paul J. & Mary (Nehring) Dresner

  b. 04 Sep 1828
  d. 25 Jul 1911    D-15-03-01
  "Battalion--Mrs. Maggie Battalion, aged 82 years, 10 months and 21 days, died at the home of her son on the Silver creek road, Tuesday, July 25, 1911.
  The funeral services will be held at the German Lutheran church Thursday at 2:30 p.m.  Interment in Lee Mission cemetery." DOS Jul 26, 1911 5:5

BATTALION, Michael Herman
  b. 22 Feb 1900
  d. 27 Jan 1969    RA-36-06
  on marker w/Lela A. Battalion
  "Mike H. Battalion, 68, 1995 Church St. NE, died Monday in a Salem hospital.
  He was born in Minnesota and lived here 59 years.  He had been a mill worker at Capitol Lumber Company.
  Survivors include sisters Miss Rose Battalion and Mrs. Minnie Busch and brother Christ, all Salem.
  Services will be 1:30 p.m. Thursday in Barrick mortuary, Rev. James P. Hunter officiating.  Interment will be in Lee Mission Cemetery." OS Jan 28 1969 3:7 s/o Michael H. & Wilhelmina (Schlessner) Battalion

  b. 17 Jan 1861
  d. 06 Oct 1929    A-26-03-04
  on marker w/Minnie Battalion
  "Mike Battalion, 68, died Sunday at his residence, 685 North High street.  Survived by his wife, Minnie Battalion and two sons, Chris and Mike, Jr., of Salem; by three daughters, Rosa and Justina Battalion of Salem, and Mrs. Willamina Busch of Salem.  Two grand-children also survive him.  Funeral services Tuesday at 2 o'clock at the Rigdon mortuary.  Interment Lee Mission cemetery." OS Oct 7, 1929 5:4

  b. 03 Sep 1874
  d. 24 Jul 1951    A-26-03-05
  on marker w/Micheel Battalion
  "Minnie Battalion, late resident of 975 N. 5th st., in this city July 24 at the age of 76.  Survived by daugh-ters, Rose Battalion, Tena Battalion and Minnie Busch, all of Salem; sons, Chris Battalion and Mike Battalion, both of Salem; also four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.  Ser-vices will be held at 1:30 p.m. Thurs-day, July 26, at Christ Lutheran church with concluding services at Lee Mission cemetery.  The Rev. Carl R. Schultz will officiate.  Services under the direction of the W.T. Rigdon company." OS Jul 26, 1951 5:1 d/o Michael & Wilhelmina (Schlessner) Battalion

  b. 05 Feb 1896
  d. 20 Nov 1983    RA-36-03
  on marker w/Tena W. Battalion
  "Rose M. Battalion, 87, of 975 Fifth St. NE, died Sunday.
  Born in Sundown, Minn., she had lived here 65 years.  For many years until her retirement, she was a super-intendent at Rawlinson's Laundry.  She was a member of Christ Lutheran Church.
  Survivors include her son, Alvin C., Salem.
  The casket will be open from noon to 5 p.m. today and 9 a.m. to noon Wed-nesday at Barrick mortuary.  Services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday in Christ Lutheran Church, and interment in Lee Mission Cemetery.
  Contributions may be made to the church memorial fund or the American Cancer Society." SJ Nov 22, 1983 2B:4 d/o Michael & Wilhelmina (Schlessner) Battalion

BATTALION, Tena Wilhelmina
  b. 10 Oct 1897
  d. 19 Jun 1968    RA-36-04
  on marker w/Rose M. Battalion
  "Miss Tena W. Battaltion, 72 of 975 Fifth St. NE, died Wednesday at a local nursing home.
  She was a sister of Miss Rose Battalion, who resided with her, and Mrs. Karl Busch, Michael and Chris Battalion, Salem.
  Before retirement she was employed in laundry and cannery work.  She was a member of Christ Lutheran Church.
  Services are pending at Barrick mortuary." OS Jun 20, 1968 6:4 d/o Michael & Wilhelmina (Schlessner) Battalion

BATTEY, Celestina A.
  b.              1845
  d. 19 Sep 1914    D-26-02-01
  "Batley--At her residence, 2495 Laurel avenue, Highland, at 1:50 p.m. Saturday, September 19, 1914, Mrs. Celestine A. Batley, aged 69 years, wife of Rev. G.J. Batley, a retired Congregational minister.  Funeral announcements will be given later.
  Deceased leaves, besides her husband, seven children, two boys and five girls, namely: Clarence A., of Spring Valley, Minn.; Mrs. F.H. Lynn of Canova, S.D.; Mrs. G.C. Snow, Chadron, Neb.; Mrs. C.M. Conner of Marshfield, Or.; George N., of Salem; Mrs. V.B. Walker, of Grand View, Wash.; Mrs. C.R. Schwartz, of Chadron, Neb.
  Mrs. Batley had made her home in Salem about six years.  She was a member of the First Congregational church of this city." OS Sep 20, 1914 5:5 d/o Lester & Fannie (Gates) Griswold per D/C #2350

BATTEY, George J. Rev
  b.              1840
  d. 17 Apr 1917    D-26-02-01
  Last resided at Marshfield; died from pneumonia per Record of Interment #728
BATTEY, Martha Bowerman
  b. 10 Dec 1818 Starksboro, Vt
  d. 27 Mar 1905      D-29-02-05
  wife of N. Battey
  nearest relative or friend: Mrs. Updegraf per Record of Interment #354
BATTEY, Zeno Carpenter
  b. 29 Apr 1834
  d. 05 Aug 1913    D-15-04-03
  "Battey--At the Willamette sanitarium, August 5, 1913, at 3 p.m., Z.C Battey, aged 80 years.
  The funeral will be held from the Central Congregational church of this city, Friday at 2 p.m.  Rev. P.S. Knight will have charge of the ser-vices and interment will be in Lee Mission cemetery." OS Aug 6, 1913 4:4 s/o Amos & Ruth (Carpenter) Battey per D/C #2863

  b. 10 Feb 1906 Latvija
  d. 26 May 1952 Salem, Oregon  C-42-02-05
  Interment Record #1786
"Baunsons, Ella, at a local hospital, May 27.  Late resident of 1765 A St.  Services will be held in the Virgil T. Golden chapel, Thursday, May 29, at 3:30 p.m. with interment at the Jason Lee Cemetery." OS May 29, 1952

BAUSER, Adolph H.
  d. 17 Jul 1960      RA-57-11
  died in Marion Co per Death Index

BAUTISTA, Juan Tomas Santos
  b. 29 Sep 2004
  d. 26 Jan 2021       RA-03-21
Buried 08 Feb 2021

BAXTER, Alexander
  b. 25 Oct 1833 1832
  d. 26 Jul 1917    OLD 229-08
  "Baxter-At a local hospital, July 26, at 6:30 p.m., Alexander Baxter, 84 years, 9 months, 1 day.
  The funeral will be held Saturday, July 28, at 10 o'clock a.m. at Rigdon undertaking parlors.  Rev. C.H. Elliott will conduct the services.  Burial in Lee Mission cemetery.
  Alexander Baxter was born October 25, 1832, on Firth of Forth, Scotland, and was a harness maker by trade.  For eight years he lived at the Old People's home."  CJ Jul 27, 1917 5:2

BAXTER, Benjamin
  d.     Aug 1903             OLD 087-02
  No dates listed per Record of Interment #460

BAXTER, Elizabeth
  b. 31 Oct 1843
  d. 04 Dec 1914    OLD 229-04
  "Aged Brother Hard Hit--Miss Baxter, 72, Dies--Funeral Today--Relative Stricken--Miss Elizabeth Baxter, aged 72, passed away at the state tuber-cular sanatorium yesterday morning at 11 o'clock, after lingering for about three years with a distressing ill-ness.  Miss Baxter had been an inmate of the Methodist Old People's home for three years before her removal to the state institution and it was the one great sorrow of her life that she was obliged to leave the home and a brother, Alex, aged 83, who was also an inmate, and spend the last year of her life in the tubercular hospital.
  The aged brother was taken to the bedside of the sufferer early yester-day morning.  He is in a weakened state at present due to his sorrow and his advanced age.
  The funeral services will be held this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at Rigdon and Richardson's undertaking parlors.  Rev. Richard N. Avison, pastor of the First M.E. church, will officiate.  The interment will take place in the family plot belonging to the Old People's home in Jason Lee cemetery.  Elizabeth Baxter and her brother, Alex, came to America from Scotland about thirty years ago.  They were members of a fine old Scotch family and there was no doubt much consternation among the members of the Baxter household when the young people decided to leave the family home and seek their fortunes in the new world.  Another brother, John, also came to America and is at present living at Forest Grove.  After spending some time in the eastern states the brother and sister came west and settled in Forest Grove.  Neither married and the golden years of their life have been spent caring for the wants of each other.  The parents in Scotland died and soon the sister and brothers in America were left alone.  Elizabeth and Alex were well along life's pathway and after much deliberation they decided to become inmates of the Old People's home.  Here they lived happily as members of the congenial family until illness destroyed the health of the sister.  She gradually declined until her removal to the state institution was absolutely necessary. The aged brother was deeply affected by the parting, coupled with old age, and her passing has made his condition precarious.
  Both brother and sister have been lifelong members of the Scottish Presbyterian church.  Miss Baxter was born October 31, 1842, leaving her home for America in the primes of her life."  OS Dec 5, 1914 3:5-6

  d. 11 Feb 1905 1904 OLD 087-01
  on marker w/Mason Baxter
  11 month old d/o E.D. Baxter died Feb 11, 1905 from lagrippe resulting in pneumonia per D/C #300

  b. 08 Aug 1903
  d. 11 Aug 1903     OLD 087-03
  on marker w/Ethel Baxter
  s/o B. Baxter; died of malformation of heart per D/C #61

BAZAN, Karla Griselda Contreras
  b. 10 Mar 2001
  d. 15 May 2021     RC 09-17
  Burial 20 May 2021

BEACH, Conrad G.
  b.              1906
  d. 12 Jun 1946    OLD 125-03
  "Conrad Beach Dies Wednesday--Conrad George Beach, 41, 505 Morgan ave., died at his home Wednesday morning, apparently by his own hand, Coroner V.T. Golden said.  The body was found by his son, Carl.
  Coroner Golden said there would be no investigation.  In addition to his son, Beach is survived by his wife, Grace; a daughter, Leila; a sister, Alice Beach, all of Salem.  The body was taken to Clough-Barrick mortuary." OS Jun 13, 1946 2:5

BEACH, Edward Adam
  b. 10 Oct 1880
  d. 23 Sep 1945    OLD 125-02
  "Edward Adam Beach, at his residence, 2235 State street, Sunday, September 24, at the age of 64 years.  Survived by his wife, Mrs. Louise Beach of Salem; daughter, Miss Alice Beach of Salem; son, Conrad G. Beach of Salem; three sisters, Mrs. Charles M. Haid of Palo Alto, Calif., Mrs. Adda Tallman of Chicago and Mrs. Mary B. Ahlers of Philadelphia; and two grandchildren, Carl and Leila Madge Beach of Salem.  Services will be held Tuesday, Sept. 25, at 2 p.m., at the Clough-Barrick chapel with Rev. Wilmer Brown officiating.  Interment in Lee Mission cemetery." OS Sep 25, 1945 5:1  b. Brookville, PA; s/o Adam Beach; Willamette University Stationary engineer; h/o Louise Beach per D/C #5961

BEACH, Grace A.
  b. 13 Dec 1882
  d. 23 May 1941    OLD 125-01
  "Mrs. Edward A. Beach, late resident of 2235 State street, Friday, May 23.  Survived by widower, Edward A. Beach; daughter, Alice C. Beach; son, Conrad G. Beach, all of Salem; sisters, Mrs. Mary B. Carrier of Los Angeles and Mrs. Brocious Eisenman of Brookville, Pa.; brother, George R. Conrad of New Orleans; two grandchildren.  Services will be held from the Clough-Barrick chapel Monday, May 26, at 1:30 p.m. with Dr. E.W. Petticord and Rev. J.E. Campbell officiating.  Interment in Lee Mission cemetery." OS May 25, 1941 5:1 d/o George R. & Alice K. (Dunkle) Conrad per D/C #461

BEACH, Grace V.
  b.              1906
  d. 26 Jun 1946    OLD 125-04
  "Mrs. Grace Beach, late resident of 505 Morgan ave., at the Dallas hospi-tal Wednesday, June 26.  Mother of Lela and Carl Beach, both of Salem; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Ruddell, Independence; sister of Mrs. Madge Ewing, Rodney Hardman and Glen Hardman, all of Portland, Roland and Clarence Hardman of Independence; granddaughter of Lemuel King, Salem.  Services will be held Friday, June 28, at 1:30 p.m. in Clough-Barrick chapel, with the Rev. Wilmer E. Brown offici-ating.  Interment will be in Lee Mission cemetery." OS Jun 28, 1946 5:3

BEALL, David Sprague
  b.               1944
  d. 10 Mar 1966    RA-13-22
  s/o William Hayes & Sarah Jane (Dark) Beall; died in Chicago

BEALL, Dorothy Day
  b. 21 Aug 1915
  d. 15 Jan 1994      RA-18-11
  on marker w/James Henry Beall

BEALL, James Henry
  b. 20 Apr 1913
  d. 10 Apr 1984      RA-18-11
  on marker w/Dorothy Day Beall
  "James H. Beall, 70, of Seattle, formerly a resident of Salem, died Tuesday.
  He lived here from 1924 until graduating from Salem High School in 1933.  He attended Linfield College in McMinnville and served as a Marine in World War II.  He was a member of Lake City Presbyterian Church, Seattle.
  Surviving are his brothers, Hayes, Salem, and Gene, Brisbane, Australia; sister, Betty Sperb, Lynnwood, Wash.; and sons, James H. Jr., New Canaan, Conn., and John, Herndon, Va.  Memori-al services will be Saturday in Seattle.  Arrangements are under the direction of Beck mortuary, Edmonds, Wash." SJ Apr 13, 1984 2B:3

BEALL, Josephine Rentz
  b. 02 May 1884
  d. 20 Dec 1928    D-01-03-06
  on marker w/William H. Beall
  "Mrs. Beall Dies Here at Age 45--Mrs. Josephine Rentz Beall, wife of William H. Beall, died Thursday at her home at 830 Norway street at the age of 45 years.  She was a native of Texas, and had lived in Salem the last four and a half years.  Funeral ser-vices will be held at the Clough-Huston chapel Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, the Rev. Harry E. Gardner of the Jason Lee M.E. church officiating.  Burial will be in the Lee Mission cemetery.  Besides Mr. Beall, six children, all of Salem, survive: William, Hayes, James, Harold S., Eugene N., Loretta A., and Florena Elizabeth; and one brother and one sister." OS Dec 21, 1928 2:3  d/o James H. & Mary E. (Hayes) Rentz; w/o Wm. N. Beall per D/C #868

BEALL, Loretta
  b.             1921
  d.             1972    D-01-03-06
  d/o William H. & Josephine Beall

BEALL, Sarah Jane
  b. 23 Sep 1911
  d. 04 Sep 1990      RA-18-12
  on marker w/William Hayes Beall
  "Graveside services for Sarah Beall, 78, of Salem, who died Tuesday in Salem, will begin at 2 p.m. Sunday in Lee Mission Cemetery.
  She was born in Astoria. In 1932, she graduated from Willamette Univer-sity and later earned her master's degree in education from the National College of Education, Evanston, Ill., in 1964.  She was an elementary school teacher in Lombard, Ill., for 10 years.  From 1970 to 1974, she taught at Kennedy Elementary School.
  She was a member, as well as coordinator for Kairos Kitchen and the Food Bank at Jason Lee Methodist Church.  She enjoyed gardening and reading.  She married Hayes Beall in 1934, in Salem.  He died previously.
  Survivors include her son, Douglas, and daughter, Anne Rosales, both of Salem; and five grandchidren.
  Music and flowers will be dedicated to her at the church's 10:30 a.m. service Sunday.  Arrangements are by Keizer mortuary.
  Contributions may be made to the Kairos Kitchen at the church or Oregon Food Bank." SJ Sep 7, 1990 2C:5

BEALL, William H.
  b.             1879
  d. 5 Mar 1959      D-01-03-05
  on marker w/Josephine Beall

BEALL, William Hayes
  b. 21 Aug 1910
  d. 10 Sep 1989      RA-18-12
  on marker w/Sarah Jane Beall
  "William Hayes Beall, 79, of Salem died Sunday.
  He was born in Colorado Springs, Colo., and earned a bachelor of arts degree from Willamette University in 1932, and a master's degree from Yale University.  He was on the staff of the Fair Employment Practices Commis-sion, Washington, D.C.; chief activist, U.S. Zone, Germany 1945 to 1957; staff, Cooperative League of the U.S.A.; director, Peace Corps training projects; executive director, Kidney Foundation of Illinois.  He also was a delegate to the Democratic National Convention in 1972; president, Nation-al Council for Adult Education, 1960; recipient, district alumnus award Willamette University; past president, Oregon United Seniors; past president United Nations Association, Oregon and Illinois; board member of the Oregon Consumer League.
  He also was a volunteer lobbyist for Senior Affairs in the Oregon Legisla-ture; member of Jason Lee Methodist Church and a Rotarian.  He married Sarah Jane Dark in 1934 in Salem.  His son, David S., died earlier.
  Survivors include his wife; son, Douglas of Salem; daughter, Anne Rosales of Salem; brother, Eugene of Brisbane, Australia; and sister, Betty Sperp of Lynwood, Wash.
  Services are pending at Keizer mortuary." SJ Sep 11, 1989 2B:5 w/photo

  d. 23 Jun 1891      D-10-02-04
  "Beamon--In North Salem, on the morning of Tuesday, June 23, 1891, A.M. Beamon, aged 64 years.
  The funeral will be conducted from the house at 2 p.m., the remains being interred in the Lee Mission cemetery." DOS Jun 24, 1891 4:5

BEAMON, George
  b.            1858
  d. 22 May 1934      D-10-02-03
  "At a local hospital, May 22, George Beemon at the age of 76 years.  Born in Davis county, Iowa, in 1858.  Crossed the plains in 1865.  Had made his home since in Salem.  Leaves two sisters, Mrs. Mary Fane of Salem and Mrs. Ella Cox of Independence. Funeral services from the Terwilliger Funeral Home, Thursday at 10:30 a.m. Rev. Neal officiating minister. Interment Lee Mission cemetery." OS May 24, 1934 5:1  s/o Hanson & Susan (Rhodes) Beeman per D/C #359

  d. 11 Oct 1895      D-10-02-01
  "Beaman--At the home of his mother in North Salem, Saturday morning, October 12, 1895, Grant Beaman, aged about 20 years.
  The young man has been ill with typhoid fever the past three weeks and a few days ago was supposed to be getting well, but he took a turn for the worse again and died a little after midnight last night.  He will be buried Sunday." DOS Oct 12, 1895 4:4

 d.   Aug 1918            D-10-00-00

BEAMON, Susan (Welch)
  d.    Aug 1909      D-10-02-03
  "In this city, 1385 North Fourth street, Mrs. Geo. Beamon, age 68 years.
  She was a native of Clairmont county Ohio, and has lived in Oregon for 35 years.  She leaves a host of friends.  She was a member of the Free Methodist church.  The remains are at the Cottage Undertaking Parlors, 293 North Cottage street, where they were prepared for burial by J. C. Still.  Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from the Free Methodist church in North Salem, Friday at 10:30 a.m.  Interment in Lee Mission cemetery."  WOS Aug 27, 1909 5:2

BEAN, Barbara J.
  b. 25 Jul 1953
  d. 07 Jul 2002         RC-11-01
m'd Oct 7, 1977
on marker with Richard A. Bean

BEAN, Richard A.
  b. 15 Jun 1940
  d. 11 Jul 2021         RC-11-02

m'd Oct 7, 1977
on marker with Barbara J. Bean

BEARD, Mary Pratt
  b. 19 Jan 1893
  d. 23 May 1988      RA-41-22
  Home at last
  "Silverton--Mary Pratt Beard, 95, died Monday in Silverton.
  She was born in Aquilla, Hill County, Texas, and worked as a cook in retail sales most of her life.  She moved to the Woodburn area in 1949, and then to Salem in 1969.  She was a member of Trinity United Methodist Church in Salem.  She lived in a Sil-verton nursing home for several years.
  Survivors include her son, James R. of Caldwell, Idaho; and daughters, Mildred Bolf of Levelland, Texas, and Margaret Turner of Salem.
  Private interment will be at Lee Mission Cemetery, Salem.  Memorial services will begin at 5 p.m. today at the church.  Unger mortuary is hand-ling arrangements.
  Contributions may be made to the church." SJ May 24, 1988 2B:4

BEARD, Robert E. T.
  b. 14 Oct 1866
  d. 17 Dec 1889      OLD
  23y2m3d; no further info per Record of Interment #36

BEARDSLEY, Gladys Lucille Clark
  b. 22 Jan 1911
  d. 03 Dec 1952      A-29-02-04
  "Mrs. Gladys Lucille Beardsley, 41, at the home of her mother, 296 N. 24th St., Dec. 3.  Late resident of 293 N. 23rd St.  Survived by her husband, Marion C. Beardsley; daughter, Sharon Lee Beardsley; mother, Mrs. W.H. Clark; brother, Kenneth Clark, all of Salem.  Services to be held Monday, Dec. 8, at 1:30 p.m. in the W.T. Rigdon Chapel, with concluding services at Lee Mission Cemetery." OS Dec 5, 1952 2:1

  b. 29 Aug 1910
  d. 19 Mar 1978      A-29-02-03
  Capt  US Army  World War II
  "Former resident of Salem, Ore. Sun. Mar. 19 in a Portland nursing home.  Survived by daughter, Sharon Beardsley Parker, Portland, Ore.; brother, Albert Richard Beardsley, Rothmore, Cal.; sister, Florence Beardsley, Portland, Ore.  Graveside services will be held Wed. Mar. 22 at 3:00 PM in the Lee Mission Cemetery.  Arrange-ments under the direction of the Rigdon-Ransom Colonial Chapel, Cottage at Chemeketa NE." OS Mar 21, 1978 3C:5

BEARDSLEY,  Sharon Lee
  d.               1909     A-29-02-05

  b. 25 Jan 1839
  d. 13 Aug 1916    OLD 229-06
  "Beardsley--In Salem, Sunday, August 13, 1916, at 4 a.m., William Beards-ley, aged 77 years.
  The funeral was held yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the chapel of Rigdon & Richardson, Rev. Richard N. Avison officiating.  Interment was in Lee Mission cemetery.
  He leaves a daughter, Mrs. Clara Wind, of Council Bluffs, Iowa, and two sons, William W. Beardsley of Houston, Tex., and Warren B. Beardsley of Washta, Iowa."  OS Aug 15, 1916 5:6

BECHTEL, Infant Daughter
  d. 06 Oct 1892        N/A
  "Bechtel--At home on Howell prairie, Thursday night, October 6, 1892, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bechtel.
  The funeral will be held this after-noon at Rural cemetery." DOS Oct 8, 1892 4:5 buried at Lee Mission per Funerals Held at W.T. Rigdon, Pioneer Morticians, Salem, Marion Co., OR, For Years 1892-1905; Rigdon FH Record #111; funeral ordered by Miss Durbin

BECKER, Linda Kay Huiett
  b. 26 Mar 1944
  d. 07 Aug 1979    RA-20-10
  "Linda Kay Becker, 35, 1286 D St NE, was found dead Wednesday at her home.
  She was born in Kansas and worked at Ken Mar Tavern.
  Survivors include daughters, Cindy and Tammy Becker, and sons, Gib and Timmy, all of Haxton; father, Otto W. Huiett Sr., and sister, Virginia Jeffers, both of Salem; brothers, Otto W. Huiett Jr., Hutchison, Kan., and Donald Huiett, Salem.
  Services will be at 10:30 a.m. Monday in Virgil T. Golden mortuary and interment will be in Lee Mission Cemetery."  OS Aug 10, 1979 2B:4

  b. 27 Oct 1914
  d. 10 Dec 1932      D-24-02-06
  "Ruth Beckman, aged 18 years, passed away December 10, at her home 840 Hood street.  Wife of Oscar H. Beckman and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rockhill of Grand Island; sister of  Charles Rockhill of Honolulu.  Funeral services Tuesday, Dec. 13 at 1:30 p.m. from the chapel of W.T. Rigdon and Son." OS Dec 13, 1932 5:2

BEEBE, Fannie
  b.       1851
  d. 22 May 1926    OLD 228-12
  "In this city, Saturday, May 22, Mrs. Fannie Beebe at the age of 75 years.  Funeral services will be held Tuesday, May 24, at 10 a.m. from the Rigdon mortuary, Dr. Norman K. Tully officiating.  Interment in Lee Mission cemetery." OS May 25, 1926 5:7  d/o Hattie (Covert) Baker; w/o W.C. Beebe per D/C #367

BEERS, Alanson
  b.           1804 Conn.
  d. 20 Feb 1853      DS-09
  To honor one of those patriots who on May 2, 1843, founded the Provisional Government, at Champoeg, Oregon.
  "At Salem, on the 20th inst., of pneumonia, Mr. Alanson Beers." OS Feb 26, 1853 3:2  See also: ODJ "Impressions and Observations of the Journal Man" Sep 9, 1924 and Oct 6 & 8, 1925


BEERS, Bessie Ione
  b. 11 Nov 1895
  d. 23 Oct 1925      A-31-04-07
  "Bessie Ione Beers, died at the residence, 454 Hood st., at the age of 29 years.  She is survived by her husband, Eugene Murry Beers, and one daughter.  She also leaves her mother, Mrs. Miles W. Goodwin, three brothers, Clinton and Ralph, Loistine, Ore., Raleigh of Ashland, and three sisters, Mrs. Effie Foster of Dunsmuir, Cal., Norah Goodwin of Portland and Mrs. Pauline Ainsworth of La Grande.  Fun-eral services will be held at 1 p.m. Monday, October 26 under the direction of Rigdon & Son mortuary.  Rev. Poling will officiate.  Interment will be in the Lee Mission cemetery." OS Oct 25, 1925 5:5

BEERS, Rachel
14 Sep 1851                   DS-08
  Last name is only entry on Record of Interment #191; believed to be Rachel Beers, wife of Alanson Beers

BEERS, William
  b. 05 Mar 1842
  d. 03 Dec 1927      DS-10
  "William Beers, 85, Dies--Marion County Native Son Passes in Oregon City--Parents of `Uncle Billy' Came Around the Horn as Missionaries.--Oregon City, Or., Dec 3.--(Special.--William Beers, familiarly known as `Uncle Billy' Beers, for 85 years a resident of Oregon, died today at the home of his brother, John Beers, of Oregon City, following an illness of several years.
  William Beers was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alanson Beers, who sailed from Boston, Mass., in July, 1836, coming by way of Cape Horn, and  arriving in Oregon city in May, 1837.
  The parents came as reinforcement for the Methodist mission, of which Rev. Jason Lee was superintendent, which was situated ten miles north of Salem, Or.
  The family settled at what was known as Mission Prairie, Marion county, where William was born March 5, 1842.  For many years the family resided in that section and later William moved to Oregon City and then to Portland, returning to Oregon City many years ago.  For 28 years he was a typesetter on the Oregonian and other Portland papers.  For 14 years he was engaged as an oiler for the Oregon City Manufacturing company.
  Surviving are a brother, John Beers of Oregon City, and four nephews. Among these are Evan and Arthur Beers of Woodburn and James Houck of Port-land.
  `Uncle Billy' made the request before he died to be buried in the family plot in the Jason Lee Mission cemetery, near Salem." Oreg Dec 4, 1927 19:6-7  Last name is only entry on Record of Interment #189

  b.       1864
  d. 25 Apr 1914    D-03-01-05
  "Beilfus-At his home on the Turner road, April 25, 1914, at 4:30 p.m., Louis Beilfus, aged 50 years.
  Funeral services will be held from the residence at 1:30 p.m., Tuesday,  and from the German Lutheran church, corner Sixteenth and A streets, at 2:30.  Rev. Mr. Gross, pastor of the church, will officiate.  The burial will take place in Lee Mission cemet-ery.  Deceased leaves a widow and one daughter." OS Apr 26, 1914 4:7

BELCH, Ernestina
  b.        1846
  d. 20 Aug 1922      C-39-03-03
Interment Record #876
"Funeral services for the late Ernestina Belch will be held from the German Baptist church, corner of Cottage and D streets, Saturday at 2 p.m. Rev. J.J. Lucas officiating.  Beside her husband she is survived by 6 children, 3 of whom are present for the funeral, Gust, Adolph and Mrs. Mollie Kunkel, all of Portage, Wis.  Interment Lee Mission.  Arrangements in care of Terwilliger home." OS Aug 26, 1922 5:3

BELGARDE Jacqueline
  b. 27 Nov 1952
  d. 05 Sep 2021      RC-12-18
  Buried 10 Sep 2021 by Virgil T. Golden Funeral Home

  b. 15 Feb 1997
  d. 25 Nov 2020       RC-11-13

  b.           1883
  d. 19 Feb 1885      OLD
  "In this city, on February 19, the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. L.F. Belknap, from the effects of measles."  WOS Feb 27, 1885 8:5

BELL, Hiram C.
  b. 24 Jun 1832
  d. 06 Feb 1902      OLD 141-06
  on marker w/Mary E., Laura E., &  Maria Bell & Amanda M. Bell
  "The Grim Reaper Does His Work Well-H.C. Bell, Formerly of This City, Passes Away at Thornton, Washington--Telegrams received in this city yesterday, announced the death at Thornton, Washington, of H.C. Bell, formerly a resident of Marion county, and a member of Protection Lodge No. 2, A.O.U.W., of this city.  The remains will arrive in this city on Sunday, at 1 a.m., and interment will be had at the Lee Mission cemetery, under the auspices of Protection Lodge A.O.U.W.  Deceased has a brother, Edward W. Bell, residing in North Salem.  He also leaves a son Jasper N. Bell.  Among his property interests there is a good farm in the Red Hills, south of this city."  DOS Feb 8, 1902 5:3

BELL, John J.
  b. 27 Jun 1852 Ireland
  d. 08 Nov 1913      C-48-03-02
  Beloved brother-Rest in Peace
Record of Interment #626
  "Perhaps Dead For Days--Little Known of Bachelor Found Dead--Leaves Property--J.J. Bell, a farmer living six miles north of Salem, was found dead on the floor of his home yesterday afternoon by a German farmer who lives near the Bell place.  According to Coroner Clough, who was notified immediately after the body was discovered, the man had been dead several days.  Death was probably caused by heart failure.
  Bell was familiarly known in the neighborhood as an eccentric old bachelor.  He rarely visited among the neighbors of the vicinity and very seldom had company.  He moved onto the place where he died early last summer.  No one knows where he came from and nothing could be found in his personal effects to indicate that he had any living relatives.  The remains will probably be buried in the Lee Mission cemetery.  It is thought that he leaves considerable property." OS Nov 9, 1913 4:3

BELL, Kathleen
  b. 18 Mar 1950 Salem, Oregon
  d. 19 Mar 1950 Salem, Oregon     C-43-02-06
  Interment Record #1683
"Baby Girl Bell, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy V. Bell, Jefferson, at a local hospital, March 19.  Also surviving are grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Bell, Salem; A.J. Taylor, Medford; and Mary Taylor, Salem.  Private graveside services will be held Wednesday, March 22 with the Rev. G. Wesley Turner officiating.  Interment will be in Lee Mission cemetery." OS Mar 22, 1950 14:2

BELL, Laura E.
  b. 22 Sep 1866
  d. 24 Sep 1875      OLD 141-02
  dau of H.C. & M.E. Bell
  on marker w/Hiram C., Mary E. & Maria Bell & Amanda M. Bell

BELL, Lawrence
  b.           1895
  d. 25 Apr 1895      OLD 141-05
  "Bell-Thursday, April 25, 1895, at the orphan's home east of Salem, Lawrence Bell, aged 2 months.
  The child was brought to the home from Ashland when two weeks old.  The funeral was conducted at 4 pm yester-day by Rev. H. A. Denton, of the Christian church and interment was in Lee Mission cemetery." OS Apr 26, 1895, 4:5

BELL, Maria
  b. 06 May 1806
  d. 10 Mar 1892      OLD 141-04
  wife of Samuel Bell
  Grandma Footstone
  on marker w/Hiram C., Mary E., & Laura Bell & Amanda Bell  
  "Bell--At the home of her son, H.C. Bell, five miles south of Salem, Thursday, March 10, 1892, Mrs. Maria Bell, of paralysis, aged 85 years, 10 months and 15 days.
  Mrs. Bell leaves a son in this city, E.W. Bell, and another son, James Bell, in Wisconsin.  Mrs. Whitney, living in Washington, is a daughter of the deceased.
  The funeral will be held at the house today at 11 o'clock, and the remains will be buried in the Lee Mission cemetery, at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon." DOS Mar 11, 1892 4:3

BELL, Mary E.
  b. 14 Jul 1837
  d. 25 May 1897      OLD 141-03
  wife of H.C. Bell
  on marker w/Hiram C., Laura E., & Maria Bell & Amanda Bell
  "A Sudden Death--The Passing of Mrs. H.C. Bell Caused by Heart Trouble--Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Bell who reside on a farm about five miles south of Salem, retired at their usual hour Monday night, both being in apparently good health, but about 2 o'clock yesterday morning Mrs. Bell awoke her husband complaining of severe illness arising from the stomach.  Mr. Bell arose hurriedly but before he was able to secure a light his wife breathed her last; the cause of her sudden demise is supposed to have been heart failure, as she was subject to troubles of that organ.
  The shock was a terrible one for Mr. Bell and he has the greatest sympathy of a large circle of friends in this vicinity.
  Mrs. Bell was born in Pickwait county, Ohio, and at the time of her death was aged 59 years and 10 months.  With her husband she came to Oregon from Minnesota twenty-three years ago last fall.  Four children survive her-three sons in this state and a daughter in Washington.
  The funeral will be conducted at the United Evangelical church, on Cottage street, at 2:30 p.m. today, by Rev. J. Bowersox, of LaFayette, and interment will be in Lee Mission cemetery." DOS May 26, 1897 4:1

BELL, William H.
  d. 23 Oct 1882      OLD 144-00
  age 13y11m29d
  entry on plot map at location OLD 144 says "cancelled".  No indication if location was cancelled or burial was cancelled.

  b. 09 Feb 1861
  d. 14 Dec 1943    A-25-02-04
  on marker w/James W. Bellamy
  d/o William & Amanda (Grey) Ward; w/o James W. Bellamy; b. Franklin Co, IL per D/C #1080

  b.          1889
  d. 02 Jun 1949    C-18-01-04
 Interment Record #1642
 "Grace Bellamy, late resident of Lebanon, at that city, June 2, at the age of 59 years.  Survived by a daughter, Mrs. Dora Knapp of Albany; a sister, Mrs. Ora Menuey of Salem; and two grandchildren, Vivian Ann Knapp and Sharon Lee Hohstadt, both of Albany.  Announcement of services later by W.T. Rigdon company." OS Jun 3, 1949 9:1

BELLAMY, James Walker
  b.              1858
  d. 25 Apr 1952    A-25-02-05
  on marker w/Elnora Bellamy
  "James Walker Bellamy, at the residence in Corvallis April 25 at the age of 93.  Survived by daughter, Mrs. Claudnia Oleva Purvine of Corvallis; son, William Wilson Bellamy of Oretown, Ore.; four sisters, Mrs. Cora Banshoe of Salem, Mrs. Ollie Eubanks of Clarkson, Ark.; Mrs. Kellie Gillette of Morton, Wash.; Mrs. Cornelia McIntosh of Cosmopolis, Wash.; 11 grandchildren and 22 great grandchildren.  Services will be held in the Howell-Edwards Chapel at 1:30 p.m. Monday, April 28."  OS Apr 27, 1952 21:2

BELLAMY, Knox Hampton
  b. 03 Mar 1924
  d. 14 Oct 1924      OLD 102-09
  "Funeral services for Knox Hampton Bellamy, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Bellamy of Route 3, Salem, Oregon, will be held from the Terwilliger Funeral home 770 Chemeketa street, today at 2 p.m.  Commital services Lee Mission cemetery."  OS Oct 15, 1924 5:3  s/o William W. & Grace (Coleman) Bellamy per D/C #702

BELLAMY, Mary Jane
  b. 04 May 1836
  d. 16 Nov 1925     D-22-03-08
  "At the home of her son, 702 North Church street, November 16, 1925, Mary Jane Bellamy, age 89 years, six months and 12 days.  She is survived by five daughters, Mrs. Malinda Walker and Mrs. Clora Wolf of Salem, Mrs. Callie Gillette, Mrs. Olive Eubanks and Mrs. Cornie McIntosh of Washington.  Two sons, J.W. Bellamy of Salem and John G. Bellamy of Benton, Illinois, also survive her.  The remains are in care of the Terwilliger funeral home.  Funeral arrangements will be made later." OS Nov 17, 1925 5:5 d/o Jacob & Nancy (Schumaker) Hopkins

BENNETT, Anna Marie
  b.              1866
  d. 03 Jan 1946    A-42-03-06
  "Anne Marie Bennett at the resi-dence, Route 1, Box 67-C, Salem, at the age of 79 years.  Wife of Ellis Bennett of route 1, Salem; Mother of Mrs. Ella Kruger of Oakland, Calif., Mrs. Birdetta Dennison of Salem, and Wallace W. Bennett of Salem; grandmother of Molly Ann Dennison of Salem and Kristine Kruger of Oakland, Calif.  Services will be held Saturday January 5 at 1:30 p.m. at the W.T. Rigdon Chapel with Dr. Charles Durden officiating.  Interment will be in the Jason Lee cemetery."  OS Jan 5, 1946 5:1

  b.       1863
  d. 05 May 1948    A-42-03-08
  "In this city, Wednesday, May 5, Ellis Bennett, late resident of West Salem at the age of 85 years.  Father of Ella Kruger of Oakland, Calif., and Wallace W. Bennett of West Salem; grandfather of Miss Molly Denison and Miss Christine Kruger, both of Oakland.  Member of the Oddfellows lodge in Iowa.  Services will be held from the W.T. Rigdon chapel Saturday, May 8, at 1:30 p.m. with the Rev. Charles Durden officiating.  Interment in Lee Mission cemetery." OS May 8, 1948 2:1

  d. 06 Apr 1902      D-28-02-01
  "Bennett--At the Insane Asylum, Salem, Oregon, Sunday, April 6, 1902, at 7 o'clock a.m., Mrs. Emma Bennett, aged 74 years, of senile exhaustion.
  Deceased was committed to the Asylum from Stayton in July, 1900, and the remains were prepared and sent to Stayton, by Undertaker A.M. Clough, where they will receive burial." DOS Apr 8, 1902 6:4

BENNETT, Ernest R.
  b.               1899
  d. 06 Mar 1919    D-18-04-02
  "Ernest Bennett Dies at Brooklyn Navy Yard--Ernest R. Bennett, son of William Bennett, died at the Brooklyn navy yard last Thursday, following an attack of pnuemonia.  The young man who was only 19 years old, had enlisted in January and was taken ill as soon as he reached New York.  He is survived by three sisters, Mrs. John E. Earle, of Salem, Mrs. Oran Mills and Mrs. F.C. Dueltgan, both of Falls City, and a brother, Robert Bennett, also of Falls City.  The body will arrive the latter part of the week for interment in this city."  OS Mar 11, 1919 5:6

BENNETT, George  P.
  b.             PA
  d. 30 Dec 1912      D-28-02-03
  "Funeral Held--The funeral service of George P. Bennett who died at his home in Portland last Monday, December 30, 1912, was held today in this city from the Oregon Electric depot.  Rev. Mr. Irvin, pastor of the Jason Lee Memorial church had charge of the services.  Burial was in the Jason Lee cemetery.  The deceased was one of the pioneer ministers who came to this country in an early day.  He was over 85 years old."  OS Jan 3, 1913 5:2

BENNETT, Ida Mae Thompson
  d. 07 Feb 1952      A-30-01-06
  "Mrs. Ida Mae Bennett, late resident of 3305 Portland Rd., in this city, Feb. 7, at the age of 77.  Mother of Owen Bennett of Salem; sister of Emma Kenne of St. Joseph, Mo.  Funeral services will be held Saturday, Feb. 9, at 1:30 p.m. in the W.T. Rigdon chapel, with concluding services in Lee Mission cemetery, and the Rev. John W. Hodges will officiate. Phone 3-3173." CJ Feb 8, 1952 15:8

  b.        1904
  d. 19 Oct 1904      D-28-02-02
  "Bennett--At the family home, High-land addition to Salem, Wednesday, October 19, 1904, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. L.P. Bennett, aged two weeks.
  Interment was made yesterday at Lee Mission cemetery." DOS Oct 21, 1904 4:3

  b.        1899
  d. Reserved         RA-51-09
  on marker w/Owen C. Bennett

BENNETT, Melinda
 d. 30 Aug 1883   N/A

BENNETT, Owen Clifford
  b.              1897
  d. 29 Jun 1963    RA-51-09
  Lead Kindly Light
  on marker w/Irene D. Bennett
  "Funeral services will be Wednesday for Owen Clifford Bennett, 65, of 2190 Church St. SE, who died Saturday at Grants Pass.  He was a plasterer, and had lived in Salem 20 years.
  Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Irene Bennett, Salem; brothers James Reagle, Salem, and Les Reagle, Cave Junction.  Funeral services will be Wednesday at 2 p.m. in W.T. Rigdon Funeral Home, Rev. Keith Fields officiating.  Interment will be in Jason Lee Cemetery."  OS Jul 1, 1963 I:6:1

BENNETT, Robert William
  b.             1894
  d. 25 Sep 1922    A-42-03-07
  "Bennett--At his home near Jefferson, Robert W. Bennett, at the age of 28 years; survived by his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Bennett of Jefferson; brothers, Robert, William and Wallis Bennett; sisters Ella, Marie M., Birdetta Bennett, all of Jefferson.  Funeral services this afternoon at 2 o'clock from Rigdon & Sons.  Interment at Lee Mission cemetery."  OS Sep 27, 1922 5:4

BENNETT, Wallis W.
  b. 17 Aug 1905
  d. 22 Apr 1965      A-42-03-05
  Oregon  PFC  332 Engr. Regt  WWII
  b.             1894
  d. 23 Jul 1962    C-44-04-01
  Beloved Mother
  "Mrs. Mary Bennette, 68, of 1335 Candlewood Drive NE, died Monday at a Salem nursing home, after illness of about five years.
  She was born in Greensboro, N.C., and came to Salem in 1950.
  Surviving are husband Calvin S. Bennette, Salem; daughters Mrs. Lenore Moyer, Salem; Mrs. Nina Spenson, Brush College; and Mrs. Sarah Dodd, Lodi, Calif.; sons, Calvin B. Bennette, Woodburn, Calif., James G. Bennette, Reno, Nev., and John W. Bennette, Lodi; also 13 grandchildren.
  Funeral services are pending at W.T. Rigdon Mortuary." OS Jul 24, 1962 I:5:2

  d. 24 Oct 1897      OLD 093-01
  "The Grim Reaper--Mr. and Mrs. Benninghoff's Home Visited by It--Two Funerals--The home of Mr. and Mrs. L.M. Benninghoff, on 19th street, this city, is in mourning over the death of their infant daughter, Myrtle, aged 6 weeks, which occurred Sunday, the 24th inst., being the result of an attack of brain fever.  The funeral will be held at the residence at 10 o'clock this morning." DOS Oct 26, 1897 4:1

BENWAY, Charles E.
  b.             1845
  d. 06 Mar 1922      C-39-03-01
 Interment Record #861, died from flu, age 77 yrs
 "Funeral services for the late Charles E. Benway will take place Thursday, March 9th, at 3 o'clock from the Rigdon mortuary, concluding service Lee Mission cemetery." CJ Mar 8, 1922 5:2

BERG, Caroline June
  b. 14 Apr 1944
  d. 24 Dec 2004     RC-11-19
      "KEIZER - Carol was born on April 14, 1944 in Grants Pass, Ore. to Delbert and Ruth (Knifong) Deringer. She graduated from Grants Pass High School. She married Larry Berg in 1963. She worked as a Habilitative Trainer at Fairview for 11 years and Spruce Villa for 10 years.
   Carol was a past member of the Keizer Eagles and in her spare time enjoyed going to movies with her cousin Lucy, various arts and crafts, puzzles, and shopping. She dedicated her life to helping developmentally disabled people.
   She was preceded in death by her husband, Larry Berg in 1992. She is survived by her sons, Jeff Berg of Milwaukie and Martin Berg of Salem; daughter, Carrie Wilson of Wilsonville; sisters, Ellen Rygh-Deringer of Keizer and Leona Gammon of Redmond; best friend/cousin, Lucy Ashley; 6 grandchildren including Sasha Berg, whom she raised; and three  great-grandchildren.
   Visitation for Carol will be on Thurs., Dec. 30 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Fri., Dec. 31, from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Keizer Funeral Chapel. A Graveside Service will be held at 2 p.m. on Fri., Dec. 31 at Lee Mission Cemetery. Arrangements are by Keizer Funeral Chapel." Statesman Journal Online

BERG, James Reynolds 
  b.            1928
  d. 29 Dec 1949  Salem, Marion County, Oregon    C-46-02-13
  Interment Record #1671
"James Reynolds Berg, late resident of Drain, in this city, December 29, at the age of 21 years.  Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Berg, Drain; two brothers, Robert Lee and William Fred Berg, both of Drain; and three sisters, Jeannette Berg, Drain; Mrs. Kenneth Noel, Walla Walla, Wash.; and Mrs. J.O. Stephens, Arsenal, Ark.  Services will be held Saturday, December 31, at 1:30 p.m. at the W.T. Rigdon chapel." OS Dec 31, 1949 10:1

BERGERON, Joe Edward
  b. 08 May 1919
  d. 11 May 1919      OLD 139-13
  s/o J.E. & Ruby J. (Ross) Bergeron; died at Deaconess hospital from convulsions resulting from birth pressure per D/C #292

BERGMAN, Clarence O.
  b.  10 Mar 1915
  d.   24 Mar 2000           RA-14-04
on marker w/Virginia Bergman
Clarence Bergman, 85, of Salem died Friday.
  He was born in Plainview, Ark., and moved to Oregon in 1938. He was a welder in the shipyards during World War II, then worked in construction. He was a millwright and retired as an ironworker from Stevens Equipment in 1980.
  He enjoyed gardening and woodworking.
  His wife, Virginia, whom he married in 1938, died in 1999. A daughter also preceded him in death.
  Survivors include his daughters, Arlene Kimball of Salem and Marian Tallman of Beaver Creek; son, Clarence Jr. of Salem; brothers, Aaron and William, both of Oklahoma; 14 grandchildren; 20 great-grandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren.
  Visiting will be noon to 8 p.m. Thursday at Howell-Edwards-Doerksen with Rigdon-Ransom Funeral Directors. Services will be 11 a.m. Friday at the mortuary. Interment will be at Lee Mission Cemetery.
  Contributions: Willamette Valley Hospice."  SJ Online

BERGMAN, Virginia E.
 b.  18 Jan 1920
 d.  18 Dec 1999             RA-14-03
on marker w/Clarence Bergman
Virginia Bergman, 79, of Salem died Saturday.
   She was born in Orienta, Okla. She married Clarence in 1938 and moved to Salem that year. She graduated from Chemeketa Community College nursing program in 1965. She was a licensed practical nurse at Salem General Hospital, retiring in 1976. She was a member of Eastern Star and Pythians and enjoyed quilting and crocheting. A daughter preceded her in death.
   Survivors include her husband; daughters, Arlene Kimball of Salem and Marian Tallman of Beavercreek; son, Clarence Jr. of Salem; brother, Elmer Cousins of Mayer, Ariz.; 14 grandchildren; 19 great-grandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren.
   Visiting will be noon to 8 p.m. Wednesday in Howell-Edwards-Doerksen with Rigdon-Ransom Funeral Directors. Services will be noon Thursday in the mortuary. Interment will be in Lee Mission Cemetery. Contributions: American Diabetes Association."  SJ Online

BERGSVIK, Helen Lucille
  b.       1904
  d. 08 Nov 1982    OLD 202-08
  "Helen Lucille Bergsvick, 78, of Bellingham, Wash., formerly a resident of Salem, died Monday in Bellingham.
  She was born in Salem.
  Survivors include her sisters, Maude Ramseyer and Nancy VonEschen, both of Salem.
  Graveside services will be at 3 p.m. Thursday in Lee Mission Cemetery.  Arrangements are under the direction of Rigdon-Ransom mortuary." SJ Nov 10, 1982 2B:6

  d. 30 Dec 2021     RC-31-14
  Buried 10 Jan 2022

BERNARD, Lula "Lulu" Jerome (Wilkins)
  b. 27 Aug 1873 Red Bluff, CA
  d. 08 Dec 1925      OLD 211-04
  m'd 13 Mar 1899 Seattle, WA Lazell Bernard
  w/o Lazell Bernard; b. CA; died at OSH from cerebral hemmorrhage at age 51 per D/C #834
[her husband is buried in Green Mountain Cemetery, Rainier, Columbia Co, OR; he is the son of Reuben Truman Barnard and Ann (Smith) Barnard.  Lazell changed his surname from Barnard to Bernard at some point in time]

  b. 12 Dec 1851
  d. 17 Feb 1934    C-20-03-02
  "In this city, Saturday, February 17, John B. Berreth, aged 82 years, beloved father of Mrs. Georgia L. Eddie, Mrs. Elizabeth Terwilliger, Mrs. Blanch Stanton, Edward L., William C., and Theodore Berreth, all of Portland, Mrs. Emilia Greggrains of San Francisco and Mrs. Bessie Jolley of New York City.  Funeral services Tuesday, February 20, 1 p.m. from chapel of Salem mortuary, Rev. J.H. Quiring officiating.  Interment Lee Mission cemetery." OS Feb 20, 1934 3:4

BERRY, Florence K.
 b. 25 Mar 1921
 d.  01 Jul 2003       

BERRY, Florence Marie
 b. 29 May 1923
 d.  04 Mar 2020    

BERRY, Herbert
  b. 27 Aug 1915
  d. 08 Jun 1979      RA-43-02
  Tec4 US Army World War II
  "Herbert Berry, 63, of 1677 Chemeketa St. NE, died Friday at his residence.
  He was born in Hawaii.  He had lived in Salem for 30 years.  He was a retired parts man for E.H. Burrell Automotive Electric Service.  He was a member of St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Elks Lodge No. 336 and American Legion Post No. 136.  He was a veteran of World War II.
  Survivors include wife, Florence M.; sons, Dennis R., Joseph A., Thomas J. and Timothy L., Salem; daughter, Margaret C. Giddens, Sublimity; and four grandchildren.
  Mass will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday at St. Joseph's Catholic Church.  Interment follows at Lee Mission Cemetery.  Arrangements are under the direction of Rigdon-Ransom mortuary.
  The family suggests contributions to the American Cancer Society." SJ Jun 11, 1979 1C:5
BERZEE, Jane M. Powers
  b. 11 Sep 1827
  d. 24 Apr 1915    D-17-02-01
  on marker w/C.E. Powers
  "Berzee-At the home of her son, E.W. Powers, in Salem, Or., Saturday, April 24, 1915, Jane M. Berzee, aged 87 years, 7 months and 13 days.
  Mrs. Berzee was born in Cleveland, Ohio.  She was married to Moses Powers February 21, 1843.  Six children were born to this union, four of whom survive: E.J. Powers, of Allegan, Mich., Mrs. W. Cooley, C.E. Powers and E.W. Powers of Salem, Or.  Her first husband, Moses Powers, died October 1, 1870.
  She was married to J.E. Berzee June 14, 1874.  Mr. Berzee died January 12, 1897.  Since that time she has made her home with Mrs. W. Cooley and E.W. Powers.
  She became a member of the Christian church in 1867.  Besides three sons and a daughter, she is survived by twenty-four grandchildren, thirty-eight great grandchildren and one great great grandchild.
  The funeral will be held this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock from the residence of E.W. Powers, 15th and D streets.  Rev. F.T Porter will officiate.
  The pall bearers will be six of the grandchildren: Hersel, Edwin and Grover Powers and Ralph, Hersel and Harry Cooley." OS Apr 25, 1915 4:2  d/o Manly & Cloe (Adams) Hitchcock per D/C #1414

BESST, Donald Jack
  b. 04 Feb 1919
  d. 26 Jun 1977      RA-49-09
  Tec4 US Army World War II
  "Donald Jack Besst, 58, 1560 Evergreen St. NE, died Sunday in a local nursing home, following a long illness.
  A native of Nebraska, he graduated from University of Wyoming, and served on the administrative staff there for 27 years.
  He moved to Salem in 1973, and worked for Eureka Publishing Co.  He was a member of American Legion and a World War II veteran.
  Survivors include mother, Betty M. Carruth, Salem; son, Donald Guy, El Paso, Tex; sister, Voltie Jean Prior, Texarkana, Tex.; two grandchildren.
  Services will be 1 p.m. Thursday in St. Paul Episcopal church.  Interment will be in Lee Mission cemetery under direction of Rigdon-Ransom mortuary." OS Jun 28, 1977 10A:5

BETKER, Gottlieb
  d. 10 Mar 1916      D-17-02-08
  "Funeral Held Yesterday--The funeral of the late Gottlieb Betkey, who died Friday at his home, 796 Columbia street, was held yesterday afternoon from the German Baptist church. Burial was in Lee Mission cemetery.  Mr. Betkey, who was 77 years old, had been ill for ten years.  He is survived by his widow, three sons and three daughters, and twenty grandchildren." OS Mar 14, 1916 5:3  s/o Jacob & Cristine (Blickert) Betker; b. Rushia, Poland per D/C #144

  b. 16 Oct 1994
 d.  03 Oct 1997          RA-09-06
Funeral marker

BEUGLI, Aaron O.
  b.              1893
  d. 16 Apr 1977    A-29-03-03
  Pvt   US Army   World War I
  "Aaron O. Beugli, 84, 1361 31st Ave. NE, died Saturday in a local nursing home.
  Born in Silverton, he lived in Salem the past 11 years.  He was a carpenter with the Bonneville Power Administration, retiring in 1960.  He was a member of the National Association of Retired Federal Employees and was a World War I Army veteran.
  Survivors include widow, Celesta; sons Norman and Howard, both Salem, and Roy, West Linn; daughters Esther Trojan and Barbara Harp, both Eugene; sister, Sarah Kirk, Silverton; 15 grandchildren and four great-grand-children.
  Services will be 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at Howell-Edwards-Doerksen mortuary.  Interment will be in Lee Mission Cemetery.  The family suggests contributions to the American Cancer Society." SJ Apr 17, 1977 3:1

BEUGLI, Grace M.
  b. 14 Apr 1928
  d. 09 Apr 1980      RA-27-05
  m'd 21 Jun 1952
  `With a tear she left us'
  on marker w/Norman D. Beugli
  "Grace M. Beugli, 51, of 560 Hampden Lane NE, died Wednesday in a Salem hospital following a brief illness.
  She was born in Northfield, Minn.  She moved to Salem 34 years ago.  She was an Avon sales representative and member of Salem Eagles Lodge.
  Survivors include husband, Norman, sons, Harvey and Roger, and mother, Anna Mulligan, all of Salem; brothers, Paul, Lakeville, Minn., Robert, Carson, Calif.; and sisters, Mary Shankey, Salem, and Margaret MaLecha, Farmington, Minn.
  Services will be at 10:30 a.m. Saturday at Howell-Edwards-Doerksen mortuary.  Interment follows at Lee Mission Cemetery, Salem.  The family suggests contributions to the American Cancer Society." SJ Apr 11, 1980 1C:5

BEUGLI, Mella K.
  b.              1901
  d. 19 Sep 1944    A-29-03-02
  Mother -- With a smile she left us
  "In this city September 19, Mella K. Beugli, late resident of 879 North Cottage, age 42 years.  Wife of Aaron O. Beugli of Salem; daughter of Ole Kyllo of Canby; mother of Mrs. Esther Pfohl, Howard, Roy and Barbara Beugli, all of Salem and Norman Beugli of the US navy, Shoemaker, Calif, sister of Ben and Henry Kyllo of Canby and Raymond, Ted and George Kyllo of Molalla, and Mrs. Carl Feyerer of Molalla.  Services will be held from the W. T. Rigdon chapel Monday, September 25, at 1:30 p.m. Interment in Jason Lee cemetery."  OS Sep 23, 1944 5:1

BEUGLI, Norman D.
  b. 20 May 1926
  d. 2 Feb 2019         RA-27-06
  m'd 21 Jun 1952
  on marker w/Grace M. Beugli

BEWLEY, Amanda M.  (Ellis)
  b. 14 Jan 1807 Tenn
  d. 08 Sep 1889      OLD 178-07
w/o Isaac Wilkinson Bewley
  "Mrs. A.M. Bewley, familiarly known as `Mother Bewley,' died at the Portland Hospital, Sunday, September 8, about noon.  She had been a Methodist for over half a century and has been universally respected and beloved wherever known.  She has been making her home in the hospital for some months.  She died suddenly and unexpectedly, while sitting in her chair.  She leaves her propertly to aid the theological department in the Willamette University."  PCA Sep 11, 1889

BEWLEY, Elizabeth Ann (Patty)
  b.       1841
  d. 12 Apr 1908    OLD 164-05
  on marker w/W.R., Carrie & Martha Patty
  "Pioneer Lady Dies--Mrs. T.R. Bewlen, who died Saturday morning at the family home at Berry and Oxford streets, will be buried today, the services taking place at ten o'clock from the First M.E. church, the Rev. W.H. Selleck officiating.  Interment will be in Lee Mission cemetery.  The deceased was nearly 67 years of age and was the daughter of Rev. W.R. Patty, who came to Salem in 1852.  Besides her husband she leaves to mourn her departure the following children: Martha, Mary, Kittie, John A., Edgar and Omer." DOS Apr 14, 1908 5:5  d/o Wm R. Patty; b. TN;  housewife; resided 1675 Berry St., Salem, OR; died of apoplexy per D/C #6615

BEWLEY, Omer George
  b. 10 Dec 1879
  d. 03 Mar 1952      OLD 177-02
  "Omer Bewley, in this city, March 3, at a local hospital.  Survivors are two daughters, Mrs. Gladys Acuff, and Mrs. Helen Sim, both of Salem; a son, Carl Bewley of Gervais; a sister, Mrs. Mary Bewley, McMinnville; five grand-children, and four great grand-children.  Services will be held Wednesday, March 5, at 1:30 p.m. in the Clough-Barrick Chapel with the Rev. Dudley Strain officiating.  Interment in Lee Mission Cemetery." OS Mar 4, 1952 8:2
  b.       1854
  d. 26 Dec 1932    A-23-01-07
RI #1293 Arnold Beisler, age 78, died 26 Dec 1932, buried 28 Dec 1932 in Block 23 Sec A Lot 1 Grave 7, 1 space purchased
  "In this city Monday, December 26, Arnold Bielser, aged 78.  Survived by one son and two daughters. Funeral services Wednesday, December 28, at 10 a.m. from the chapel of the Salem Mortuary, 545 N. Capitol St. Interment in the Jason Lee cemetery with Reverend P.W. Eriksen officiating."  OS Dec 28, 1932 5:1

 d.                               N/A

BIGGS, Angeline
  b. 30 Jul 1836
  d. 25 Aug 1917    OLD 229-09
  "Biggs-In Salem, Or., Aug. 23, 1917, Mrs. Angeline Biggs, who was 82 years old.
  Mrs. Biggs had been an inmate of the Old People's Home in Salem since it first opened eight years ago, coming here from Corvallis.  She had been ill for only a few days.
  Mrs. Biggs was born July 30, 1836.  She crossed the plains in 1854, coming to Oregon in 1900.  She was a member of the First Methodist church and had been a church member since she was 17 years old.
  Surviving her are a daughter, Mrs. Abbie Brown of Durango, Colo.; and a brother, John Cox, who lives near Albany.  The body is at the parlor of Rigdon & Company, and further announcements will be made later." OS Aug 24, 1917 5:4

BIRD, Adrian Nicole
b. 19 Sep 1990 Federal Way, WA
d. 23 Nov 2013
Turner, OR  RC-47-24
    "Adrian has lived in the Salem area for the last nine years.    She was tragically murdered outside her apartment in Turner, Ore.  She was taken too soon, she was just 23 years old.
    She was born in Federal Way, WA to Terry Bird and Laura (Lake) Christofferson.  She attended Chemeketa Community College while raising her daughter.  Adrian loved to be at the water, North Fork, a beach, the river, or the resevoir.   In winter it was snowboarding.  Adrian was a leader, as she loved to lead and help others.
    She is survived by her two-year-old daughter.  Her parents Terry Bird and Laurie Christopherson, sisters Jennifer Bird, Quayla Bird, Tausha Jeffers, her brother Derrick Bird, grandmother Dona Lake and many other relatives.
    Services will be Fri., Nov 29, 2013 at 11:00 a.m. at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 862 45th Ave NE.  Donations may be made to the Adrian Bird Memorial at any US Bank for raising her baby and expenses.  Arrangements are by Virgil T. Golden Funeral Services." [Statesman Journal, November 27, 2013]

BIRKNER, Elizabeth
  b. 30 Oct 1853
  d. 08 Jun 1933      N/A
  "At the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Wolfe, route 1 box 9 Shaw, June 8, Elizabeth Birkner.  Mother of Mrs. Elizabeth Wolfe, and Joe Birkner of Saskatchewan, Canada.  Also survived by 25 grandchildren and two great grandchildren, aged 79 years, seven months, eight days.  Friends are invited to attend the funeral services to be held Saturday June 10 at 2 p.m. from the Terwilliger Funeral Home, 770 Chemeketa street, Rev. G.W. Rutsch officiating. Interment Lee Mission cemetery." OS Jun 10, 1933 3:2 d/o Franz & Mary (Snepergal) Luderbeck per D/C #446

BIRRAN, Dana Lee
  b. 05 Aug 1953
  d. 05 Aug 1953      C-43-04-19
 Record of Interment #1817 Stillborn; burial by Barrick Funeral Home
Note: Barrick Funeral Home records show: Dana Lee Birran; stillborn 05 Aug 1953; d/o Dan & Rosella (Juliett) Birran of Eugene; burial at West Lawn Cemetery, Eugene, OR

 d. 04 Feb 1905       N/A

BIXBEE, Jennie M.
  See: BYXBEE, Jennie M.

BLACK, A. Burr
  b.               1892
  d. 06 May 1967    RA-53-02
  on marker w/Elsa P. Black
  "A. Burr Black, 74, 1616 Ecola Way, Woodburn, died Tuesday in a Salem nursing home.
  Before moving to Woodburn two years ago, Black lived in Salem 26 years.  He spent 23 years as an entomologist for the State Department of Agricul-ture; he was in charge of state bee inspections.  He retired in 1957.
  Black taught 13 years at Napa High School, Astoria, and from 1924-32 served as principal.
  Survivors include widow Elsa P. Black, Woodburn; sons W.J. and Marvin E. Black, both Salem, and Ralph M. Black, Albany, daughter Mrs. Naomi Neyerlin, Stockton, CA, brother Emerson Black, Grants Pass; sister Mrs. Ora Brower, Morrisville, N.Y.,  11 grandchildren and 1 great grand child.
  Services will be 11 AM Saturday in W.T. Rigdon mortuary, Rev. S. Raynor Smith officiating.  Private interment will be in Lee Mission Cemetery." OS May 18, 1967 I:9:1-2

BLACK, Elsa Pearl
  b.              1892
  d. 30 Dec 1969    RA-53-01
  on marker w/A. Burr Black
  "Late resident of 1614 Ecola Way NW, Woodburn, Dec. 30, in a local hospit-al, at the age of 77.  Survived by sons, Willis J. Black, Salem, Ralph M. Black, Albany, Marvin E. Black, Cor-vallis; daughter, Mrs. Neoma Naomi Neyerlen, LaGrande; brother, Ralph McKibben, Burlington, Wash., Walter McKibben, Olympia, Wash.; sisters, Mrs. Irma Miller, Seattle, Mrs. Ruth Wright, Woodburn.  Services Fri., Jan 2 at 3:00 p.m. in Rigdon's Colonial Chapel, Cottage at Chemeketa NE.  Interment Lee Mission Cemetery.  Rev. S. Raynor Smith officiating.  In lieu of flowers contributions may be made to the Oregon Arthritic Foundation c/o Rigdon's."  OS Jan 1, 1970 21:2

  d. 23 Apr 1891      OLD
  "Died-In North Salem, Thursday, April 23, 1891, of measles, George E., child of Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Blackford.
  The remains will be given interment in the Lee Mission cemetery. The day & hour of the funeral will be announced later."  DOS Apr 24, 1891 3:1

BLAIR,   Malinda Jane (Cartwright)
  b. 25 Feb 1850
  d.  09 Jul 1916      OLD 103-02
d/o James Riley and Mary Jane (Ware) Cartwright
w/o Rev. Henry James Blair
buried next to brother, Daniel Gray Cartwright [information provided by Jan Garver, find a grave researcher]

Note: Per Record of Interment #143 for this plot does not list first name and states BLAIR, d. Oct 1891

  d. 02 Mar 1891      OLD 103-01
  "At the home of her parents, Henry J. and Malinda Blair, in Capital Park addition to Salem, at 3:06 a.m. Monday, March 2d, 1891, of typhoid malaria, Mary Blair, aged 11 years.
  Deceased was born in Kansas and removed to Oregon in the spring of 1889, since which time she had been a pupil in the Salem High school.
  The funeral services will be held in the church used by the Free Method-ists, near the corner of High and Marion streets, at the hour of 10:30 a.m. today.  Thence the remains will be conveyed to the Lee Mission cemetery for interment."  WOS Mar 6, 1891 11:7

BLAKESLEE, William Worth
  d. 06 Jun 1929      OLD 213-07
  "William Blakeslee died June 6, at Chemawa at the age of 65 years.  Sur-vived by his widow, Jessie, and the following children; Willamette, Vernice, Henrietta, William, Jr., and Bertha, all of Chemawa.  Member of Jason Lee church, Salem; also a Dowiette.  Funeral services Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Clough-Huston's chapel, Rev. Harry Gardner, officiating.  Interment Lee Mission cemetery."  OS Jun 8, 1929 5:1

BLANDING, Robert Paul
  b. 19 Jun 1919
  d. 08 Mar 1992      RA-33-07
  Lt  US Navy  World War II
  "Services for Robert Paul `Bob' Blanding, 72, of Salem, who died Sunday, will begin at 2 p.m. Friday in the First United Methodist Church.
  He was born on a farm in St. Croix Falls, Wis., and moved to Portland in 1924.  A 1937 graduate of Roosevelt High School, he was senior class president.  He attended Albany Col-lege, now known as Lewis & Clark College, where he was student body president.  He received his bachelor of arts degree in 1942 from Willamette University.  His student activities there included the fraternity Kappa Gamma Rho, now known as Beta Theta Pi.
  He served in the Navy during World War II and reached the rank of senior grade lieutenant.
  He married Wanda Demuth on Nov. 24, 1948, in Portland.
  He received his master's degree in business administration in 1949.  He worked for Eugene Fruit Growers Association from 1947 until 1971, serving in many positions from credit manager to chief accountant.  He also was active in the Eugene community.
  Moving to Salem in 1972, he became controller/treasurer of Agripac Inc., until retiring in 1984 as manager of finance.
  His many volunteer activities included both business and community organizations.  He served as a trustee at Willamette University since 1964, was president of the Salem Chapter of Administrative Management Society, served on the business advisory committee for Chemeketa Community College and committees at Salem First United Methodist Church, and was active in the Willamette Council of Camp Fire, Mid-Willamette Valley Action Agency, and Marion/Polk County Food Share.
  He also initiated and served as chairperson for the first drug-and alchohol-free graduation party for the McKay High School class of 1986.
  Survivors include his wife; daugh-ters, Sharman E. Gerdes of Monmouth and Kim L. Blanding of Salem; son, Robert F. of Seattle; brother, Howard J. of West Linn; sister, Ann Hitchman of Fort Collins, Colo.; and one grand-child.
  Private interment will be in Lee Mission Cemetery.  Arrangements are by Virgil T. Golden mortuary.
  Contributions may be made to the church memorial fund, 600 State Street, Salem, 97301, or to the Cap-itol Kiwanis Club Special Projects Fund, in care of the mortuary." SJ Mar 11, 1992 2B:1 w/photo

  b.  06 Oct 1924
 d.  24 Mar 2024               RA-33-08
"Wanda Elouise Blanding (Demuth) passed away with her family by her side on March 24, 2024. At the venerable age of 99 years, she was ready to join her friends and family that had preceded her. Her mother, Bertha Demuth (Oxrider) gave birth to Wanda on October 6, 1924. Her father, Clarence Demuth, delivered her in the family home in Fairmont, Minnesota when the country doctor wasn’t able to make it fast enough while riding his bike from his prior house call.
    Wanda lived in Fairmont during the Great Depression until she was 18, when she moved to Portland, Oregon after graduating from Fairmont High School, class of 1942. Her parents moved to Oregon to find work in the shipyards in Portland supporting the war effort of World War II. In Fairmont, Wanda worked at the dime store downtown, and in Portland she went to work for the president of Equitable Savings and Loan.
    She was active at First United Methodist Church in Portland, and also in volunteering at the USO during the war years. She was introduced to Bob Blanding by mutual friends at FUMC. After declining his first proposal, Wanda agreed to marry Bob, and they were wed in November 1948 in Portland. After a Thanksgiving honeymoon (they only had enough vacation time for a long holiday weekend) in Victoria British Columbia, Wanda joined Bob in Eugene where he worked for Eugene Fruit Growers. They lived in Eugene for 24 years before moving to Salem, Oregon in 1972. Wanda and Bob were married for 43 years until Bob’s death in 1992.
    Wanda returned to school in the 1970’s and earned an associates degree at Chemeketa Community College, returning to the workforce and spending time working in the A.S.C.C.C. (Associated Students) office at Chemeketa while a student, then at the PIA Western Alliance (Professional Insurance Agents) and the TED Center (Technology, Enterprise & Development - a not for profit supporting entrepreneurship) until her retirement in 1993.
    Wanda was also active volunteering, including being a Life Member of the Oregon Congress of Parents and Teachers for her work with various PTA organizations from the Bethel School District in Eugene to the Salem School District. She regularly volunteered in school libraries in addition to her PTO work, and she and Bob established McKay High School’s first drug/alcohol free all night graduation party for the class of 1986. Wanda and Bob also hosted several exchange students from around the world who were attending the University of Oregon during their time in Eugene.
    Wanda was also a regular volunteer at Trinity United Methodist Church in Eugene, and First United Methodist Church in Salem, putting her love of crafting to good use with floral arrangements and other creative support for the congregations. She served as the CEO of the Blanding household where she did yeoman’s work ensuring the family was in optimal position to attack life’s challenges at the time - and for all time.
    In addition to Bertha, Clarence, and Bob, she is preceded in death by her brother and sister John and Carol, as well as her oldest daughter, Sharman Gerdes.
She is survived by her daughter and son Kim and Robert, son-in-law Michael Gerdes, daughter-in-law Staci, as well as grandchildren Maryn, Mikaelyn, Halleigh, and Ayden and her great-grandchild Finn.
    Her fondest wish is for her neighbors, caregivers, friends and family to enjoy life and each other, to help and support each other and all others, and find ways to make a positive difference in the world.
     Rest in Peace Wanda…” Dignitymemorial.com/obituaries/salem-or/wanda-blanding-11725988

  b.              Indiana
  d. 19 Jun 1902       REMOVED
age 56y; Obit--OS Jun 20, 1902

BLINCO, Lewis F.
  d. 25 Sep 1943      C-50-01-05
  "L.F. Blinco of Salem in this city September 25.  Funeral services Saturday, October 2, at 10:30 a.m., from the chapel of the W.T. Rigdon company, with concluding services at Lee Mission cemetery." OS Oct 2, 1943 3:1
Record of Interment #1485

BOARDMAN, Robert Rieder
  b. 17 Sep 1922
  d. 20 Sep 1922      D-18-02-01
  "Child Passes Away--The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boardman, was taken suddenly and unaccountably ill Tuesday, and in spite of all that medication and nursing skill could do, passed away Tuesday night at the Boardman home on South Thirteenth street.  The infant seemed especially strong and hearty" OS Sep 21, 1922 3:1

BOE, John
  d. 28 Jan 1959      C-44-02-08
  "In this city January 28th 1959.  Survived by Gordon Boe Heitsch, Seattle, Washington, Mrs. Gordon (Myra) Jensen, Torrence, California, Claude Dahl, International Falls, Minnesota, Mrs. Margaret Sarton, Little Fork, Minnesota, Roland Heitsch and Edward Heitsch and Hugo Heitsch of Carnation, Washington, John Heitsch and Leslie Heitsch of Rugby, North Dakota.  Sister Minnie Rauch of Willmar, Minnesota, Pauline Webster, San Francisco, Calif.  Services will be Friday at 3 p.m. in the chapel of W.T. Rigdon Co. Rev. T.M. Gebhart officiating.  Interment Lee Mission Cemetery."  OS Feb 4, 1959 5:1

BOEHR, Margaret
 d. 1999                

BOGGE, John F.
  d. 02 Nov 1924      N/A
  "Bogge--John F. Bogge, husband of Victoria Bogge, died Nov. 2 at a local hospital at the age of 33 years.  Re-mains are at the chapel of the Salem mortuary.  Phone 1656.  Announcement of funeral later." OS Nov 4, 1924 5:3

  b. 01 Jul 1916
  d. 01 Jul 1916      OLD 106-04
stillborn per Record of Interment #693
  b.           1835
  d. 08 Apr 1927  Salem, Oregon  C-21-03-08
  Interment Record #1120
"Jane Boles died at the residence 570 N. Winter street, at the age of 91 years and 7 months.  She is the wife of the late James Boles.  Survived by three daughters, Mrs. Ralph Robertson of Ashland, Mrs. L.F. Brown and Mrs. Oren Stratton, both of Salem.  Funeral services will be held today, April 9, at 1:30 p.m. from the Rigdon mortuary, with Rev. F.C. Taylor officiating.  Interment in Lee Mission cemetery."  OS Apr 9, 1927 5:5

BONAR, Karen Ann
  b. 26 Jan 1949
  d.  26 Jan 1949      C-47-01-14
buried 4th grave (from west) in plot 14
Record of Interment #1628
  "Baby girl Bonar, infant twin daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bonar, 2255 Shelton St. at a local hospital, January 27.
  Announcement of services later by Howell-Edward chapel." OS Jan 28, 1949 14:27

BOND, Elepha Olive [Waller]
  b. 02 Mar 1869 Oregon
  d.               1964    C-38-04-01
  on marker w/Harvey S. Bond
d/o Orrin Atchinson Waller and Mary Lucia Chamberlin

BOND, Harvey S.
  b. 15 Jun 1867 Linn County, Oregon
  d. 01 Sep 1940    C-38-04-02
  Mason Insignia
  on marker w/Elepha W. Bond
  Interment Record #1429
  "Harvey S. Bond, at the residence in Turner, September 1, at the age of 73 years.  Survived by widow, Mrs. Elepha Waller Bond of Turner; sons, Leland J. Bond of Winnetka, Ill., and Charles Alvin Bond of Amarillo, Texas; and three grandchildren.  Funeral services will be held Friday at 2 p.m. from the Clough-Barrick chapel.  Interment at Jason Lee cemetery." OS Sep 4, 1940 5:1 
m1. 01 Sep 1892 Elizabeth "Lizzie" Jester
m2. 24 May 1895 Elepha Waller
D/C #748; s/o Solomon & Huldah (Hayes) Bond
1900: Leland Pct, Josephine County, Oregon, June 11, 1900; Harvey S. Bond, head, Jun 1867, 32, m-5yrs, OR KY ?, tel operator; Olive E., wife, Mar 1869, 31, m-5yrs, 1-0, OR OR MI; Leland J., son, Jul 1895, 6, s, OR OR IL, at school [child of Harvey Bond and first wife, Elizabeth Jester]

BONDSHU, Clora Ann Bellamy
  b. 25 Aug 1861
  d. 03 May 1953    D-22-01-08
  "6-Year Illness Claims Life of Mrs. Bondshu--Mrs. Clora Ann Bondshu, resident of Oregon since 1904, died at a local nursing home Saturday following an illness of the past six years.
  A resident of Keizer for the last several years, she was born in 1861, in Clairborne County, --Clora Ann Bellamy, Aug. 25, Tenn., the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Bellamy.  At the age of 11 years she moved with her parents to Illinois where she grew to womanhood and attended schools in that state.
  She married George Wolfe in 1901 and he preceded her in death in 1901.  She later married Ernest Bondshu in Keizer and he preceded her in death in 1940.  She was a member of the Keizer Methodist church.
  Survivors include three sisters, Mrs. F.W. McIntosh, Aberdeen, Wash.; Mrs. Otis Gillett, Morton, Wash.; and Mrs. John Eubanks, Clarkton, Mo., and several nieces and nephews.  She was also a relative of the later J.W. Bel-lamy of Salem.
  Announcement of services will be made later by the Virgil T. Golden Company." OS May 4, 1953 5:1
BONE, Thomas
  b.        1866
  d. 19 Mar 1908      D-14-03-04
  "Died of Injuries--Thos. Boyd, a miner, the nephew of a wealthy Idaho miner, died in the insane asylum here last night, as the result of slashing his throat with a razor in Baker City on March 6.  The deceased has well-to-do relatives in St. Paul Minn." CJ Mar 20, 1908 10:2 single; b. Cornwall, Eng.; died at age 42yrs at OSIA the result of attempting suicide per D/C #6601 and #6322

BONHAM, Benjamin Franklin
  b. 08 Oct 1828
  d. 02 Jun 1906    OLD 179-01
  "Judge Benjamin F. Bonham Died at His Home in This City This Morning at 3:30--Judge Bonham was born October 8, 1828, near Knoxville, Tenn., but spent his boyhood in Indiana, to which state his parents moved when he was but 12 years of age.  Of the seven children in the family, Judge Bonham was one of the two survivors, and the only one to come to the Pacific coast.  He received his education in the public schools and in the Delaware County Seminary, at Muncie, Ind.  In 1853 he came across the plains, arriving in Oregon in September, and for the first two years was engaged in teaching school on French Prairie and in Salem.  In the meantime he had been studying law diligently, with a view to enter-ing the legal profession; and in  1856 he was admitted to the bar.  The unsettled condition of the country at that time had need of just such latent resources as were embodied in the promising young attorney, who at once stepped into positions requiring tact and ability.  In the early '50s he held various territorial offices--auditor, librarian and superintendent of schools, in Marion county, and while thus diversely engaged served as a member of the last territorial and the first state legislature.
  Upon retiring from public office he began to devote his entire attention to the practice of law.  In 1870, he was elected a member of the supreme court, at the same time serving as exofficio judge of the circuit court for six years.  From 1874 to 1876 he was chief justice of the Oregon supreme court.  At the close of his term he formed a law partnership with Judge W.M. Ramsey, which continued until 1885.  In 1885 his services for the Democratic party were rewarded by Grover Cleveland with an appointment to the consul-generalship to British India.  For four years he represented the United States at Calcutta, with credit to himself and to the entire satisfaction of both governments.
  His experience in the foreign services, at one of his most important posts, enabled him to gain a complete knowledge of internal law of a much more practical nature than could have been gained in any of the technical institutions of learning.  He returned home in August, 1890, resumed the practice of law, and formed a partner-ship with W.H. Holmes.
  In 1894 he was appointed postmaster of Salem, and held the office for four years.  He again resumed the practice of his profession, and in 1899 entered into a partnership with Carey F. Martin, a graduate of the University of Oregon.
  In 1858, at Salem, Judge Bonham was united in marriage with Mildred A. Baker.  Of the seven children born to Mr. and Mrs. Bonham, only two are now living, Ralph P., a young attorney at law, and Mrs. Winona M. Larkins.
  Judge Bonham was also held in high esteem by the legal fraternity of this city, and for a period of eight years he was president of the Marion County Bar Association.
  Arrangements have been made for the funeral to be held at 3 o'clock tomorrow (Sunday) and Rev. Barr G. Lee will officiate.  The interment will be in Lee Mission cemetery." DCJ Jun 2, 1906 12:1-2

BONHAM, Burton Malcolm
  b. 30 Apr 1862
  d. 02 Oct 1879    OLD 179-08
  "Sudden Death--Our readers will no doubt be surprised to learn of the death, yesterday, of Burton Bonham, son of Hon. B.F. Bonham, of this city.  He was taken ill but a few days since, and his death was sudden and unex-pected.  He was about seventeen years of age, a young man of rare worth, and loved and respected by all who knew him.  He was raised among us, and those who knew him best, best appreci-ated his many virtues.  His funeral will take place from the Episcopal Church at 4 p.m. to-day, the rector, Rev. Jas. T. Chambers, officiating.  Friends of the family are invited to attend.  His bereaved parents have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in this their hour of trial.  Peace to his ashes."  WOS Oct 3, 1879 3:2

BONHAM, Clinton Owen
  b.       1866
  d.       1881    OLD 179-03

BONHAM, Eugene Franklin
  b.       1859
  d. 23 Oct 1879    OLD 179-07
  "Died--Frank Bonham, eldest son of Judge Bonham, died at his father's residence near the Fair Ground last Thursday night at 10:30 o'clock.  The funeral took place Friday at 3 o'clock p.m.  The remains were followed to the grave by the Capital Guards, of which he was an honored member."  WOS Oct 31, 1879 1:3

BONHAM, John Clifford
  b.       1874
  d.       1881    OLD 179-04

BONHAM, Mildred Amanda
  b. 06 Aug 1840
  d. 28 Jul 1907    OLD 179-02
  "Mrs. Mildred Bonham Enters Long Sleep--Well Known Woman Dies After Long and Very Eventful Life--In the death of Mrs. Mildred Bonham, which occurred yesterday morning, Salem loses one of its most respected and best known pioneers, who endeared herself to a wide circle of friends in the Capital city.  Mrs. Bonham was the widow of the late Judge B.F. Bonham, who died in this city about a year ago, and who was one of the most prominent men in the development of Marion county, having served several successive terms as Salem's postmaster and as consul to India, where Mrs. Bonham accompanied him, and where they resided for about seven years.
  Mrs. Bonham was born August 6, 1840, in Illinois, and with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, removed to Oregon when but seven years of age.  Her aged father, Mr. John Baker, at whose home she passed away, survives her, although 91 years of age, and in addition, she leaves a son, Raphael Bonham, U.S. inspector of immigration at Astoria, and Mrs. Winona Larkins of this city.
  The immediate cause of Mrs. Bonhams' death was a bronchial affection, although she has been in frail health for several years.  She was an active Christian worker and a member of the Episcopal church of this city.
  The funeral will be held from the home of her father, John Baker, on the Garden road, at 4:30 this afternoon, the services being conducted by Rev. Barr G. Lee, of St. Paul's church and interment will be made at Lee Mission cemetery."  DOS Jul 28, 1907 8:4  widow; born IL; housewife; died of Bronchitis; name shown as Matilda Bonham per D/C #4205

BONHAM, Wayne Lavergne
  b.        1872
  d.        1879    OLD 179-06

BOOTH, Clara Ellen
  b. 20 Jun 1858 
  d. 15 Nov 1911    OLD 154-02
  Mother  age 37y(sic 47)4m25d
  wife of G.M. Booth
  "Mrs. G.M. Booth Called By Death--Well Known Salem Woman Dies--Funeral Today At First M.E. Church--Mrs. G.M. Booth, a well known Salem woman passed away at midnight Wednesday at the Good Samaritan hospital in Portland, and will be buried this afternoon from the First Methodist church at 2:45 o'clock.  Interment will be made in Lee Mission cemetery.
  Two sons, Wilfred and 'Toots' and a daughter, Mrs. Wallace Trill survive her.  Mrs. Booth was the widow of Rev. G.M. Booth, who died in this city about six years ago." DOS Nov 17, 1911 8:4 See also: DOS Nov 18, 1911 3:4

BOOTH, Edgar Charles Rev.
  b.              1851
  d. 02 Feb 1930    OLD 228-02
  "Edgar Charles Booth, age 78, died February 2 at the Methodist Old People's home.  Survived by his widow, Margarettie S., of Salem; and the following children; B.V. Booth of Akron, Ohio; Mrs. V.P. Farrer of Boise, Idaho; Mrs. J.F. Wilson of Los Angeles; Mrs. L.E. McClurken of Dixie, Wash.; and one brother; I.C. Booth of Lake Bluff, Ill.  Funeral services from the Rigdon mortuary Wednesday at 1:30 o'clock.  Rev. F.C. Taylor officiating.  Interment Lee Mission cemetery."  OS Feb 4, 1930 5:3

BOOTH, George Minor Rev.
  b. 02 Jan 1852
  d. 14 Jul 1905      OLD 154-01
  They rest from their labors, and their works do follow them
  "The Dalles, Or., July 15--Rev. George M. Booth, a well known Methodist minister, died suddenly at his home in this city last evening.  Mr. Booth has been unwell for several days, but had been down town in the forenoon.  The cause of his death was heart disease.  Deceased was a son of Rev. Robert Booth, a pioneer minister of Oregon, and a brother of State Senator R.A. Booth, of J.H. Booth, ex-receiver of the Roseburg land office, and W.A. Booth, ex-county judge of Crook county.  He was born in Iowa, January 3, 1852, and came to Oregon with his parents in the fall of that year.  At the time of his death and for three years previous he was presiding elder of The Dalles district of the M.E. Church."  OS Jul 18, 1905 4:5

BOOTH, Margueretta Safford
  b. 07 May 1856
  d. 26 Jan 1939    OLD 228-02
  "Mrs. Edgar Booth Dies At Age 82--Margueretta Safford Booth, widow of Rev. Charles Edgar Booth, pioneer Methodist minister of Oregon, died yesterday at the Methodist Old People's home at 1625 Center street.  She was 82 years of age.
  Rev. and Mrs. Booth entered the home 12 years ago.  Rev. Booth lost his eyesight shortly afterward and died two years later.
  Services for Mrs. Booth will be held Saturday at 3:30 p.m. from the Rigdon company chapel, with interment in Lee Mission cemetery.  A son, R.V. Booth of Akron, O., survives."  OS Jan 27, 1939 8:6-7  b. Brunswick, OH; d/o David Simpson & Mary (Lindley) Safford per D/C #66

b. 17 May 1950
d. 12 Aug 2018     RC-13-08

BOSANKO, Priscilla A.
  b.       1855
  d. 14 Feb 1950    A-42-02-06
  on marker w/William H. & Samuel W. Bosanko
  "Priscilla A. Bosanko, late resident of 1142 Ruge st., at a Dallas hospit-al, February 14, at the age of 91 years.  Survived by a niece, Mrs. Mabel Gleason of California.  Announcement of services later by the Howell -Edwards chapel." OS Feb 16, 1950 15:3

BOSANKO, Samuel Wallace
  b. 06 Jul 1881
  d. 15 May 1923    A-42-02-05
  on marker w/William H. & Priscilla A. Bosanko
  "Bosanko--At the home of his parents, West Salem, May 15, 1923, Samuel Wallace Bosanko, age 41 years.  He was a member of the painters union and funeral services will be from the Terwilliger home Thursday at 2 p.m.  Rev. Blaine Kirkpatrick will offici-ate.  Concluding services at Lee Mission cemetery." CJ May 16, 1923 5:1 s/o William H. & Priscilla Bosanko

BOSANKO, William H.
  b.              1849
  d. 02 Dec 1926    A-42-02-07
  on marker w/Priscilla A. & Samuel W. Bosanko
  "William Henry Bosanko, aged 75, died Dec. 2 in West Salem.  He is sur-vived by his widow, Priscilla. Funeral will be held from the Terwilliger fun-eral home on Saturday at 2:30 o'clock, Rev. Cannell officiating. Interment Lee Mission cemetery." OS Dec 3, 1926 5:7

BOSE, Antoinette
 b. 08 Dec 1916
 d. 23 Nov 1999   RA-60-04 

BOSE, Arthur Fredrick
  b. 30 Mar 1916
  d. 14 Jun 1982      RA-60-03
  Staff SGT  US Army Air Corps  WWII
  "Arthur Frederick Bose, 66, of Salem, died Monday.
  Born in Airlie, he was a construc-tion foreman for Jensen-Ritchie Construction Co, an Army Air Force veteran of World War II, and a member of Englewood United Methodist Church.
  Survivors include his wife, Antoinette, and mother, Margaret Bose, Albany.
  The casket will be open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. today and 9 a.m to 10 a.m. Thursday at Rigdon-Ransom mortuary.  Graveside services will be at 11 a.m. Thursday in Lee Mission Cemetery.
  The family suggests contributions to the church."  SJ Jun 16, 1982 16A:4

  b. 12 Nov 1920
  d. 12 Nov 1920      OLD 136-04
  d/o P.T. & B. (Dewitt) Bouffleur, 1173 S. 15th, Salem,  Or; lived three hours per D/C #721

  b.    Jan 1833
  d. 20 Apr 1893      OLD 099-02
  "At his home on State Street, April 20, 1893, Frank Bouillard, aged 60 years.
  Deceased was born in Belfour, France, in Jan 1833.  He came to Ohio in 1853, and to Salem in 1868.  He leaves a wife and eight children to mourn his death.  The funeral services will be held at his home Saturday at 2 p.m.  The interment will be in the Lee Mission cemetery, P.S. Knight officiating."  DOS Apr 21, 1893 4:5

  b.             Salem
  d. 01 May 1904      OLD 099-03
  "Died-Bouillard-At the family home, Salem, Oregon, May 1, 1904, at 1:30 o'clock p.m., Miss Lizzie Bouillard, of Bright's disease, aged 32 years.
  The deceased has been a sufferer from the complaint for more than 12 years and her death is regarded as more of an act of mercy than of regret as she has suffered terrible agonies during the past few weeks.  She was possessed of a kindly and lovable disposition and was loved and sympathized in her affliction by all who knew her.  She leaves a mother, three brothers and three sisters to mourn her demise, beside a host of warm friends.  The funeral will take place at the residence, at 1 o'clock today (Tuesday) and burial will be had in Mission cemetery." DOS May 3, 1904 5:5

BOULE, Baby Boy
  b. 08 Dec 1951
  d. 08 Dec 1951      C-43-03-12
  Interment Record #1755

BOWDERS, Hamilton Z.
  b. 07 Mar 1881
  d. 03 Feb 1952      A-30-02-07
  on marker w/Johanna Bowders
  "Hamilton Z. Bowders, 71, at the residence 1930 Nebraska St., Feb 3.  Survived by widow, Johanna Bowders of Salem; two daughters, Mrs. Corol Hoag and Mrs. Emma Schenck, both of Gardena, Calif.; one son, Ross Bowders of Salem.  Services will be held Thursday, Feb. 7 at 1:30 p.m. in the Howell-Edwards chapel, interment in the Lee Mission cemetery." CJ Feb 4, 1952 15:8

BOWDERS, Johanna
  b. 24 Jun 1886
  d. 01 Mar 1967      A-30-02-06
  on marker w/Hamilton Z. Bowders
  "Johanna Bowders, 80, former Salem resident, died Wednesday at Gardena, Calif., where she had lived about 10 years.
  Her husband Hamilton Bowders died in 1952.
  Survivors include daughters Mrs. Cora Hoag and Mrs. Emma Reed, both of Gardena; brother William Dittmer in Canada; six grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
  Arrangements are pending at Howell-Edwards funeral home." OS Mar 3, 1967 II:11:3


BOWEN, John M.
  b. 16 Jan 1891
  d. 29 Sep 1927    A-30-04-06
  died of skull fracture per Record of Interment #1135

BOWEN, Ralph C.
  d. 24 Mar 1948      C-47-01-11
 Interment Record #1614
"Ralph C. Bowen, late resident of Astoria, in this city March 24.  Son of H.E. and Margaret Bowen of Astoria, and brother of Jack Bowen of Coquille, Ore.  Services were held Thursday, March 25 at 1:30 p.m. in the W.T. Rigdon chapel with the Rev. Dudley Strain officiating.  Interment in Lee Mission cemetery." OS Mar 28, 1948 15:5

BOWEN, Thomas Arthur
  b. 11 Feb 1914
  d. 18 Jun 1922      A-37-01-04
  son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bowen
  "Bowen--In this city, June 18, Thomas Arthur Bowen, 8-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bowen of this city.  Funeral services will be held Wednesay, (today) at 10 a.m. from the Rigdon mortuary, concluding service Lee Mission cemetery." OS Jun 21, 1922 5:3  s/o John M. & Elsie (Edson) Bowen; b. Eugene, OR; died from accidental self-inflicted revolver wound in abdomen per D/C #483

  b. 28 Sep 1835 Bernham, ME
  d. 25 Mar 1907      D-29-02-02
  From Works to Reward
  also on a second marker w/Lydia & Ralph Bowerman
  "Bowerman--At the family home in East Salem, Monday, March 25, 1907, at 7 p.m., Daniel Bowerman, aged 71 years, of acute pericarditis, after an illness of five days.
  The deceased was one of Marion county's well known and honored citizens, and the news of his sudden death will come as a severe shock to his wide circle of friends and acqua-intances.  He came to Oregon from Iowa in February, 1893.
  Besides a wife, Mr. Bowerman leaves two daughters, Miss Martha Bowerman, a teacher in the public schools of this city and Dr. Mary Bowerman of Condon, Oregon, and one son, Senator Jay Bowerman, also of Condon.  One son, Ralph, preceded his father to the grave several years ago.
  Dr. Mary Bowerman, having been summoned home by the illness of her father, arrived from Condon yesterday and Senator Bowerman is expected today." DOS Mar 26, 1907 5:2 s/o Benjamin & Jane (Gifford) Bowerman; m'd; born ME; farmer; died of acute pericarditis per D/C #3159

BOWERMAN, Lydia Hoag
  b. 16 Dec 1845
  d. 23 Jan 1939    D-29-02-03
  "Mrs. Bowerman Dies, Aged 93--Mother of Former State Governor Was Resident Here Since 1893--Mrs. Lydia Hoag Bowerman, mother of former Governor Jay Bowerman, died yesterday morning following a long illness at the family residence, 1069 Leslie street.  She was 93 years of age.
  She was the daughter of Nicholas and Martha Hoag Battey and was born at Starksboro, Vt., on December 16, 1845.  She went to Iowa with her family and at Hesper, Ia., March 14, 1869, she was married to Daniel Bowerman.  They came to Salem in 1893 and Mr. Bowerman died here March 25, 1907.
  Three of their four children survive, Jay Bowerman and Mrs. E.A. Pearce of Portland and Dr. Mary B. Purvine of Salem.  A fourth, Ralph E. Bowerman, died in 1900.
  Oldest U of Iowa Graduate--For the past ten years Mrs. Bowerman has been the oldest living graduate of the University of Iowa, from which school she was graduated in 1867.  She then became a teacher.
  Mrs. Bowerman, with her husband, was long active in grange affairs and was a member of the WCTU for many years.  She was a member of the Friends church.
  Service Set Wednesday--Besides the children, the following grandchildren survive: Dr. Ralph Purvine of Salem, Miss Margaret Purvine of Berkeley, Miss Helen Purvine of Oakland, Dan Bowerman of San Francisco, William Bowerman and Miss Beth Bowerman of Medford, Miss Jayne Bowerman of Minne-apolis and Miss Sally Bowerman of Portland.
  Funeral services will be from the Clough-Barrick chapel at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday with interment at Lee Mission cemetery, Rev. Edgar P. Simms officiating."  OS Jan 24, 1939 5:7

  b. 28 May 1871
  d. 16 Dec 1900      D-29-02-04
  In my father's house are many mansions
  on a second marker w/Daniel & Lydia Bowerman
  "Hurled To His Death--Ralph E. Bowerman Killed by a Southern Pacific Train--Near Turner On Sunday Night--Attempted to Cross the Track with Team and Wagon When the Albany Local Struck Him--Ralph E. Bowerman who has for some time resided on the old Ollie Reeves farm about three miles southeast of Turner, was killed at 6:40 o'clock, Sunday evening, by the south-bound Albany local passenger train, at a crossing one and a half miles east of Turner, while attempting to drive across the track in front of the train.
  Mr. Bowerman spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Bowerman, on the farm four miles east of this city, and in the evening, after bringing his sister to Salem where she is attending school, he started for his home on the other side of Turner.  He drove a spirited team to a heavy  wagon, which contained a cook stove and a number of other articles intended for use on the place where he was living.  At Wm. Hilleary's farm the wagon road crosses the railroad diagonally, but for some distance from this point the roads are both clear of brush or timber, as they run through open fields.  The railroad is straight and the ground being level, trains usually run at a great speed over this section of track.
  Just how Mr. Bowerman's team came into collision with the train will always remain a mystery.  He wore a heavy duck coat with the large collar tied up about his head, and as the wind was blowing quite briskly from the south it may have been possible that he did not hear the train as it approached from almost behind him.  The whistle, so it is claimed was not sounded for the crossing.  But it is difficult to see how the headlight could have failed to give warning of the approaching danger.  The engineer and fireman, who saw the team and wagon just before the fatal collision took place and after it was too late to stop the train, say that the horses became frightened and unmanageable and plunged, with their driver, in front of the engine into instant death.
  The engine struck the wagon just back of the front wheels.  The box and rear wheels were thrown on the east side of the track while the front wheels with the horses fell on the west side.  Mr. Bowerman was thrown upon the pilot of the engine, where he was found lying on his back, death having evidently come to him instantly.
  The train was brought to a stop as soon as possible and with lanterns the trainmen and passenger began to look for the man and team.  The dead horses were readily found by the side of the track, near the road.  Fragments of the wagon could be found scattered along the track.  The shattered box lay against the fence beside which was found a dog, killed in the collision.  It was some time before the body could be located.  Men searched along each side of the track for some distance without success, and it was decided to search under the cars thinking that possibly the body might have caught in the rigging beneath a car.  The search resulted in finding the body in the position as related above the spring seat belonging to the wagon, lying across it.  When it was discovered that the man was dead the train backed up to Turner and the dead man was removed from the engine to the Southern Pacific depot, where the body remained until Coroner D.F. Lane, who was summoned Sunday evening, arrived yesterday morning.
  The coroner learned what he could of the accident and decided it unnecessary to hold an inquest.  The body was turned over to Undertaker W.T. Rigdon, who brought it to this city.  After a careful examination of the body Mr. Rigdon declared that there was not a scratch or a bruise upon it.  The neck, however, was dislocated at the point of its juncture with the head, and this was evidently the cause of death.
  Deceased was about 27 years of age, a young man of sterling qualities, enjoying the confidence of all his friends and neighbors who was shocked with the news of his sudden taking off.  He leaves, to mourn his untimely demise, a father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. David Bowerman; a sister, Miss Mary Bowerman, attending school in this city, and one brother, Jay Bowerman, an attorney, formerly of this city, but now located at Condon.
  The brother was yesterday notified of the sad accident, and he telephoned last evening from Condon, that he would catch the west-bound train at Arlington at 1:40 this morning reaching Salem at 11 a.m. today.
  The funeral will be held in this city tomorrow (Wednesday) at 10:30 a.m.  Interment in Lee Mission cemetery." DOS Dec 18, 1900 2:1-2

 d.  Reserved         

 d.  Reserved         

BOWERS, Alice L.
  b. 12 Mar 1905
  d. 25 Jun 1994    RA-17-10
  on marker w/Floyd K. Bowers
  "Alice L. Bowers, 89, died Saturday in Salem.
  She was born in Vancouver, Wash., and graduated from Oregon Agricultural College, now Oregon State University. She had lived in Salem for many years.
  She enjoyed her family, and she was a member of PEO, Chapter G.
  She married Floyd K. Bowers in 1933; he died in 1990.
  Survivors include her sons, Gene R. of Salem and Jim of Boulder, Colo.; six grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
  Private graveside services will be held.  Arrangements are by Virgil T. Golden mortuary.
  Contributions may be made to the Boy Scouts of America, Cascade Pacific Council, 4395 Liberty Road S, Salem, Ore. 97302." SJ Jun 28, 1994 4B:3

BOWERS, Floyd Kenneth
  b. 28 Feb 1906
  d. 04 May 1990    RA-17-09
  on marker w/Alice L. Bowers
  "Floyd K. Bowers, 84, of Salem died Friday in Salem.
  He was a certified public accountant in Salem for many years.
  He is survived by his wife, Alice; sons, Gene of Salem and Jim of Boulder, Colo.; six grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
  At his request, no services will be held.  Interment will be private.  Arrangements are by Virgil T. Golden mortuary.
  Contributions may be made to the Oregon Lions Sight and Hearing Foundation." SJ May 6, 1990 2B:5

  b. 08 Mar 1934
  d.  21 Mar 2012           

     "SALEM -Gene was born in Portland and lived most of his life in Salem. He was a graduate of Salem High School and Willamette University. Gene worked in the facilities management field at Deems Inc. for 56 years until his death. He took great pride in his work and felt blessed by the many friendships he made through the years.
    On December 27,1962 he married Jan Feller, in Salem. They were married almost 40 years until Jan's death on December 4, 2002. He loved her dearly and missed her every day until his passing.
    Gene died surrounded by his loving family: daughter Kathy; son Tom, and daughter-in- law Linda. He is also survived by his two granddaughters, Julie and Allison whom he treasured. He was their beloved Poppy. Gene also leaves behind his brother and sister-in-law Jim & Judy Bowers, nieces and nephews and their families. He was preceded in death by his wife Jan and his parents Floyd & Alice Bowers.
    A Celebration of Life will be held at First Christian Church in Salem, on Friday, March 30, 2012 at 3:00 PM. Contributions may be made to Marion-Polk Food Share, Sprague High School Band Boosters, or Oregon District 7 Little League Challenger Division. Mailing information for donations is available through Virgil T. Golden Funeral Service.
    Gene was a gentle, caring man who made a difference with thoughtfulness and his chosen words. He did things the right way. For those who had the privilege of knowing him, his memory will always be with us.   He will be greatly missed." [Statesman Journal Mar 25 2012]

BOWERS, Janice
 b. 24 Jul 1934
 d. 04 Dec 2002             RA-14-06
"SALEM - Jan was born, and spent most of her life in Salem. She was a graduate of Pacific University in Forest Grove and taught in both the Lebanon and Portland school districts.
   On December 27, 1962, she married Gene R. Bowers in Salem. She was very active in many diverse activities, including PEO, her college group, and bowling.
   Jan died in the loving arms of her family; husband, Gene; daughter, Kathy; son, Tom and his wife Linda. She is also survived by her two little granddaughters, Julie and Allison, whom she adored. Jan also leaves behind a large extended family, including many cousins. She was preceded in death by her parents, Emery and Ruth Feller; and her sister, Marjorie.
   A Celebration of Life will be held on Wednesday, December 11, 2002, at 1:30 p.m. at Clear Lake United Methodist Church in Keizer. Contributions may be made in Jan’s name to PEO, Chapter G, 3897 St. Andrews Loop S., Salem OR 97302. Arrangements by Virgil T. Golden Funeral Service, Salem.
   Jan was a gentle and loving person.
   She is greatly missed."  SJ Online

BOWES, Dorothy
 d.  Reserved          RC-11-24

  d. 09 Sep 1905      D-26-03-01
  "Bowker--At the family home here, Saturday, September 9, 1905, at 10 o'clock a.m., Mrs. Sarah Bowker, aged 79 years, of a complication of ail-ments attendant upon old age.
  The deceased was a sister of D. Tredway, who lives three miles south of Salem.
  The funeral was conducted by Rev. Selleck, of the Methodist church, yesterday afternoon at 2:30.  Inter-ment was had in the Lee Mission cemetery." CJ Sep 11, 1905 8:2 died of dysentery per D/C #1195
BOYD, Florence
  d. 24 Jul 1939      A-35-04-08
  "At a local hospital July 24, Mrs. Florence Boyd, late resident of 446 South Cottage street.  Survived by daughter, Mrs. Ethel Burton of Redlands, Calif.; sons, Paul of Portland and Ford Boyd of Salem; brother, Wallace Armstrong of Salem; sister, Mrs. Dana McNamer of Salem.  Thirteen grandchildren also survive.  Funeral services will be held from the Clough-Barrick chapel Wednesday, July 26, at 10:30 a.m. with interment in Lee Mission cemetery.  Rev. J.J. Gillespie will officiate." OS Jul 26, 1939 5:3

BOYD, Male
  b. 20 Jan 1916
  d. 20 Jan 1916      N/A
  unnamed son of Ford J. & May H. (Jenkins) Boyd; lived one hour; premature birth per D/C #27

BOYER, Matilda Leland
 d. 10 Nov 1941      

  d. 09 Oct 1918      A-36-01-02
  killed USA France Oct 9, 1918; burial Sep 21, 1921 per Record of Interment #850

 d.  Reserved            

BRADSHAW, Lynne Marie
  b.       1955
  d. 01 Jun 1974    RA-22-06
  "Services will be 2 p.m. Tuesday at Virgil T. Golden mortuary for Lynne Marie Bradshaw, 18, 1525 Evergreen St. NE, who died Saturday in a car-truck collision on Wallace Road.  Rev. Bard Marshall will officiate.  Interment will be in Lee Mission Cemetery.
  Miss Bradshaw was born in Aberdeen, Wash., and attended school 10 years in Montesano, Wash., before coming to Salem two years ago.  She was a senior at North Salem High School, from which she would have been graduated this week.  She was active with the annual and art club at the school.
  Surviving are parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Bradshaw; brother Barry, Salem; grandparents Mrs. Emily Town and Mrs. Marguerite Nail, both Port Ludlow, Wash., and Everett Roselius, Centralia, Wash." OS Jun 3, 1974 8:6  See also: OS Jun 2, 1974 1:8

 d.  Reserved            

BRANCH, Wilfred William Jr.
  b. 6 Apr 1938
  d. 30 Apr 2023     RC-46-24
  Buried 18 May 2023

  b. 25 Jul 1896
  d. 18 Jan 1984      RA-37-09
  Pvt  US Army  World War I
  "Graveside services for Albert Brandle, 87, of 137 Draper Road NE, who died Wednesday, will be at 10 a.m. Monday in Lee Mission Cemetery.
  Born in Sigourney, Iowa, he came here in 1937.  He was an Army veteran of World War I, and was a cannery worker.
  Survivors include his son, Edward L., Salem.
  Arrangements are by Rigdon-Ransom mortuary." SJ Jun 20, 1984 2B:2

BRANDLE, Gladys S.
  b. 01 Jun 1907
  d. 17 Apr 1987      RA-37-10
  "Gladys Brandle, 79, of Salem, died Friday.
  She was born in Leedey, Okla., and lived in New Mexico for 26 years before coming here in 1937.  She worked at Valley Meat Packing for 17 years and later as a housemother at Hillcrest School until she retired.
  Surviving are her son, Edward, Salem; brothers, Marion Reneau, Tig-ard, and Rex Reneau, Pampa, Texas; and sister, Esther Bauman, Oregon City.
  Visitation will be from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday at the Rigdon-Ransom mortuary, Salem, where services will be at 11 a.m. Monday.  Private interment will be in Lee Mission Cemetery, Salem." SJ Apr 18, 1987 2B:4 w/photo

  b. 15 Jun 1878           
  d. 29 Apr 1935    A-26-04-02
  on marker w/Troy Branson
  "At the residence, 1256 Ferry, April 29, Albia Branson, wife of Troy Branson, mother of Leah Branson, and sister of Amos J. Branson, of Lebanon.  Remains in care of Terwilliger Funeral home, 770 Chemeketa street.  Phone 6928.  Funeral services Friday, May 2, at 2 p.m. at the Terwilliger chapel, Rev. D.E. Vendon officiating.  Interment at Lee Mission cemetery." OS May 1, 1936 9:2  d/o William & India (Lewis) Brown; died 29 Apr 1936 in Salem, OR per D/C #423

BRANSON, Sallie D. Sarah Dickey
  b.       1861
  d. 09 Oct 1886    OLD 139-07
  on marker w/David D., Martha V. & Ermine Dickey
  "At her home near Williamina, Yamhill county, Oregon, at 9 a.m., October 9th, 1886, of typhoid fever, Mrs. Sarah E. Branson, daughter of D.D. Dickey.  She contracted the disease while attending on her sister Ermine G. Dickey, who died a week or two since.  The body will be brought over to Salem, and buried from her father's residence, north of the asylum, to-morrow at 10:30 a.m.  She leaves one child, that is very sick, too."  WOS Oct 15, 1886 8:4

  b. 01 Dec 1874
  d. 16 Nov 1954    A-26-04-01
  on marker w/Albia Branson
  "Illness Fatal to Retired Salem Police Officer--Troy Branson, 79, a former Salem police officer and guard at the State Prison, died Tuesday in a Salem nursing home where he had been a patient for several months.  He had been retired for many years.
  Branson was born in Sheridan, Ore., Dec. 1, 1874.  He was one of 17 children of George Branson, a pioneer Oregon circuit-riding minister.
  Before entering the nursing home, Branson made his home at 1920 S. River Rd.  He is survived by a son, Chester Branson, Portland, and a niece, Mrs. Joe Gisler of Salem.  W.T. Rigdon Chapel is in charge of funeral arrangements."  OS Nov 17, 1954 2:2

BRAUCHT, Benjamin Eugene
  b. 14 Apr 1887
  d. 12 Sep 1970    RA-42-07
  on marker w/Linda Viola Braucht
  "Benjamin Eugene Braucht, 83, 1893 Lansing Ave. NE., died Saturday in a local nursing home.
  A native of Indianola, Iowa, he had lived here since 1946.  He was a retired sporting goods store operator, a member of Trinity Methodist Church, 50-year member of Masonic Lodge No. 108 in Iowa and member of Willamette Shrine No. 2 Order of White Shrine of Jerusalem, Salem.
  Surviving are widow, Linda; son, Eugene F., Salem; three grandchildren; one great-granddaughter; brothers, Ira, Indianola, Iowa, LaVere, Des Moines, Iowa; sister, Mrs. Henry Jacobs, Sun City, Ariz.
  Services will be 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at W.T. Rigdon's mortuary, Rev. Donald S. Campbell officiating.  Interment will be in Lee Mission Cemetery." OS Sep 13, 1970 11:2

BRAUCHT, Linda Viola
  b.  08 Jul 1886
  d. 30 Mar 1977    RA-42-08
on marker w/Benjamin Eugene Braucht
  "Linda Freeman Braucht--Late resident of 1077 Saginaw St. S. Salem, Wednesday at her residence.  Survived by son, Eugene F., Salem; sister, Agnes Clemons, New Providence, Iowa; three grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.  Services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday in Rigdon-Ransom Colonial Chapel, Cottage at Chemeketa, Rev. James Thompson officiating.  Interment is in Jason Lee Cemetery." OS Apr 4, 1977 3B:2

BRAVO, Alicia Elaina
  b.             1982 Salem, Oregon
  d. 31 Jul 1982 Salem, Oregon  C-43-07-11
  "Alicia Bravo, infant daughter of Cresensio E. and Brenda Bravo, 816 25th St. SE, died Saturday.    Besides parents, she is survived by a brother, Cresensio E. Jr., at home; grandparents Jeanette and Thurman Swain, Salem.    Services will be 3 p.m. today at Barrick mortuary.  Interment will be at Lee Mission Cemetery."  SJ Aug 3, 1982 2B:2

BREWER, Bertha M.
  b. 27 Apr 1907
  d. 25 Jun 1988      RA-60-05
  Beloved Mother & Grandmother
  `on the wings of a dove'
  "Bertha M. Brewer, 81, of Salem, died Saturday.
  She was born in Kentucky and moved to Salem in 1968. She was a homemaker.
  Survivors include her sons, Ray `Mac' Cantrell of Salem, Bill Cantrell of Salt Lake City and Earl Cantrell of Great Falls, Mont.; brother, LeRoy Brown of Kentucky; and sister, Opal Hagan of Hopkinsville, Ky.
  Graveside services will begin at 3 p.m. today in Lee Mission Cemetery, Salem.  Howell-Edwards-Doerksen mortuary, Salem, is handling arrangements."  SJ Jun 28, 1988 2B:4

BRIDGER, Charles
  d. 28 Apr 1906        N/A
  "Bridger--At 2252 State street, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, April 28, 1906, at 4 a.m., Charles Bridger, Aged 67 years, 8 months and 23 days, of cancer of the throat.
  The funeral will be held from the residence at 2 o'clock this afternoon and the remains will be laid to rest in Lee Mission cemetery." DOS Apr 29, 1906 5:6 See also: DOS May 1, 1906 5:2

  d.     Jan 1893        OLD 136-02
  Only name & location on Record of Interment #141

  d.        c1907      OLD 110-04
  Only name & location on Record of Interment #379

  b.        1879
  d. 03 Dec 1883      OLD 124-08
  age 4y per Record of Interment #37  

BRILES, Margorie L. Huiett
  b.    8 Feb 1929
  d. 15 Nov 2019    RA-20-09
Marjorie " Margie" was born in Winthrop, Massachusetts.
She worked at Walker Middle School in the Cafeteria, Kopper Kitchen North and the KMart on Portland Rd. She and her husband Leon Briles also were managers at the Chemeketa Mobile Park . She was preceded in passing by her husband Leon Briles.She worked at Walker Middle School in the Cafeteria, Kopper Kitchen North and the KMart on Portland Rd. She and her husband Leon Briles also were managers at the Chemeketa Mobile Park . She was preceded in passing by her husband Leon Briles.
She enjoyed working Jigsaw puzzles,Find-a-Word books and Reading.
She always had a ready smile no matter what was going on in her life and was loved by all who knew her.
She is survived by her three children; Dorothy Huiett Tessler Sam, Glenn Huiett, Jr and Nancy Huiett McKenzie Dale Williams; grandchildren Amy Lietz, Erica Wood, Daniel McKenzie, Jennifer McKenzie Stanek, Ashley McKenzie Zapien, Ron McKenzie and Lisa McKenzie Bitikofer, Glenn Huiett III, Meredith Huiett and several great-grandchildren.
A private Graveside service with Family will be held at a later date. 

BRISENO, Francisco Javier
  b. 27 Nov 1950     
  d. 23 Nov 2018    RC-13-21

  b.       1885
  d. 11 Oct 1974    RA-47-05
  on marker w/Emma E. Bristol
  "Services will be at 1:30 p.m. Friday in St. Mark Lutheran Church for Ellis C. Bristol, 89, formerly of 750 14th St. NE, a retired insurance agent and broker and a resident here most of his life, who died Friday.  Interment will be in Lee Mission Cemetery.  Con-tributions in his memory may be made to St. Mark Lutheran Church memorial fund.  Rigdon-Ransom Colonial Chapel has charge of arrangements.
  Surviving are two sons, Milton, Roseburg, and Walter, Keokuk, Iowa; a daughter, Betty Rutherford, and a foster daughter, Mrs. K.A. Anderson, both of Salem; two brothers and a sister, all out of state except Nye O. Hillsboro; 12 grandchildren and several great-grandchildren."  CJ Oct 12, 1974 II:19:3

BRISTOL, Emma Esslinger
  b.             1897
  d. 29 Jul 1968    RA-47-04
  on marker w/Ellis C. Bristol
  "Mrs. Emma Esslinger Bristol, 71, 764 14th St. NE, died at a Salem hospital Monday after an extended illness.
  She was born at Woodland, Calif., and came to Salem from Wenatchee, Wash., in 1932.  She worked with her husband, Ellis at E.C. Bristol Insur-ance Agency until they retired in 1963.  She was a member of Eagles Auxiliary.
  Survivors besides the widower include a daughter, Mrs. Betty Rutherford, Salem; step-son Milton Bristol, Escondido, Calif.; foster daughter Mrs. Earlene Anderson, Salem; brothers Chris and Hiene Reyn, both of Woodland, Calif.; sister Mrs. Wilma Sheridan, Woodland, Calif.; six grand-children, one great-grandchild.
  Services will be 1 p.m. Wednesday at St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Rev. Dennis Martala officiating.  Burial will be at Lee Mission Cemetery.  The casket will be open at W.T. Rigdon mortuary until 11 a.m. Wednesday.  The family suggests contributions to St. Marks Lutheran Church." OS Jul 30, 1968 3:6

  b. 26 Sep 1824      
  d. 26 Oct 1892      OLD 136-05
 Heir Ruhet in Gott
  inscription taken from broken headstone found in caretaker's shed
"Baeiktzle-At her home in Simpson addition, Wednesday, October 26, 1892, Arilda Baeiktzle, aged 18 years.  The funeral was held yesterday at 2 p.m., and the remains were interred in Lee Mission cemetery."  DOS Oct 28, 1892 4:5 single; died from fever; buried Oct 27, 1892; nearest relative Tasto per Record of Interment #140

BRIX, Carl A.
  d. 17 Jan 1952      A-32-02-08
  "Carl A. Brix at a local hospital January 17.  Announcement of services later by Clough-Barrick." CJ Jan 18, 1952 17:8

  b. 17 Dec 1844
  d. 17 Feb 1923      A-39-01-04
  Mother on footstone
  on marker w/Wilhelm Brockmueller
  "Brockmueller--Mrs. Mary Brockmueller died at her home at 2265 State street, Feb. 17, 1923, at 4:30 a.m.  Mrs. Brockmueller, who was 79 years old, is survived by her husband, Mr. Wm. Brockmueller, and eight children, Rev. Frank, of Fargo, N.D., William of Freeman, S.D., Mrs. John Burgi of Yankton, S.D., Henry and Carl of Yank-ton, S.D., Mrs. Dorothy Stuempges, of Scotland, S.D., John Brockmueller of Marshfield, Oregon, and Mrs. Nina Steingrube of Salem, Oregon.  Body at Webb & Clough, and funeral announce-ments later." OS Feb 18, 1923 5:3

  b. 07 Dec 1841
  d. 25 Sep 1927      A-39-01-03
  Father footstone
  on marker w/Mary Brockmueller
  "Brockmueller--William Brockmueller died in Marshfield, Oregon, September 25 at the age of 84 years.  He is survived by four sons, Rev. Frank, of North Dakota, William and Carl of South Dakota and John of Marshfield, and three daughters, Mrs. John Burgi and Mrs. Dorothy Stuempgis of South Dakota and Mrs. Minnie Steingrube of Salem.  Funeral services will be held in Webb's chapel at ten o'clock Thursday morning with Rev. Culver in charge.  Interment will take place in Lee Mission cemetery." CJ Sep 28, 1927 9:8

  b. 29 Mar 1906
  d. 06 May 1993      RA-01-06
  "Ima `Ruth' Broderick, 86, of Salem died Thursday in Portland.
  She was born in Brashear, Texas, and moved to Pendleton from California in 1956.  She worked for Eastern Oregon State Hospital before coming to Salem in 1973.
  She mananged sic a Tupperware business and enjoyed dancing and fishing.  She was a member of Eagles Auxiliary No. 2081 and the Salem Senior Center.
  Survivors include her sister, Gladys Rae Ballard of Salem.
  Visiting will be from 2 to 8 p.m. today, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and 8 a.m. to noon Monday in Rigdon-Ransom mortuary.  Services will begin at 2 p.m. Monday in the mortuary.  Interment will be in Lee Mission Cemetery.
  Contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society."  SJ May 7, 1993 3F:3

BROER, Henry
  b.             1866 Germany
  d. 05 Oct 1894    A-38-04-02
  on marker w/Mary Broer
  "Brewer--In North Salem, Thursday, October 5, 1893, of Bright's disease and dropsy, Henry F. Brewer, aged 30 years.
  The funeral will take place from the German church in North Salem at 3 o'clock this afternoon, Rev. Mr. Feitzer will officiate and the burial will be in Lee Mission cemetery." DOS Oct 7, 1893 4:3
  b.              1867
  d. 12 Apr 1963     A-38-04-01
  on marker w/Henry Broer
  "Mary Broer, a pioneer Salem area resident, died Friday at Grants Pass, where she had moved in 1958 at the age of 96.  She was born in Switzerland, coming to Salem in 1889.
  Survivors include a son, Fred Broer Sr., Grants Pass, eight grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren.
  Services will be at Barrick chapel Monday at 1:30 p.m., Rev. Ben Owen officiating.  Interment will be at Lee Mission Cemetery." OS Apr 13, 1963 7:2-3

BROER, Rosa May
  b. 12 Aug 1891 Salem
  d. 17 Aug 1891      
OLD 232-06

 d. 07 Jul 1927

 d. 01 May 1900
      OLD 145

BROPHY, Baby Boy
  b. 04 Aug 1887
  d. 23 Sep 1887      OLD 145
  son of Mr. & Mrs. H. B. Brophy
  "In Salem, Oregon, at midnight of Sept. 23, 1887, infant child of H.B. Brophy, aged 7 weeks and 2 days.
  The funeral will take place to-day from the family residence, 334 Winter street, at 2 o'clock p.m.  Friends invited."  WOS Sep 30, 1887 8:3

BROPHY, Catherine "Cassie" Neal
  b. 14 Feb 1859
  d. 13 Dec 1950      OLD 145-05
  wife of Henry B.
  "Mrs. Brophy, 91, Succumbs--Mrs. Cassie Brophy, 91, a resident of Oregon for more than 85 years, died Wednesday at a Salem hospital.
  Mrs. Brophy, widow of Henry Brophy, was born Feb. 14, 1859 in Ohio.  She came to Oregon in 1864 and had resided in the mid Willamette valley since 1880, residing recently at 335 N 24th st.
  Survivors include a sister, Mrs. Nellie Williams, Salem, and a brother, Charles Neal, Grants Pass.  Funeral services will be arranged by W.T. Rigdon company."  OS Dec 14, 1950 6:4

BROPHY, Chester
  b.           1880
  d. 20 Aug 1880      OLD 145-07
  b. Salem, OR; age 1y23ds; d. of cholera & influenza per Record of Interment #89
BROPHY, Henry B.
  b.             1854
  d. 13 Dec 1915    OLD 145-06
  "Gun Discharged-Brophy Is Dead--Former Warden of Penitentiary Meets Accidental Death at Farm--Coroners of Two Counties Investigate But Do Not Find Inquest Necessary--Victim Had Wide Acquaintance in Oregon--Henry B. Brophy, former warden of the state penitentiary, prominent politician and long time Oregon resident was shot and killed yesterday morning near his home in West Salem, when a shotgun which he was carrying for a chance shot at a duck, was accidently discharged while he was attempting to close a gate in his pasture.
  He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Cassie Brophy, who lived part of the time at the Brophy town home, 374 North Church street, and by one son, John Brophy, who was interested in the farm in Polk county with his father.  Mr. Brophy was 63 years old.  Mr. and Mrs. Brophy, Jr., and the wife were at the farm home at the time of the accident.
  Hold Funeral Wednesday--Friends are invited to attend the funeral which will be held Wednesday at 2 o'clock from the chapel of Webb & Clough.  Rev. F.T. Porter will officiate and burial will be in the Lee Mission cemetery.  Two brothers of the deceased, Nicholas Brophy of Tallant and Jeff Brophy of Medford, will arrive in Salem today for the funeral.  Another brother, Charles Brophy lives in Los Angeles.
  Yesterday morning about 8 o'clock while leading a cow to pasture, Mr. Brophy took a shotgun with him, as has been his early morning custom this season, to shoot ducks and jackrab-bits.  He had crossed a little pond, where he frequently found ducks and had passed through a gate when, it is thought, the accident happened.
  The gate was of heavy iron frame about eighteen feet long and he had hung the halter of the cow on a rail inside the gate and let the cow loose.  Friends surmise that as he turned around to shut the gate that he had temporarily set the gun down.  The gate worked with an iron pulley and was hard to close, and possibly caught and jerked, as the gate was found slightly ajar.  As the gun was taken up, it is thought that the hammers of it caught on the gate and the gun was discharged.
  Death was believed instantaneous.
  It was a double barrel shotgun and one load was fired into the chin of Mr. Brophy, burning and tearing away the face.  The chin and neck were also badly burned and powder marked.  Mr. Brophy was dead when found at 8:15 o'clock yesterday morning by the members of a train crew of the Salem Falls City & Western line, coming from Dallas.
  The coroner of Polk county, R.L. Chapman, A.M. Clough, coroner of Marion county, with about forty neighbors and friends, who quickly gathered at the scene of the accident, came to the conclusion that death had resulted from the accidental discharge of the gun.  The body was removed to the establishment of Webb & Clough in this city.  Mr. Brophy had a wife acquaintance in the state.  From 1895 to 1899 he was warden of the Oregon state penitentiary under Governor Lord.  Altogether he was connected with the penitentiary for about twenty-seven years.  For twelve years he was the superintendent of the capitol building.
  After the end of his term as warden about fifteen years ago, Mr. Brophy went into a partnership with A.N. Gilbert and I.L. Patterson in hop raising near Eola.  Several years ago he sold his interest and bought a twenty-five acre field with nineteen acres of hops, located one mile south of West Salem.
  He was born in California, coming to Oregon when 13 years old.  In 1878 he was married to Miss Catherine Neal of Ashland.  He was a member of the Woodmen of the World and the United Workmen lodges of Salem."  DOS Dec 14, 1925 6:1    

BROPHY, Willie
  d. 15 Jan 1884      OLD 145-08
  age 3y2m15d
  son of H.B. & G.J. Brophy
  Not lost but gone before
  d. 14 Aug 1949      D-07-03-03
  "Mrs. Gertrude Brotherton, late resident of 359 N. Liberty st., in this city August 14.  Survived by two daughters, Mrs. Lois L. Dowd of Salem and Mrs. Edith Marie Bryant of Seattle; and a son, Barry Brotherton of Spokane, Wash.; also six grandchildren and two great grandchildren.  Services will be held at the W.T. Rigdon chapel, Tuesday, August 16, at 1:30 p.m. with the Rev. Brooks Moore officiating. Interment will be in Lee Mission cemetery." OS Aug 16, 1949 10:2

  b. 18 Jan 1888
  d. 23 May 1990    A-40-01-01
  "A memorial service for Emma A. Broughton, who was 102, will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday in Oak Grove United Methodist Church in Oak Grove.    Burial will be in Lee Mission Ceme-tery in Salem.   
Mrs. Broughton died Wednesday in a Gladstone care home of causes related to age.    She was born Jan. 18, 1888, in Halstead, Kan.  She moved to Milwaukie in 1940 and lived there and in Portland until 1970,
when she moved to Oak Grove.  Five years ago, she moved to a care home in Gladstone.    She worked as a private nurse until 1960, when she retired.    She married Walter Beatty in 1913 in Eugene.  After a divorce, she married Bert Broughton in 1940 in Portland.
  She is survived by a niece, Mildred B. Miller of Milwaukie.    Remembrances may be contributions to Oak Grove United Methodist Church's memorial fund." Oreg May 27, 1990 7B:3

BROWN, Alice Missouri
  b.              1867
  d. 03 Nov 1961    RA-51-05
  on marker w/Angela E. Jennings
  "Death Takes Alice Brown--Mrs. Alice Missouri Hayes Brown, 458 Dearborn Ave. N, died Friday night in a Sublimity nursing home at the age of 94.
  A lifelong Oregon resident, Mrs. Brown came to Salem in 1948 from Sutherlin.  She was born in Prineville.
  Mrs. Brown had been in failing health for some time but did not enter a nursing home until three weeks ago.  She resided with a grandson, Jack Moustachetti.
  She leaves one daughter, Mrs. Veva Weber, Riverton, Wyo.; two sons, William McFerrin, Salem, and Guy McFerrin, Cottage Grove; one sister, Mrs. Amelia Brown, Salem; eight grand-children, 19 great-grandchildren and six great-great-grandchildren.
  Arrangements are pending at Barrick mortuary."  OS Nov 4, 1961 3:3

BROWN, Arthur T.
  b.          1888
  d. 02 Feb 1955    C-21-03-07
  Interment Record #1858
"Arthur Brown Dies At Home--Arthur (Artie) T. Brown, Salem area resident for the past 43 years, and a late resident of 3120 Cooke street, died at his home Wednesday after a short illness.
  Born at Howard City, S.D., March 21, 1888, Brown came to Salem in 1911 and for many years followed the painting and electrical trades in this area.  He was a veteran of World War I and a member of the American Legion.
  Survivors include an aunt, Lulu M. Stratton of Salem; a cousin, Bryon Stratton of Salem; and other cousins in the midwest.
  Services will be held Friday morning at 10:30 o'clock at the Virgil T. Golden chapel with interment in the Lee Mission cemetery." CJ Feb 3, 1955 11:6

BROWN, David G.
 d. 11 Sep 1948  Marion County, Oregon      C-47-01-16

BROWN, Estelle U.
  b. 22 Sep 1912
  d. 14 Sep 1993    RA-17-05
  on marker w/Leslie W. Brown
  "Graveside services for Estelle U. Brown, 80, of Salem, who died Tuesday, will begin at 10:30 a.m. Friday in Lee Mission Cemetery.
    She was born in Chicago and came to Salem in 1970.  She formerly was active in the Salem Senior Center.
    She is survived by her husband Leslie W. Brown, whom she married Jan. 26, 1943.
    Visiting will be from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. today in Virgil T. Golden mortuary.
    Contributions may be made to the Salem Senior Center, 1055 Erixon St. NE, Salem, Ore. 97303."  SJ Sep 16, 1993 3C:1

BROWN, Esther
 d.  Reserved            RA-46-08 

BROWN, George A.
  b. 05 Sep 1903
  d. 31 Dec 1985    RA-60-06
  on marker w/M. Jane Brown
  "George A. Brown, 82, of Salem, died Tuesday.
  Born in Reading, Penn., he came to Salem in 1946 and was a salesman for the National Biscuit Co. for 23 years, retiring in 1968.  He was a member of the Salem Lions Club and the United Commercial Travelers.
  Survivors include his wife, Jane, Salem; daughter, Greta Sorenson, Eugene; son, Gordon, Salem; and sister, Emily Ammon, Clifton, Texas.
  Memorial services are 1:30 p.m. Friday at Virgil T. Golden mortuary.  Private interment is in Lee Mission Cemetery, Salem.
  Contributions may be made to the Lions Club Sight Foundation, 1200 N.W. 23rd Ave., Portland, 97210, or the Benedictine Nursing Center, 540 S. Main St., Mount Angel, 97362."  SJ Jan 2, 1986

BROWN, James Madison "Mat"
  b. 06 Jan 1844
  d. 09 Oct 1906      OLD 110-05
m'd 1871 Harriett Dudley
s/o James and Lucinda (Davis) Brown
  "Brown--At the Oregon hospital for the insane, on Tuesday last, October 9th, 1906, James M. Brown, aged 49 years.  He will probably be buried here." DOS Oct 11, 1906 4:6 Committed to OSIA October 12, 1904; died at age 49yrs from maniacal exhaustion; burial at Lee Mission October 12, 1906 per W.T. Rigdon mortuary records #1939

BROWN, M. Jane
  b.       1916
  d. 1999         RA-60-06
  on marker w/George A. Brown

BROWN, Jimmy Lee
  b. 07 Apr 1947
  d. 09 Apr 1947      C-43-01-05
 Interment Record #1590 Jimmy Lee Brown, age 2 days 15 1/2 hrs
 "In this city, April 9, Jimmy Lee Brown, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Brown of Independence.  Brother of Betty Lois Brown and Stella Emma Brown, both of Independence.  Graveside services will be held Thursday, April 10, at 10:30 a.m. at Lee Mission cemetery, the Rev. Charles Durden officiating." OS Apr 10, 1947 5:3

  b.              1769
  d. 19 Feb 1848         DS-17
John Brown, an 1846 pioneer to Oregon, was the brother-in-law of Tabitha Moffatt Brown, a pioneer of 1846, who is well known for starting a school for orphaned pioneer children that later became Pacific University. John Brown was 77 years old at the time of emigration. He was associated with the Pringle family and is buried in Diamond Square #17. Some early sources state that he died in 1846 on the Southern Route while emigrating. That is an error! John DID NOT DIE on the trail. He arrived safely with Tabitha, lived with the Pringles and Tabitha, sailed to San Francisco where he lived for a year or so, returned to Salem, died February 19, 1848, and was buried in the Lee Mission Cemeteryt in Diamond Square Lot 17. Researched by Stephenie Flora.

BROWN, Leslie W.
  b.  22 Sep 1899
  d.  12 Aug 1998         RA-17-04
  on marker w/Estelle U. Brown

BROWN, Louis F.
  d. 12 Feb 1938      C-21-03-05
  Interment Record #1405
"At the residence, route one, Salem, February 12, L.F. Brown, husband of Maggie Brown and father of A.T. Brown of Salem.  Funeral services will be held from the W.T. Rigdon company chapel Tuesday, February 15, at 10:30 a.m.  Committal services Jason Lee cemetery."  OS Feb 15, 1938 5:1

BROWN, Margaret Ellen
  d. 16 Feb 1948      C-21-03-06
  Interment Record #1612
"At the residence, Salem, route 1, Monday, February 16, Margaret Ellen Brown.  Mother of Artie Brown of Salem; sister of Mrs. Lulu Stratton of Salem.  Also survived by several nieces and nephews.  Services will be held from the W.T. Rigdon chapel Wednesday, February 18, at 10:30 a.m., with interment in Lee Mission cemetery.  The Rev. Brooks H. Moore will officiate." OS Feb 17, 1948 9:5

BROWN, Mildred
  b. 27 Dec 1907
  d. 24 Jan 1908      OLD 146-05
  "Brown--At the home of Mrs. H.L. Hoffman, five miles east of this city Friday, Jan. 24, 1908, Mildred Brown, aged four months.
  This is a particularly pathetic case as the parents of the child had gone to the coast for the benefit of the mother's health, leaving the little child in care of a neighbor.  Mr. and Mrs. Brown were expected home last night and the completion of the arrangements for the funeral was delayed until their arrival." OS Jan 26, 1908 8:5  d/o C.L. & Amy  (Groshen) Brown; born OR; died of inanition per D/C #5710

BROWN, Robert Gene
  b. 01 May 1949
  d. 16 Sep 1987    RA-17-06
  SP4  US Army  Vietnam
  "Robert Gene Brown, 38, of Salem died Wednesday.
  He was born in Racine, Wis.  He came to Salem in 1968 from Tuscon, Ariz. He was a junior partner in the Certified Security Company, Salem.  He was an Army veteran of the Vietnam war and a member of the Salem Eagles Lodge.
  Survivors include his wife, LaRaye D.; stepdaughter Tina Marie Hawkins of Salem; stepson Daniel Alan Hawkins of Salem; parents Mr. and Mrs. Leslie W. Brown of Salem.
  Services will begin at 3 p.m. Monday in Howell-Edwards-Doerksen mortuary, Salem.  Private interment will be in Lee Mission Cemetery, Salem." SJ Sep 18, 1987 2B:5

BROWN, Rose Seales
  b. 15 Nov 1850
  d. 13 Nov 1928      OLD 228-04
  "Mrs. Rose Seals Brown, 78, died Tuesday morning at the Old People's home where she had lived the past three years.  Funeral services this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at Rigdon's mortuary, the Rev. D.J. Howe of the First Christian church officiating.  Interment in old people's plot, Lee Mission cemetery. There are no relatives." OS Nov 14, 1928 3:6  d/o James & Rose (Feters) Seals; w/o Frank Brown; b. McCollinsville, OH; per D/C #771

BROWN, William Marion
  b. 31 Mar 1858
  d. 10 Aug 1924      A-41-03-05
  "Brown--At the residence of his nephew, 1335 Madison street, August 10, William Marion Brown, a native of Illinois, age 66 years.  Survived by three sisters, Mrs. W.H. Liston, Mrs. A. Bronson, Mrs. Alice Campbell; one brother, Amos Brown, and a nephew, Alfred R. Howard, all of Salem.  Funeral from Terwilliger funeral home today at 2:30 p.m., Rev. Mr. Norwood officiating.  Committal service at the Lee Mission cemetery." OS Aug 12, 1924 5:3

BROWNING, Clarence
  d.  Reserved             RA-46-11

BROWNING, Clarence
  d.  Reserved            RA-46-12

BROWNING, Michael Dennis
  b. 25 Sep 1959
  d. 24 Sep 1981      RA-46-10
  Beloved son & brother
  "Michael D. Browning, 21, of 1195 15th St. NE, died Thursday near Oak Ridge of injuries suffered in a traffic accident.
  Born in San Jose, Calif., he attended Engelwood Elementary, Parrish Middle and North Salem High schools, graduating from North High in 1978.
  He was a service station attendant.
  Survivors include his parents, Clarence and Phyllis Browning, Salem; sisters, Patricia J. Tipton and Penelope D. Browning, both of Salem; and grandparents, Julia C. Hughes, Salem, Glen F. Hughes, Pasco, Wash., Delorian Browning, Kennett, Mo., and Gertrude Martin, Goraville, Ill.
  Services will be at 1 p.m. Tuesday at Howell-Edwards-Doerksen mortuary.  Interment will be in Lee Mission Cemetery." SJ Sep 25, 1981 2B:3

  d.  16 Jun 2020              

  b.       1886
  d. 08 Mar 1968    RA-55-04
  on marker w/Elizabeth A. Brownley
  "Silverton--Arthur O. Brownley, 81, a lifelong resident of the Willamette Valley, died Friday in a Silverton Hospital after a long illness.
  A retired farmer and logger, he had lived here about 13 years.  He spent his boyhood in the Dallas area where he was born.  He lived in Salem several years.
  Surviving are the widow Elizabeth; daughter Mrs. Grace Gott, Salem; sons Clarence, Bend and Leo, Portland; sister Mrs. Edith McElroy, Alsea; brother George Johnston, Lafayette, Calif.; five grandsons and 11 great-grandsons.
  Services are pending at Howell-Edwards mortuary." OS Mar 9, 1968 6:2

BROWNLEY, Elizabeth Anna
  b. 12 Dec 1888
  d. 01 Jun 1988    RA-55-03
  on a marker w/Arthur O. Brownley
  "Albany--Anna Brownley, 99, died Wednesday in Albany.
  She was born in Lacomb and lived in the Willamette Valley all her life.  She was a homemaker.  Her husband, Arthur O. Brownley, died previously.
  Survivors include her son Clarence D. of Crawfordsville.
  Services will begin at 1 p.m. Monday in Howell-Edwards--Doerksen mortuary, Salem.  Private interment will be in Lee Mission Cemetery, Salem." SJ Jun 3, 1988 2B:3

BROYLES, Mary Jane
  b. 11 Nov 1868
  d. 28 May 1952      C-46-03-09
 Interment Record #1776
 "Miss Broyles Succumbs at Sister's Home--Miss Mary Jane Broyles, 83, died Wednesday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Della Schmidt, 540 Gaines St.  She had been ill for over a year.
  Mrs. Broyles, blind for the past 50 years, was born in Barton County, Mo., Nov. 11, 1868.  She resided there until coming to Oregon in 1924 and then to Salem in 1927.
  Services are to be held Saturday, 1:30 p.m., in the Clough-Barrick Chapel with interment at Lee Mission Cemetery.
  Besides her sister she is survived by a brother, John G. Broyles, Kitsap, Wash., and a nephew, Maj. L.V. Schmidt, Camp Cook, Calif." OS May 29, 1952 5:3

  b. 23 Jan 1845
  d. 10 Mar 1919    D-19-04-07
  on marker w/Martin Brubaker
  "Brubaker--At her home rural route 6, in the Bethel neighborhood, Salem, March 9, 1919, Mrs. Martin Burbaker at the age of 75 years.  Death was due to a stroke of paralysis.  She had been ill since Christmas.
  Besides her husband, she is survived by four sons, Charles, Lee, Oren and Arthur Brubaker.  Oren Brubaker lives near Salem, two of the sons in Nebraska and one in Wyoming.  Awaiting the arrival of two of the sons, no funeral arrangements have been made." CJ Mar 10, 1919 3:5

  b.              1849
  d. 13 Sep 1930    D-19-04-05
  on marker w/Annie Brubaker
  "Martin Brubaker, aged 31, died at the residence, route 6, Salem.  Survived by the following children: Charles and Arthur, of Norfolk, Neb; Lee, of Laramie, Wyo.; and O.L. of Salem.  Funeral services will be held Monday, September 15, at one o'clock at the chapel of W.T. Rigdon and Sons.  Interment will be at Lee Mission cemetery."  OS Sep 14, 1930 5:4

  b. 27 May 1913
  d. 30 May 1913      OLD 110-14
  "Brunkall--Jacob Brunkall Jr., May 30, 1913, at the home of Jacob Brunkall, one mile east of the fair grounds, aged three days.
  The funeral was held at the residence yesterday at 1:30 by Rev. H.E. Marshall.  Interment took place at Lee Mission cemetery."  OS Jun 1, 1913 4:5-6

BRUNKOW, Oliver D.
  b.              1884
  d. 25 Nov 1960      D-19-01-02
  on marker w/Theda deV. Brunkow
  "Pratum--Oliver D. Brunkow, 76, frequent visitor and well known to Pratum area residents, died at his home in Manzanita Friday evening.  He was a retired carpenter and a member of the Nahalem Methodist Church.
  Survivors include his wife, Thedo (deVries) Brunkow, Manzanita; sons Raymond, Milton, Wilbur and Kenneth Brunkow, all of Portland; several grandchildren and many nephews and nieces in the Salem area.
  Funeral services will be Monday at 10 a.m. from the Nehalem Methodist Church with Rev. M. Metcalf offici-ating.  Interment will be at Lee Mission Cemetery in Salem at 2:30 p.m. Lundberg and Son Funeral Home of Tillamook is directing arrangements." OS Nov 27, 1960 19:1

BRUNKOW, Theda DeVries
  b.             1888
  d. 28 Jul 1961    D-19-01-01
  on marker w/Oliver D. Brunkow
  "Salem Woman Dies in Kansas--Mrs. Oliver Brunkow of Salem died Friday in a hospital in Wichita County, Kan., following a heart attack.  She reportedly had been visiting in the state.
  Survivors include two sons, Ray Brunkow and Wilbur Brunkow, Portland.
  Services are pending at W.T. Rigdon's Mortuary." OS Jul 30, 1961 2:5  late resident of Manzanita, Ore; survived by sons, Ray Brunkow, Wilbur Brunkow, Kenneth Brunkow & Dr. Milton Brunkow, all of Portland as well as ten grandchildren and several nieces and nephews per OS Aug 2, 1961 13:6

BRUVIK, Johannes
  b. 16 Nov 1892
  d. 08 May 1983      RA-21-12
  My loving husband
  "Bruvik Johannes, 90, died May 8.
  Born in Norway, he was a railroad man in Norway for 40 years before retirement, and he lived in St. Paul, Minn., before coming here in 1963.
  Survivors include his wife, Alvilda; daughter, Mary Stokke, of Norway; stepsons, Alvin Clifton, Salem, John Clifton, Deer River, Minn., and Louis Clifton, South St. Paul, Minn.; step-daughters, Lorraine Peterson, Livermore, Calif., Mary Englemann, Salem; several brothers and sisters in Norway.
  Services will be at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday at Rigdon-Ransom mortuary.  Interment will be in Lee Mission Cemetery."  SJ May 10, 1983 2B:2

BRYAN, Alice L.
  b. 10 May 1863
  d. 24 Apr 1940    A-24-03-03
  on marker w/Rev. Calvin H. Bryan
  D/C #381 d/o John L. &  (Cornell) Butters; b. Jones, IA

BRYAN, Calvin H. Rev.
  b.             1862
  d. 05 Oct 1929  Salem, OR  A-24-03-04
  on marker w/Alice L. Bryan
  "Calvin H. Bryan, former chaplain at the Oregon penitentiary died October 5, in a Salem hospital, at the age of 67 years.  Survived by his wife, Allie Bryan, and a daughter, Louise Bryan, of Salem; by one brother, A.E. Bryan of Santa Monica; and three sisters, Mrs. Ida Clark of Boston; Mrs. Laura Hopkins of Woodland, Okla.; and Mrs. Addie Williams of Springfield, S.D.  Funeral services Monday, October 7 at 3 p.m. in the Rigdon mortuary chapel with Rev. F.C. Taylor, pastor of the First Methodist church, officiating.  Interment in Lee Mission cemetery." OS Oct 6, 1929 5:4

 d. 14 Mar 1870         N/A

BRYSON, Frank Robert
  b. 25 Jul 1922
  d. 26 Apr 1983      RA-45-07
  US Navy
  "Frank Robert `Bob' Bryson, 60, of 3797 Anita Drive NE died Tuesday.  He was born in Astoria and moved here from Spokane 22 years ago. He attended McMinnville High School, Linfield Col-lege and the University of Washington.  He worked as a salesman for DuBois chemicals, Cincinnati for 22 years.
  He was past commander of Keizer Veterans of Foreign Wars and a member of the First Baptist Church.
  Survivors include his wife Marion E., son Jeffrey, Salem; mother Pearle, Salem; brothers Harry, Nam---, Wash., Donald, Salem and sister Donna Robert-son, Jacksonville, Jackson County.
  Services will be 2 p.m. Friday in the First Baptist Church.  Graveside services will be at 11 a.m.  Lee Mission Cemetery under direction of the Howell-Edwards-Doerkson mortuary.  Contributions may be made to the -----fund." SJ Apr 28, 1983 2B:3

BRYSON, Marion E.
  b.  05 Oct 1930
  d.  01 Jan 2024               
Marion Ellen Bryson, 93, passed away into the loving arms of her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, on January 1, 2024. She was surrounded by family in her final moments.
Marion was born in Shamokin, Pennsylvania on October 5, 1930 to Mary and John Henninger. She was the oldest of 10 children. From the beginning, Marion was energetic and industrious. As a child, she often made and sold small bags of potato chips to neighbors as a way of funding outings to the movies.
After graduating from Coal Township High School in 1948, Marion spent several years traveling the country with friends and working as a waitress at resorts across Pennsylvania, New York, Florida, and Las Vegas. One of her favorite memories from this time was meeting her favorite singer, Frank Sinatra, while working in Las Vegas. She met Frank Robert Bryson and was married on October 21, 1952. They briefly moved to Spokane, Washington, where they welcomed their son, Jeff, before settling in Salem, Oregon in 1960.
Professionally, Marion worked for Martin Brothers Sign Company as a bookkeeper for 30 years before retiring (for the first time) at the age of 65. Never one to sit idle, she quickly decided retirement was overrated and went back to work doing marketing for National Glass and Salem Auto Body until the age of 89. She thoroughly enjoyed her job, which allowed her to meet many people. She never left a customer visit without first ensuring that everyone in the office had received a cookie or piece of candy.
Marion loved being around people, and was a generous hostess. No one who visited her home ever left hungry - even when she was not home, she would leave snacks out for the landscapers, mailman, and anyone else who happened to stop by. Her grandchildren and great grandchildren often joked that at parties, it was difficult to tell whose birthday it was, because she brought cards and gifts for everyone.
An avid gardener, Marion could often be found working in her yard. She grew an assortment of fruits, vegetables, and roses. She was known for her delicious canned peaches, and recently inspired her four-year-old great grandson to plant his own fruit garden using raspberry and strawberry plants from her yard.
Marion walked closely with the Lord for nearly 60 years. She was committed to attending bible studies, praying and telling others about Jesus. She volunteered in the AWANA program at Salem First Baptist Church for several years, and often brought a pack of neighborhood kids with her. She faithfully sent out church devotionals - over 50 each month - to family and friends.
Marion is survived by her son Jeff (Debbie); grandsons Andrew (Victoria), Kyle (Krissy); great grandsons, Beckett, Luke, and Henry; sibling's Creta (Jim), Mary Carol (Bob), Scarlett (Bill), Lois (Dennis), Helen (Ray), Jack (Peggy), Jim (Sandy); and numerous nieces and nephews. She is preceded in death by her parents, Mary and John Henninger; husband, Frank Bryson; brother George (Sharon); and sister Joyce (Al).
We welcome friends and family of Marion to join us for a memorial service in her honor. The service will be held on Saturday, January 20th at 2:00 pm at Salem First Baptist Church, 395 Marion Street NE, Salem, Oregon.” Statesman Journal, Salem, Oregon 10 Jan 2024

BRYSON, Pearl E.  
 d. 20 Mar 1997            RA-45-11

BUCKS, George Thomas
  b. 01 Nov 1888
  d. 09 Feb 1965    RA-35-06
  "Funeral will be at 9:30 a.m. Thursday at the Little Chapel of the Chimes for George Thomas Bucks, 76, of 212 N. Highland St.
  He died Tuesday at a local hospital.
  Born Nov. 1, 1888 at Greenland, Colo., Mr. Bucks came to Portland in 1913.
  For 25 years, Mr. Bucks had been a photo finisher with Eastman Kodak Co.  He was with Jones Photo Finishers 16 years.
  He was a member of Woodlawn Methodist Church.
  Survivors include the widow, Jennie C. Bucks, Portland; two daughters, Beverly Albrich, Corvallis, and Virginia Garrison, Spokane; a sister, Grace Bucks, Larkspur, Wyo.; six grandchildren and three great-grand-children.
  Burial will be at Jason Lee Cemetery, Salem." Oreg Feb 11, 1965 35:7

BUCKS, Jennie Catherine
  b. 18 Sep 1891
  d. 25 Jul 1993    RA-35-05
  died in Washington Co per OR death index

  b. 05 May 1901
  d. 28 Jun 1901      OLD 106-05
  one of tripletts born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Budlong; see OS May 8, 1901 8:2 for birth announcement; see obit below
  b. 05 May 1901
  d. 28 Jun 1901      OLD 106-06
  "Budlong--At the family home, corner 17th street and Asylum Avenue, Salem, Oregon, Friday, June 28, 1901, two infants, Claud and Ruth, aged one month and 24 days.
  The funeral will be held from the residence at 10 a.m. today.  Services and interment in Lee Mission cemetery.  The children were two of a set of triplets recently born mention of which event was made in the Statesman at that time." OS Jun 29, 1901 8:3

BUEERMANN, Mary E. Rahlke
  b. 21 Mar 1869
  d. 26 Sep 1929      A-40-03-01
  Till we meet again
  on marker w/Frank Rahlke
  "Mrs. Bueermann Called Beyond--Mrs. Mary E. Bueermann, for nearly 40 years a resident of Salem and vicinity, died late Thursday at the residence at 756 North Cottage street, at the age of 60 years.  Mrs. Bueermann was well known here.  Her first husband, Frank Rahlke, died here in 1924.  Some time later she was married to Frederick Bueermann, retired minister of a Portland Baptist church, who survives her.  A son, Henry W. Rahlke of Portland, and one sister, Mrs. Martha Urbigkeit, of Anaheim, Calif., also survive.
  Funeral arrangements have not yet been made.  Remains are at the Rigdon mortuary."  OS Sep 29, 1929.  See also: OS Sep 28, 1929 5:4

BUGAR, Maria
 b. 19 Mar 1916
 d.  13 Aug 2008                 RA-46-04

"Maria Sol Bugar March 19, 1916 - August 13, 2008 SALEM - Maria Sol Bugar was born on March 19, 1916 in Laguna, Phillipines. On April 24, 1937, she was married to Vincente DelaCruz Bugar who passed away in December 29, 1991 in Salem, Oregon. Together they had 11 children. She had great stories on how she and her family survived the World War II, including her experience as a messenger during the war. They emmigrated to Salem, Oregon in 1980. Maria worked at Norpac Food, Inc. until she retired in 1988. She was so industrious and enjoyed the outdoors. Since her childhood, she would start working from the time her eyes opened early in the morning until the time for sleep at night. She loved gardening and sharing her produce with family and friends (she loved to cook and was a great cook, and loved to invite and feed her family and friends). Her happiness was immeasurable when she was taken fishing, crabbing, picknicking, swimming, or just driving by the countryside. Maria is survived by her daughters in Salem, Rebecca Conos, Lourdes Sites, Noemi Bugar, Elisea and Manny Crisanto's family; daughter, Minda and Buddy Sr. Toriano's family in Laguna, Phillipines; Queenie Alvarez and family in Daly City, California. Currently, Maria has 22 grandchildren; 44 great-grandchildren; 3 great-great-grandchildren; and still counting. Maria was a wonderful and loving individual and all her family and friends will surely miss her. Services were held on Monday. Interment was at Lee Mission Cemetery, D St., Salem." [Statesman Journal online]

BUGAR, Vicente Dela Cruz
  b. 22 Jan 1914
  d. 29 Dec 1991      RA-46-03
  Your loving wife, daughters and grandchildren
  "Vincente Delacruz Bugar, 77, of Salem died Wednesday.
  He was born in Manila, Phlippines, and had lived in Salem since 1982.  He married Maria S. Ullopo on April 23, 1937, in Laguna, Philippines.
  He was a retired farmer and had served as a town councilman in Laguna.  He enjoyed writing poetry, and he was a member of the Salem Area Seniors.
  Survivors include his wife; daugh-ters, Noime S. Bugar, Elsie B. Crisanto, and Lourdes B. Stites, all of Salem, Elizabeth B. Stockwell of Seattle, and Rebecca Conos and Minda B. Toriano, both of the Philippines; 20 grandchildren; and 10 great-grand-children.
  Graveside services will begin at 2 p.m. Thursday in Lee Mission Cemetery.  Visiting will be from noon to 4:30 p.m. today and from 9 a.m. to noon Thursday in Restlawn mortuary." SJ Dec 31, 1991 2B:2

BULL, Nancy Emeline
  b.              1854 Tenn
  d. 30 Aug 1912    D-13-03-06
  wife of W.C. Bull
  "Bull-At the family home on the Garden road near this city, August 30, 1912, Mrs. Nancy Emeline Bull, aged 57 years.
  The funeral will take place at 2 p.m. Saturday afternoon from the late residence.  The services will be conducted by Rev. W. T. Tapscott and interment will be in Lee Mission cemetery." OS Aug 31, 1912 8:4 b. TN; d/o A. & Mary (French) White per D/C #2413

BUNCH, Andrew Lyman
  b. 01 Jul 1888
  d. 28 Apr 1962      RA-55-11
  Oregon  Cpl  Co C 213 Engineers  WWI
  "Dayton, Ore.--Andrew L. Bunch, 73, who had lived in this area for seven years, died Saturday at Portland after a long illness.
  Born in Coos County and former resident of Portland, Bunch worked much of his life as a carpenter.
  Surviving are the widow, Margaret, Dayton, and one brother, Ben Bunch, Florence, Ore.
  Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at W.T. Rigdon Chapel in Salem.  Interment will be at Lee Mission Cemetery in Salem." OS Apr 30, 1962 II:16:2

BUNCH, Margaret Elfreda
  b. 12 May 1893
  d. 23 Mar 1983    RA-55-12
  "Margaret E. Bunch, 89, formerly a resident of Salem, died Thursday in a Mount Angel nursing home.
  She was born in Salem and lived here most of her life.  At one time she worked as a waitress in logging camps.  She was a member of the First Evangelical Church.
  Survivors include her sisters, Ruth Walter and Josephine B. Peterson, both of Portland.
  Services will be at 3:30 p.m. Friday at Rigdon-Ransom mortuary, and interment in Lee Mission Cemetery." SJ Mar 24, 1983 14A:4

BUNYAN, Jessie Allen
  b.             OR
  d. 16 Jul 1911      D-15-04-02
  "Bunyan--Jessie Allan Bunyan, aged 35 years, died of tuberculosis at the Oregon state tuberculosis sanatorium Sunday about 12 o’clock.
  The parents of the young man live at Yoncalla but the body will be buried here.  The funeral services will take place from the parlors of Lehman & Clough at 2 o’clock today." DOS Jul 18, 1911 5:5 s/o G.B. Bunyan per D/C #2016

BURDICK, George D.
  b.       1851
  d. 20 Jun 1931  Albany, Oregon  C-39-02-04
on marker w/Sarah T. Burdick
 Interment Record #1258
"Two Killed in Car Crash in Tangent-Shedd, June 25--A serious automobile accident occurred Tues. afternoon on the hwy near Tangent.  Frank Ferguson of Salem was killed and Geo. Burdick of this place was fatally hurt.  Mr. Ferguson was bringing Mr. Burdick home from a visit to Salem, when his car, an Oakland Coupe, collided with a large truck.  Mr. Burdick was taken to the Albany General Hospital where he died Saturday morning.  He had many friends here.  His wife and daughter passed away a number of years ago." GO Jun 26, 1931 6:1

BURDICK, Sarah T. [Parsley]
  b. 04 May 1850
  d. 26 Apr 1924  Salem, Oregon C-39-02-03
  on marker w/George D. Burdick
  Interment Record #973
"Burdick--Sarah  Burdick, died at her residence, 2218 State St., April 26, at the age of 73 years.  She is survived by her widower, George D. Burdick.  Funeral services will be held from Webb & Clough Monday at 10 a.m.  Rev. Kirkpatrick officiating, interment in the Lee Mission cemetery." OS Apr 27, 1924 3:3 d/o Isaac & Mary Ann (Dickins) Parsley per D/C #327

BURELSON, Calvin Adolph
  b. 15 Sep 1880
  d. 14 Aug 1956 Salem, Oregon   C-45-01-05
 Interment Record #1887
"Calvin Burelson Taken By Death--Calvin Burelson, 75, died Friday at a Salem nursing home.
  Burelson, who was born Sept. 15, 1880, is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Edna Linn, Albany, and Mrs. Ruth Lester, Silverton; and three sons, Calvin, Clyde and Harold Burelson, all of Portland.
  Announcement of services will be made later by the W.T. Rigdon funeral home." OS Aug 25, 1956 2:7

BURGTORF, Herman H. A.
  b. 10 Mar 1841
  d. 28 Oct 1906      OLD 110-06
  Native of Hevensen, Germany
  "Burgtorff--Monday, October 29, 1906, at the asylum, Herman Burgtorff, aged 65 years.
  Funeral services will be held at Rigdon's undertaking parlors today at 1:30 p.m.  The body will be buried in the Lee Mission cemetery." CJ Oct 30, 1906 8:6

BURLEIGH, Charles Hiram
  b.  05 Apr 1849 Warren County, Iowa
  d. 08 Apr 1929 Salem, OR  A-23-03-05
D/C #323 b. 05 Apr 1849 IA (headstone gives birth year as 1848); s/o Hiram Burleigh; m'd; minister died from cerebral arteriosclerosis
RI #1190 Charles H. Burleigh, age 80, died 08 Apr 1928 of cerebral arterio, buried 11 Apr 1928 in Block 23 Sec A Lot 3 Grave 5; 1 space purchased by widow, residence West Salem
FAG: m 1.)Ruth Elizabeth Kendall 27 Nov 1872 in Warren Co., Iowa; 2.)Hannah Rose Lee Sackrider Kendall 26 Sep 1925 in Kirkland, King Co., Washington

 "Charles H. Burleigh, a resident of West Salem, died April 8, at a local hospital at the age of 80 years.  Besides his wife, Mr. Budleigh is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Gladys Wood of Willows, California and Mrs. Bertha Zurcher, of Chico, California.  Funeral services at Rigdon's Mortuary Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock, with interment in Lee Mission cemetery." OS Apr 10, 1929 9:4 

  b.           1904
  d. 24 May 1960      RA-47-06
  "Mrs. Burnett, 55, Succumbs--Mrs. Edith Burnett, 1785 Park Ave. NE,  died Tuesday in a Salem hospital at the age of 55.  She had suffered a stroke two weeks ago.
  Mrs. Burnett came to Salem in 1948 from Alaska where her husband, Ernest W. Burnett, had been a civilian employee for Army Engineers and Army Transportation Corps.  He is now associate editor of Steam Engines magazine.
  Mrs. Burnett was born in 1904 at Oklahoma City, Okla.  Besides her widower, she leaves two sons, Claude Wilson, Salem and Frank Burnett, Prosper, Wash., and six grandchildren.  Services will be 10:30 a.m. Friday in Clough-Barrick mortuary.  Burial will be in Jason Lee Cemetery." OS May 25, 1960 3:6  broken headstone in the caretakers tool shed

 b. 12 Nov 1927
 d. 20 Oct 2017    

BURNETT, Robert Clayton
 b. 12 Nov 1928
 d. 04 Dec 2009     RC-32-12

BURR, Del Lona
  b.              1854
  d. 05 Dec 1921    D-21-01-03
  on marker w/Lulu & Theron Burr
  "Burr--Mrs. Dellona Burr died at Seattle, Wash., Dec. 5, 1921, age 67 years.
  Funeral service will be held Dec. 7 from residence, 1195 North 20th street, Rev. Johnston of Portland.  Interment Lee Mission cemetery. Leaves one daughter, Mrs. A.N. Thompson, Seattle, Wash.  Webb & Clough Co. in charge." CJ Dec 6, 1921 7:1

BURR, Frank Robert
  b. 12 Jun 1916
 d. 25 Oct 1999     

BURR, Helen Louise
  b. 12 Aug 1919
  d. 17 Nov 1999  RC-34-02
b. Berkeley, CA d/o Glen & Blanche (Smith) Nellis; widowed; spouse:  Frank Roberts Burr; occupation:  newspaper journalist per c/d304591

BURR, Lulu P.
  b.              1883
  d. 07 Dec 1912    D-21-01-01
  on marker w/Lona & Theron Burr
  Single; born WI; d/o T.R. & Dellona (Porter) Burr; age 28-11-7 of pneumonia per D/C #3739

BURR, Theron R.
  b. 11 Sep 1848
  d. 12 Jan 1917    D-21-01-02
  on marker w/Lona & Lulu Burr
  "Burr--At his home, 1195 North Twentieth street, Friday, January 12, 1917, at 8:40 p.m., Theron R. Burr.
  He was born in Ohio, September 11, 1848.
  Besides his wife he leaves a daugh-ter, Mrs. A.N. Thompson of Seattle, and one brother, Almon, of Waterloo, Wis.
  Funeral arrangements will be made later." OS Jan 13, 1917 3:5  d/o Augusta G. & Catherine (Lucas) Burr; m'd; gardener per D/C #29

  b. 19 Nov 1835
  d. 04 Sep 1925    OLD 228-13
  "Mrs. Susan S. Burrows died Sep-tember 4 at the Methodist Old People's home at the age of 91 years.  Survived by one son F.B. Winans of Mt. Vernon, N.Y., and one niece, Mrs. L.P. Buddham of Bremerton, Wash.  Funeral services will be held Saturday, Sept. 5 at 3 p.m. from the Rigdon mortuary, with Rev. Taylor of the First Methodist church officiating.  Interment in Lee Mission cemetery."  OS Sep 5, 1925 6:5 d/o Josephine Nourse

BURROWS, William Franklin
  b. 17 Jan 1870
  d. 07 May 1921      D-02-04-02
  "Burrows--In Albany Saturday May 7, William Franklin Burrows, age 50 years, brother of Mrs. J.D. Cook of Albany, formerly with the Salem Commons mission.  The remains will arrive Tuesday, May 10, on the 1:40 Oregon Electric, funeral services following at 2:30 from the Free Methodist church, Winter and Market streets, Rev. Harrington officiating, interment in Lee Mission cemetery, under the direction of Rigdon & Son." OS May 10, 1921 5:3  single; s/o William T. & Louisa (Rogus) Burrows; died from diabetes millitus per Linn Co. D/C #90

BURT, Kenneth J.  
  b. 20 Nov 1900
  d. 16 Apr 1924    OLD 102-04
  "Burt--At a local hospital Wednes-day, April 16, 1924, Kenneth Burt, 22 years of age, son of Alexander Burt of Pendleton.  Graveside services were held at the Lee Mission cemetery.  The Rigdon mortuary was in charge of arrangements." CJ Apr 17, 1924 7:5

BUSBY, Michael James
 d. 09 Jun 1998        

 d. Reserved     RA-37-08

  b. 26 May 1878
  d. 20 Jul 1953    A-26-02-07
  on marker w/Ferdinand Busch
  "Mrs. Busch Succumbs to 4-Year Illness--Mrs. Anna Busch, 75, a Salem resident for 35 years, died Monday at her home, 1490 N. 4th St., after an illness of four years.
  Mrs. Busch was born in Germany May 26, 1878, and came to this country with her parents when she was in her late teens.
  She was married in Texas to Ferdinand Busch, who died in 1933. In 1911 the couple came to Oregon, living on a farm near Turner until moving to Salem in 1918.
  A member of Dorcas Missionary Society of Christ Lutheran Church, Mrs. Busch had been a member of that church since coming to Oregon.
  For many years she was employed at Paulus Brothers Packing Co. here.
  Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Chris Battalion, Salem; one son, Karl W. Busch, Salem; and a brother John Neumann, Waco, Tex.; also one grand-daughter, one grandson, and two great granddaughters.
  Funeral services will be announced later by Clough-Barrick Co." OS Jul 21, 1953 5:1

BUSCH, Ferdinand J.
  b. 04 Dec 1873
  d. 21 Feb 1933    A-26-02-08
  on marker w/Anna Busch
  "At the residence, 1490 North 4th street, February 21, Ferdinand J. Busch, aged 58 years.  Leaves wife, Anna Busch of Salem; daughter, Mrs. Chris Battalion of Salem; son, Karl W. Busch of Salem; granddaughter, Leona Busch of Salem.  Funeral services from the Christ Lutheran church with Rev. Minneman officiating.  Interment Lee Mission cemetery under direction of W.T. Rigdon and Son.  Time for funeral will be announced later."  OS Feb 22, 1933 5:2 s/o Ferdinand J. & Thiesa (Kopp) Busch per D/C #145

BUSCH, Karl W.
  b.       1900
  d. 09 Feb 1980    RA-37-07
  on marker w/Wilhelmina Busch
  "Karl W. Busch, 79, of 1123 17th St. SE, died Saturday in a local nursing home.
  He was born in Galveston, Texas.  He moved to Salem at the age of 8.  He worked a number of years as foreman and superintendent in the Oregon Pulp & Paper Company's Lumber Division.  He later worked for the Marion County Road Department for seven years, retiring in 1969.  He was a 65-year member of Christ Lutheran Church.
  Survivors include daughter, Leona Noffsinger, Salem, two grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
  Arrangements are pending at Barrick mortuary.  The family suggests contri-butions to a memorial fund established at Christ Lutheran Church." SJ Feb 10, 1980 1D:5

BUSCH, Wilhelmina
  b.              1903
  d. 28 Jan 1972    RA-37-08
  on marker w/Karl W. Busch
  "At the residence 1035 22nd NE, Salem, Jan. 28.  Survived by widower Karl W. Busch, Salem; daughter, Mrs. Leona Noffsinger, Salem; sister, Rose Battalion, Salem; two granddaughters, Miss Nancy Noffsinger, Miss Teresa Noffsinger, both Salem; nephews, Alvin Battalion, Salem, Chris Battalion, Guam.  Announcement of services later by the Barrick Chapel, 205 Church SE." OS Mar 29, 1972 13:2

BUSH, Chrissie
 b. 1916
 d. 1987                      RC-33-17

Interred on April 10, 2008.  Brought from Willamette National Cemetery, Portland, OR

BUSH, Lena Irene
  b. 24 Mar 1898
  d. 07 Apr 1974      OLD 116-09
  on marker w/Walter W. Bush

  b. 1925
 d.  1986                   RC-33-17

Interred on April 10, 2008.  Brought from Willamette National Cemetery, Portland, OR

BUSH, Walter William
  b. 19 Feb 1910
  d. 03 Feb 1981      OLD 116-10
  on marker w/Lena Irene Bush
  "McMinnville--Walter William Bush, 70, of 1300 E. 27th St., died Tuesday in McMinnville Community Hospital.
  He was born in Pedee, and lived there until he moved to Sheridan in 1941.  He came to McMinnville four years ago.
  He served in the Army Air Force in World War II, and was employed in sawmills in the Sheridan area most of his life.
  Survivors include his brother, Wilbur, McMinnville, and sisters, Elsie Berton, Portland, Eva Baker, McMinnville, and Reva Herron, Dorena.
  Services will be at 1 p.m. today at Adamson mortuary, Sheridan, with private interment in Jason Lee Cemetery, Salem."  SJ Feb 6, 1981 2B:2

  d. 10 Oct 1946      C-43-01-03
  Interment Record #1587; Baby Boy Butcher, stillborn

  b.               1882
  d. 07 May 1951    A-29-04-01
  on marker w/Levi M. Butler
  "Mrs. Anna P. Butler, late resident of 1128 N. 4th st., at a local hospi-tal May 7.  Surviving are two daugh-ters, Mrs. R.E. Sayre of Portland and Mrs. Robert Montgomery of Roseville, Calif.; four sons, Levi E. Butler of Roseburg, Ernest M. and Warren E. Butler of Salem and Victor F. Butler in the air force; a sister, Mrs. Hannah Anderson, Washburn, Wisc.; three granddaughters, Mrs. Shirley Roach and Bonnie Lee Butler of Roseburg and Gloria Jean Butler of McMinnville.  Services at Clough-Barrick chapel Thursday, May 10, at 10 a.m., with the Rev. James L. Wilson officiating.  Interment will be at Lee Mission cemetery." OS May 2, 1951 11:4

BUTLER, Baby Boy
  d. 01 Dec 1953  Salem, Oregon    C-43-05-05
Interment Record #1832
"Baby Boy Butler--At a local hospital Dec. 1.  Survived by parents, Mr. Walter Butler and Mrs. Pauline Butler, Salem.  Grandparents, Mrs. Ida D. Butler, Salem, Mrs. Albert Creft, Salem.  Private graveside services were held Fri., Dec. 4, under the direction of the Clough-Barrick Co. Interment at Lee Mission Cemetery, Rev. H. Gross officiated." CJ Dec 4, 1953 17:1

BUTLER, Duane Dale
  b. 18 Oct 1956
  d. 28 Apr 1957      C-43-06-11
 Interment Record #1907
 "Sunday, April 28, at the age of 6 months and 10 days.  Son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Butler, 1358 Holgate St., Salem.  Also leaves two sisters, Marcella and Everetta Butler, three brothers, Jesse, Marcellus and Everett Butler. Arrangements pending at Howell-Edwards Mortuary." OS Apr 29, 1957 5:6

BUTLER, Frank Cross
  b. 27 Nov 1878
  d. 02 Feb 1960    RA-37-06
  "Frank Butler, 81, Succumbs--Frank Cross Butler, 81, retired logger, ranch hand and miner, was found dead Tuesday morning in his trailer house at 3021 D St. NE.
  The spry, elderly man was in apparently good health and cheerful spirits Monday night at the next door home of his sister, Mrs. Stella M. Fry.  Death was from natural causes, Marion County coroner's office reported.
  Butler, who retired from logging and mining at Foster and moved to Salem three years ago, walked downtown frequently from his trailer home, a distance of some three miles each way, relatives reported.
  He came to mid-Willamette Valley some 48 years ago, to Kings Valley from Colorado where he was born Nov. 27, 1878.  He later lived for some time at John Day and moved to Foster in 1938.
  Mrs. Fry is his only surviving immediate relative.
  Services will be 1:30 p.m. Friday in W.T. Rigdon chapel, Rev. Lloyd Uecker officiating.  Burial will be in Lee Mission Cemetery." OS Feb 3, 1960 2:1

  b.              1874
  d. 20 Jan 1949    A-29-04-02
  on marker w/Anna P. Butler
  "Levi Butler, at the residence 1128 N. 4th st., January 20.  Survived by the widow, Anna Butler, Salem; daughters, Mrs. Robert Montgomery, Roseville, Calif., and Mrs. R.E. Sayre, Portland; sons, Levi Butler, Roseburg, Warren Butler and Ernest Butler, both of Salem, and Victor Butler, U.S. Army; sisters, Mrs. Violet Banister, Winnepeg, Can., and Mrs. Eunie Banister, New York City; brother, Victor Butler, Sagnaw, Minn.; also three granddaughters.  Services will be held Monday, January 24 at 1:30 p.m. at Clough-Barrick chapel with the Rev. Lewis Kirby officiating.  Interment in Lee Mission cemetery." OS Jan 21, 1949 15:1

BUTLER, Roderick Roy
  b. 09 Jan 1874
  d. 26 Sep 1906      OLD 090-02
  Home Sweet Home--Meet Me In Heaven
  "Butler--At the Salem hospital Wed-nesday morning, September 26, 1906, at 10 o'clock, Roy Butler, aged 32 years.
  Roy Butler was a native of Tennessee and has resided in Salem for the past two years.  Death was caused by con-sumption.  The funeral services were conducted by Rev. C.W. Price at the Rigdon undertaking parlors at 10:30 this morning after which the body was buried in the Lee Mission cemetery." CJ Sep 27, 1906 8:5

BUTSON, Daughter
  b.           1878
  d. 02 Sep 1886      D-10-01-05
  d/o Elvira Butson; see obit below

  d.    Nov 1886      D-10-01-07
  s/o Elvira Butson; see obit below
BUTSON, Elvira
  b.           1854
  d. 06 Nov 1886      D-10-01-06
  "Near the State Fair grounds, Salem, Oregon, Nov. 6, 1886, Mrs. Elvira Butson, aged 32 years.  Mrs. Butson was preceded by her little eight-year-old girl, who died the 2d of September last.  She leaves a husband, besides four children, aged respectively 14, 10, 6, and 4 years, to mourn her loss.  The oldest boy is sick, and is not expected to live.  Typhoid fever is the disease that proved so fatal in this family.  They have the sympathy of all who know of their bereavement." WOS Nov 12, 1886 8:4

BUTSON, George
  d. 10 Feb 1948      D-10-01-08
  "In this city February 10, George Butson, late resident of 146 Center st., at the age of 72 years.  Survived by two brothers, Charles and Gideon Butson, both of Stockton, Calif. Graveside services will be held Thursday, February 12, at 10 a.m. at the Lee Mission cemetery, under direction of the W.T. Rigdon company." OS Feb 11, 1948 9:5

BUTTS, Lowery F. "Larry"
  b. 06 Feb 1937
 d. May 2018        

BUTTS, Sally
 b. 10 Feb 1935
 d. Reserved      

BYBEE, William
  b.              1824
  d. 11 Jan 1908    D-14-03-08
  born KY; m'd; died at Asylum of senile exhaustion per D/C #5684

BYXBEE, Jennie M.
  b. 18 Mar 1860         
  d. 07 Mar 1910      D-14-04-03
  "Byxbee--At Willamette Sanitarium, Salem, Oregon, March 7, Mrs. Jennie M. Byxbee aged 49 years, 11 months, 20 days.
  Mrs. Byxbee was the wife of Charles Byxbee of Independence." d/o John J. & Rebecca Ann Bowan; b. MI; died of shock following operation for pelvic adhesions which resulted from several previous operations per D/C #835

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